It's hard to imagine the life of a modern business person without a plastic card. Moreover, most successful people who earn by no means small money, along with ordinary debit cards, also use credit cards, often even several. The demand for this product today is great among all segments of the population, and interest in it is more than justified. Such cards allow you to always have a supply of free financial resources, regardless of salary, and help out a lot in case of various unforeseen situations, spontaneous purchases. To date, there is a fairly large list of banks that have very interesting offers in this segment. Among them is the "Russian Standard", which has proven itself over the past few years. More than 25 million Russians use card products of this bank today. Credit card "Russian Standard" issued in the amount of about 40 million pieces, and this is not the limit. Why is it so attractive to the citizens of our country? Like herto receive and what conditions should be expected when applying to the bank? This article will answer these questions.

General description of bank credit card
The conditions and rules for using this kind of product are similar for most banks. But each of them has its own nuances and advantages. What is remarkable about the credit card "Russian Standard"? Firstly, it is very easy to get it and often you don’t even need to go to the bank for this. You can apply online on the website of the credit institution. This will allow you to receive money quickly, but in a limited amount. The fact is that the maximum limit on the card is 450 thousand rubles. To count on such a considerable amount, in addition to the standard set (passport and second document), you will need to provide a 2-personal income tax certificate, and for this you will still have to visit Russian Standard Bank.
It will be possible to issue a credit card for a large amount even if you own real estate or a car. Then you should indicate in the questionnaire and these data. Such clarifications will allow the bank to better assess the financial condition of the borrower and provide him with a large amount of funds.
The advantage of the card is in its interest-free period, which is 55 days. During this time, you can fully repay the loan amount without paying additional interest to the bank. However, it is not necessary to do so. Money can be used for a longer time if it is not possible to repay the debt within this limited period. The only condition- make a minimum payment of 5% of the used credit funds monthly.

Card design and conditions
To whom and under what conditions is the Russian Standard credit card provided? The application can be submitted by persons aged 25 or over (there is a special offer for those over 18) and not older than 65. In this case, you can count on the following offer:
- credit limit up to 450 thousand rubles;
- 0% on debt repayment within 55 days;
- 36% when using credit funds over 55 days;
- 4, 9% ATM withdrawals;
- free application and release;
- 600 rubles for annual card maintenance.
In addition, in case of a positive credit history and with regular use of the card, its limit will constantly increase. Also, the bank charges a small percentage on the balance of funds on the card - 3% per year (a trifle, but nice).
You can keep both credit and own funds on the card (there is no interest for their withdrawal). You can pay both in Russia and on trips around the world.

Varieties of credit cards
Next, we will look at some of the bank's most interesting offers in the category of plastic credit cards.
Card "Malina"
Depending on your needs, you can choose one of the offered loan products of Russian BankStandard". A credit card whose conditions will appeal to shopping lovers is "Malina". In addition to all the standard features, it allows you to accumulate bonus points in the amount of 10-15 units for every 100 rubles spent on the card. In the future, they can be exchanged for gifts from a special catalog "Malina". The program involves a variety of cafes and restaurants, online stores, pharmacies, gas stations, dry cleaners and other services. Such a card can be a great gift for your beloved woman.

Cash Back Card
There is another attractive Russian Standard credit card that allows you to benefit from shopping. It's called Cash Back. Already by the name it is clear that it makes it possible to return part of the funds spent on the card. From the first purchase it is 10%, and in the future - from 1 to 3% incrementally (depending on the volume of purchases made). Another advantage of this card is the percentage for using credit money, which is 29% against the standard 36%. Agree, an attractive offer.
Blue American Express Card
This product is a real find for those who travel frequently and care about the safety of their funds. What does this Russian Standard credit card offer to its owners? Firstly, the ability to protect your money from fraudulent transactions with coverage (reimbursement) up to 10 thousand US dollars. Secondly, legal and medical, as well as luggageinsurance while traveling both within the country and abroad. Thirdly, a refund to the card of up to 2% of funds from purchases made on the card. In addition to all these benefits, another gift is a year of free banking. This will allow especially doubters to check all the features of the product without spending a single ruble of their own funds. See, you'll love this "Russian Standard" credit card! Reviews about this product confirm that they continue to use it in subsequent years, despite the cost of maintenance in the amount of 900 rubles. By the way, the percentage for using money is also lower than under standard conditions, and is 29% per annum.

Card "Student"
Finally we got to the youth product so desired by the student population. Student credit card "Russian Standard" is intended for persons aged 18 to 23 who study at universities in full-time and part-time departments. To apply for it, you will need to provide a student ID card or a record book to the bank to confirm your status. For young and often unemployed (or part-time) students, this product is very attractive. The card service costs only 200 rubles, and those are taken only for the first year of use. There is also an interest-free period on it, and the rate itself is lower than standard conditions - 29%. In addition, paying with this card, you can receive attractive bonuses in the form of discounts up to 30% in various cafes, clubs and otherentertainment venues that are in demand by young people.
As for the limit, initially it is set in a small amount. Usually it is 10 thousand rubles, which are regularly renewed in the amount of debt repayment. However, with constant and careful use of the card, this limit will be increased by the bank if it sees the student's serious attitude to credit funds. In general, this card is a great way to increase your pocket money and learn how to interact with credit structures.

Plastic today is a convenient and often profitable replacement for a wallet. And the Russian Standard credit card is an effective tool that allows you to expand your financial capabilities and use the bank's money on favorable terms, and in some cases practically free of charge. The bank offers many options with different conditions and bonuses, which you can choose according to your needs and status. Use credit cards to make your life richer and brighter!