Today we will discuss what the Old Russian font is, what is its origin. In addition, we will analyze how to use this font in popular programs such as Photoshop or Word.

At the junction of the Indo-European and Slavic periods, there were already differences in the morphology of nouns and verbs in the Russian script. Most of the modern suffixes were formed on the basis of Old Slavic suffixes. Many of them are the result of the fusion of the basics with the final sounds. This is how the old Russian font came about. In the Old Slavonic language, names could change in numbers and cases. After the closed syllables were lost, the type of declension began to be determined, first of all, based on the gender - masculine, feminine or neuter. In the Proto-Slavic language, numerals did not add up the category of an independent part of speech.
Terms of operation of fonts

True Type technology has two main components: True Type bitmap and True Type fonts. Both components exist for displaying and printing fonts in computersystems.
To choose a beautiful old Russian font, you need to do simple steps:
- Enter in the selected program the necessary phrase that indicates the desired font.
- Specify the font type and size of interest.
- Press "OK". As a result, the user gets the desired artistic spelling.
Special old Russian font
The database is regularly updated with beautiful fonts with old Russian style. Those people who use them in their work are constantly interested in downloading new versions. A beautiful old Russian font will delight you with a variety of styles. It is suitable for Word and Photoshop. You can easily search for the most appropriate style for a particular document. In addition, you can add your own font to the main bases of the program if nothing suitable could be found.
Fonts in Photoshop

Working with this program is unthinkable without using a variety of styles in signatures. If fonts are required for a personal site, you can visit one of the specialized web projects, where you will find all the necessary elements in the public domain. This will allow you to create original design work. The problem is that the standard set of fonts is not always suitable to meet all requirements. For example, there are cases when you need to make a work in a vintage style, design a postcard in a Gothic style, or make an original inscription on a poster. This is what special directions in fonts are created for. First, developeddifferent Cyrillic fonts. Graffiti-style lettering is also popular, which looks good against a grunge background. As for vintage, the old Russian font for Photoshop will come in handy. Ordinary handwritten Russian lettering is perfect for retro work. They go well with vintage textures and details. Among the inconceivable number, any designer will choose something for himself. Old Russian font for word and for Photoshop allows you to expand the possibilities. Some people believe that the font for Photoshop is somewhat different from the one that is available in Word. But this is not true. When a font is installed in the operating system, it will subsequently appear in all programs that provide the ability to select a font.
There are Russian stylistic directions, including the old Russian font, there are also special English (Latin) ones. However, they are incompatible if the font was created only for a specific language.
By the way, thanks to the capabilities of the Photoshop editor, a masterpiece can be made from any inscription using the tools built into the program.