How to call Belarus like a neighbor

How to call Belarus like a neighbor
How to call Belarus like a neighbor

Russia and Belarus have always had close relations. And not only because we are neighbors, although this is also very important. Our countries are inhabited by Slavic peoples-brothers. Russians and Belarusians have common historical roots. Besides, for a long time we were one country. And as a result, the number of Russians living in Belarus is more than 8% of the total population of the republic.

It so happened that in a neighboring country, many live, if not relatives, then friends. And for many, knowing how to call Belarus is a must. Moreover, close proximity promotes close ties between citizens of fraternal countries.

How to call Belarus
How to call Belarus

How to call Belarus

A phone call to a neighboring country can be made from both mobile and landline phones. But, not knowing how to call Belarus correctly, you can dial the number for hours and not get through to the desired subscriber.

First you need to dial the number 8 and waitend of the first beep. Then we dial 10 - this is a well-known number in order to be able to access long-distance communications. This is followed by dialing the code of Belarus, this is a three-digit number 375. It should be known in advance before calling to Belarus.

How to call Belarus
How to call Belarus

And before the last step, you just have to enter the area code where you want to call. If you need to call the capital of Belarus, the city of Minsk, then you should dial code 17. Other settlements of this country have their own codes, which can be found on many Internet sites.

After you have marked the area code, you should dial the subscriber's number. It must be remembered that in all large cities of Belarus, telephone numbers are seven-digit, and in small towns and villages they are usually six or five-digit.

How to call Belarus from a landline phone, we have studied, now let's look at how to do it from a mobile device. At the beginning, instead of the number 8, you must type the + sign. This symbol is used by all mobile operators to replace the international access code. The next step is to enter the number of the called party.

Determining how much a call from a mobile phone to a mobile phone will cost you is quite difficult, since the rates are constantly changing and each operator has its own. On average, the price is about 3 dollars per 1 minute of conversation. If someone calls from Belarus to your phone, then such a call will be free for you.

Before calling Belarus from a mobile phone,Beeline subscribers should make sure that the account has at least $ 50, otherwise the cellular operator simply will not turn on roaming. But MTS turns on roaming automatically.

How to call Belarus correctly
How to call Belarus correctly

If you want to know how to call Belarus cheaper, we inform you that for this you need to use the Internet. Some social networks, such as Odnoklassniki, allow you to make calls around the world. And the conversation from computer to computer is carried out without charge at all.

Those who often visit the Republic of Belarus are advised to call Russia using special cards from payphones. For calls from a mobile phone within Belarus, it is advantageous to purchase SIM cards from MTS and Velcom operators.