How to listen to your wife's phone - reveal secrets

How to listen to your wife's phone - reveal secrets
How to listen to your wife's phone - reveal secrets

Of course, few people dare to deny the fact that the majority of the stronger sex has such a quality as jealousy. Men are especially alarmed by the situation when their spouses go to another room to talk on a mobile phone or hang up a call in their presence. What might this behavior mean? In this case, the question of how to listen to the wife's phone suggests itself. Do not hire a private detective, because this pleasure is not cheap. How to listen to your wife's phone for free and is it possible?

Weigh the pros and cons

Before considering these issues, it is necessary to warn jealous people, because there is a secret of telephone conversations, so the fact of access to them is illegal.

How to listen to your wife's phone
How to listen to your wife's phone

Ultimately, you can be prosecuted. In addition, the moral aspect of this case cannot be discounted. Will you be able to calmly look into the eyes of your spouse when she finds out that youknow about the contents of all her telephone conversations? It is very likely that your marriage will crack after this, as your missus will believe that you do not trust her at all.

However, if the moral aspect of the problem is secondary for you, and the question of how to listen to your wife's phone is the main one, then it makes no sense to stop your intentions. Unfortunately, feeling jealous, a person is ready for any reckless actions.


So, what are the ways to solve the issue of how to listen to the wife's cell phone? There are several.


The first of them is for informational purposes, as it belongs to the official category. It involves a direct appeal to the mobile operator.

How to listen to your wife's cell phone
How to listen to your wife's cell phone

However, such a service is provided exclusively to representatives of law enforcement agencies, provided that they have permission from the relevant authorities. In this case, the operator must provide all the statistics of outgoing and incoming calls, as well as the content of all sent SMS messages. We emphasize once again that ordinary citizens cannot use this method.


Don't know how to bug your wife's phone? You can use the illegal method if you are not afraid of the consequences outlined above. The meaning of wiretapping in this case is to intercept the signal that comes from the mobile phone to the operator's base station and back. It must be taken into account that financialpoint of view, this method is considered quite expensive, since it will be necessary to purchase special equipment. And yet, in deciding how to listen to the phone, a huge number of people use it. Why?

How to listen to your wife's phone for free
How to listen to your wife's phone for free

Firstly, there is no direct contact with the mobile operator, and secondly, the likelihood that the wife will find out that she is being checked by such a sophisticated method is minimized.

However, it is necessary to say about the shortcomings of the above method. The fact is that its range is limited - only 300 meters from the tapped phone. In addition, you need to take into account that the mobile operator can change the encoding of the transmitted signals, and in this case, the efficiency of your listening equipment will be equal to zero.


However, there is another solution to the question of how to listen to the wife's mobile phone. To do this, you will need the so-called "spyware" software, which is quietly installed in the cell phone. Such know-how works on the principle of conference calls. During conversations, it imperceptibly involves a third party in the communication process and duplicates it to another number, which is indicated in advance.

How can I listen to my wife's phone
How can I listen to my wife's phone

The disadvantages of this method of wiretapping include the fact that for each model of a mobile device, an individual program algorithm should be created. Moreover, it is mandatory to establish direct contact withlistening device.

Internet help

Today, many are interested in how you can listen to your wife's phone without paying a penny. Unfortunately, free cheese can only be in a mousetrap. At the same time, you can find a free version of spyware, but be prepared for the fact that it will have functional limitations. How to listen to your wife's phone? Everything is very simple. Use the internet.

The World Wide Web is currently full of programs that are able to function incognito on a bugged phone, transmit and save the contents of telephone conversations and SMS messages, as well as determine the geographical location of an object and even photograph it with a built-in camera. Certain software allows the device to work like a "bug": you make a call and hear everything that happens on the "other end of the wire".

How to tell if a phone is being tapped

So, we have decided how to listen to the wife's phone.

How to listen to your wife's cell phone
How to listen to your wife's cell phone

It would be useful to consider signs that may indicate that your conversations are being tapped.

The battery in your mobile device runs out quickly

If you begin to notice that your cell phone battery is always hot and drains quickly, then it is possible that you are being tapped. Be sure to check this fact with specialists.


When your phone is out of timeresponds to the shutdown mode or randomly reboots, this may also indicate that the contents of your conversations are becoming known to third parties.

Uncharacteristic sounds in the machine

If you hear extraneous sounds, noises or unfamiliar voices while chatting with your interlocutor, this may be a sign that your device contains spyware.


The likelihood of wiretapping can be high when you notice that a mobile device located near "idle" speakers is causing interference.

How can I listen to the phone
How can I listen to the phone

This is a clear sign that the spyware has activated and is broadcasting the conversation to third parties.

Communication with the interlocutor takes too long

Sometimes there are cases when, by pressing the call button on the phone, you have to wait for a long time when the connection with the interlocutor occurs, and the disconnection period is also excessively long. The above signs can also confirm the fact of illegal access to telephone conversations. In this case, the software takes a certain amount of time to transmit the contents of the phone conversation.

What to do if you are being tapped

If you are sure that the content of your telephone conversations becomes known to third parties, this is a reason to contact law enforcement agencies. The police will use special equipment to check your suspicions.

In general, if you are not sure,that your other half is faithful to you, then you should resort to listening to her telephone conversations as a last resort. Better to sort things out face to face. Also try not to leave your cell phone unattended for a long time and use different passwords when unlocking it.