DIY TV antenna - simple and affordable

DIY TV antenna - simple and affordable
DIY TV antenna - simple and affordable

Antenna design is not as popular now as it was at the beginning of the television era. Then not only the TV, but also the antenna was a huge deficit, and the signal was so weak that you had to choose a place for the TV in the most unexpected places in the apartment. Nowadays, radio stores amaze with a variety of assortment of such products. But sometimes it becomes necessary to make an antenna yourself, for example, in a country house where a breath of civilization is required, or in a car for long journeys, especially since this is not a tricky occupation, and almost any item is suitable for this purpose. Homemade antennas are even more diverse, and they are often more effective than factory ones.

DIY tv antenna
DIY tv antenna

How is a TV antenna constructed? With your own hands, it turns out that it is quite simple to build it. A knitting needle stuck into the socket of the TV, or a wire raised to the window. Such primitive decisions in good conditions can take two or three channels. But if the signal is weak, you can try to make an antenna out of beer cans and a wooden coat hanger. It is enough to strengthen the cans on a hanger, connect a coaxial cable, a signal core to one can, shielding to another, and the simplestantenna is ready. Now you can enjoy an acceptable picture in the UHF band.

What can be a homemade TV antenna? You can build a fairly attractive product with your own hands, and in terms of parameters it will not be inferior to the factory one. To do this, you will have to work hard: calculate the required number of vibrators, pick up a reflector (fortunately, the Internet offers many calculators for this), strengthen everything on a rigid dielectric bar, solder a coaxial cable. You get an excellent gain, and if you still adapt the amplifier from the old Polish antenna, the signal reception will be many times better and more confident. Antenna for digital television can be made according to the same principle.

antenna for digital television
antenna for digital television

And if a do-it-yourself TV antenna is still a relic of the past, then analogues for GSM and Wi-Fi are now very popular. GSM reception is the same radio signal, but with a different frequency and wavelength, so a do-it-yourself GSM antenna is just as real as it is for TV. Since the wavelength of these transmitters is shorter, the antenna must also be smaller. Sometimes it's enough just to use the F-connector and the familiar tin can. We clean the cable, fasten the connector and carefully insert it into the hole made in advance on the side of the can. The other end is connected to the GSM signal receiver. But this is a simple option, comparable to a knitting needle on a TV.

DIY gsm antenna
DIY gsm antenna

A more reliable version of the antenna for the ultra-short range can be built by bending copper wiretwo squares with a side of 84 mm and a soldered cable. If a more directional antenna is needed, a metal screen should be made. Such an antenna is suitable for confident reception of not only a GSM signal, but also Wi-Fi.

A homemade TV antenna will help you show your creativity and technical ingenuity. With your own hands, you can make a high-quality and useful design that will brighten up your leisure time in the country and does not require any material investments.