How do I know if my mobile phone is being tapped? Combination of numbers to check

How do I know if my mobile phone is being tapped? Combination of numbers to check
How do I know if my mobile phone is being tapped? Combination of numbers to check

The development of modern technologies has reached such a level that mobile phone operators may well be engaged in listening to a mobile phone in accordance with a court order, as well as intruders who wish to establish control over you. And absolutely anyone can be in such a situation. In this regard, it is quite natural that the question may arise: "How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped?" There are several options to consider.

How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped
How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped

The easy way

If you are really interested in how to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped, then you should know that you can download many programs from the Internet that allow you to record conversations and transfer them to attackers from the victim's mobile phone. At the moment it is possibleassign to the risk group devices that run Windows Mobile and Symbiam. It is quite difficult for an ordinary user to find a program on his device that records his conversations. However, it is worth mentioning the presence of certain symptoms that indirectly indicate the presence of wiretapping on the device.


So, if we talk about how mobile phones are tapped, then we should consider programs for these purposes. They are conditionally divided into two groups.

The first ones record tapped conversations directly into the phone's memory in a hidden mode. About five megabytes of free memory will be enough to record an hour-long conversation. Modern devices have 30-50 megabytes of free memory, which is enough to record 6 hours. Next, ready-made data packets are transferred from the phone's memory to an e-mail address in some way. Funds for data transfer will be debited from the device that was wiretapped, which will affect the payment for communication services.

The result of the second method is less reliable. When the listening device starts a conversation, the attacker receives an SMS message, which indicates the number of the incoming or outgoing call. And after that, a call is made to the listening phone in order to break into the conversation, that is, start the conference call mode. This method is not perfect, so it is rarely used.

How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped code 33
How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped code 33

What to look out for

A mobile phone hot battery is a mustalert the user. A high temperature indicates that at this moment the battery is being discharged quite actively. This is normal if you talk on the phone for a long time, but if the device has not been used for several hours, then this may be a sign of an application that is actively consuming battery resources, and it may well be a spy.

Features of work

If we continue to talk about how to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped, then it is worth paying attention to how it turns off. The presence of a slight delay in this process may also indicate the presence of a spyware application. Before turning off the power, the smartphone's operating system shuts down all background processes and also stops applications that are currently running. Considering that the spyware program records sound files and constantly checks for Internet access, the process of its operation may take a little longer than others. Naturally, a long shutdown can sometimes indicate normal software problems, but more unfavorable options are no exception.

Are cell phones being tapped
Are cell phones being tapped

Side effects

Another indicator of whether mobile phones are being tapped is the presence of radio interference. During a conversation, sometimes various extraneous sounds appear on the line, for example, echo, all kinds of clicks or hiss. When the signal is weak, it is considered normal, but in the presence of such sounds constantly and for several days, it is worthstart worrying. If we talk about how to understand if a mobile phone is being tapped, then radio interference can be considered a clear sign of this.

How mobile phones are tapped
How mobile phones are tapped

One more important point should be noted. The antenna of the mobile device also interferes with the speakers and speakers, responding to them with an unpleasant sound. In the normal state, the device infrequently accesses cell towers, with which it currently has a connection. And if we are talking about how mobile phones are being tapped, then the presence of interference typical of a radio signal in the sound of speakers may most likely indicate the presence of spyware that connects to the Internet to transmit data packets.

Hard ways

It's not easy to eavesdrop on a cell phone using special equipment. The communication channel has such an encoding that it is rather problematic to intercept it even for a very experienced craftsman. Of course, there are ways, but they are very expensive and complicated. Such devices are called "interception complexes". And here it is worth mentioning one important point: this method can only be used by special services when connecting network operators. In this case, there is no answer to the question of how to understand if a mobile phone is being tapped.

How to find out if a mobile phone is listening to a combination of numbers
How to find out if a mobile phone is listening to a combination of numbers

However, you should not despair, because you can simplify your life in this situation. If you decide that your device is being tapped with the help of an operator,then you can use some tricks. It is worth using different telephone sets, as well as several SIM cards. You can simply abandon mobile communications, replacing it with IP-telephony. There is a device called a scrambler that you can use to protect yourself.

How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped: a combination of numbers

So, you already know several ways to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped. Code 33 can be used as another one. To do this, dial the following combination on the device: 33 and a few digits. If on the screen you see the numbers that you are typing, then everything is in order, otherwise you can be sure: you are being tapped. However, many argue that this is a myth, and phones, for example, from Samsung, will always display a hyphen instead of numbers.

How to find out if mts mobile phone is being tapped
How to find out if mts mobile phone is being tapped

Reducing the likelihood of eavesdropping

You can reduce the likelihood of such a difficult situation in quite accessible ways. Do not transmit important and confidential information over the phone: credit card information, passwords, information about financial transactions and large payments, and so on. A mobile phone is not the best way to conduct important business conversations, the results of which can have a strong impact on other people. If you still need to carry out such a dialogue, then you should use either special devices or encryption systems.

If we talk about the possibility of intercepting the phone signal, thena conversation on a mobile phone in a fast moving car will be much more difficult to intercept, since you need to be in close proximity to the device. And this can be used as one of the ways to find out if the MTS mobile phone is being tapped.

Tell a reliable person false information. If it is made public, you can be sure that your device is being spied on. Now you understand how to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped? The combination of numbers 33 can be your very first assistant.
