Is there an analogue of "Cattle Depot", and why is it needed

Is there an analogue of "Cattle Depot", and why is it needed
Is there an analogue of "Cattle Depot", and why is it needed

When the social network "VKontakte" appeared, there was a social boom: everyone wanted to start a page and add as many friends as possible. In pursuit of popularity, people engaged in cheating, someone bought ratings for votes or gave themselves gifts from fake pages. The epic of fake popularity lasted long enough. One of the notable aspects of this time was that the girls posted their photos in the albums of popular groups in order to get more likes and friends. Sometimes these photos were kind of erotic.

What is Cattle Depot

After some time, the "Skotobaza" service appeared, which collected such photos and stored them in one place on a third-party server. The site was popular, because many guys wanted to know what photos their acquaintances and girlfriends posted. A little later, the site also learned to collect hiddenphotos.

analogue of cattle base
analogue of cattle base

This function worked thanks to the tracking of the page: when a person uploaded a photo album, but did not hide it immediately, a few minutes were enough for the photos to be sent to the attackers. Of course, such a site violated the principles of ethics and confidentiality of personal life, so they tried to close it with all their might, which soon happened.

Analogue of "Cattle Depot"

Whether there is an alternative to the site, users found out very soon. After some time, an analogue of the site "Skotobaza" appeared, which was available at

The service provided similar services, and could also filter profiles by country and city, find the pages of people who are your friends, and compile a popularity rating. Also, a distinctive feature of the service was a closed group on VKontakte, where active users of the site collected links to the profiles of the girls who "burned out" the most. Now the address of this site is available for purchase, and a similar domain in zone belongs to Facebook at all - this is how the competing social network receives additional traffic.

skotobaza analogue of the site
skotobaza analogue of the site

Where did the Cattle Depot go, and is there an analogue of the site

If you are not particularly concerned about the moral side of the issue, and you really want to find an analogue of "Skotobaza" on the Internet, you can try to access the resource

The site is working, but its database is much smaller than the previous onesservice versions. Also, you probably won't be able to access it using a regular browser, as ISPs block it.

To bypass such blocking, there are special VPN connection services. VPN allows your computer to connect to web resources not directly, but through an intermediate server that processes traffic. Thus, for your provider, everything will look like you are accessing this VPN server, but the provider will not know that you are looking for an analogue of "Cattle Depot". To do this, it is necessary to use significant computing power in order to decrypt the traffic, but this is unprofitable and does not make sense for the provider, since he has blocked the necessary domain, which means that he complies with the rules.

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Consequences of using the service

Sites like "Skotobaz" were often used to blackmail people whose intimate photos were found there. For scammers, your views on the world or anything else do not matter. Therefore, do not be so sure that the analogue of "Skotobaz" will not collect your personal information in the background in order to further blackmail you.

If you decide to use this service, then definitely be prepared for the consequences, because any person has the right to privacy. Photos that got on the Web due to negligence or unawareness by a person of their actions should not fall into the wrong hands. It's always better to stick to the "do what you want to be done" rule.