Often you may be faced with the question: what numbers do Beeline numbers start with? For example, if a subscriber is thinking about purchasing an operator's SIM card or wants to clarify what kind of mobile connection the subscriber uses, from whose number he received a call. At the moment, there are a number of mobile operators, in addition to the popular "big three". Sometimes it is quite difficult to quickly determine from which phone the call was made, and even more so in which area the person who made it can be registered. What numbers do Beeline numbers start with? How to learn to independently determine belonging not only to the telecom operator, but also to the city/country?

What parts does a standard mobile number consist of?
The conventional mobile number format can be divided into several parts:
- The first one is the definition of which country the number belongs to (in our case, for Russian telecom operators it is"8").
- The second is a unique code that is the identifier of the communication service provider (you can often find the mention of the Def-code; it can be used to easily calculate which operator the subscriber uses).
- The third is a unique numerical sequence allocated to each subscriber by the telecom operator that reserved it.

What numbers did Beeline numbers start with earlier?
As for the black and yellow communication giant, it also has its own numbering capacity. In the early 2000s, such combinations were very popular - 905/903. Seeing such a code, one could say with absolute certainty that the owner of the number is a person using the services of Beeline. Moreover, it would be quite difficult to unambiguously determine the region in which the SIM card was purchased and registered. And this was due to the fact that the operator had only such combinations - only after some time the "range" of Def-codes was expanded.
By the way, you can also add the code 909 of Beeline to the combinations listed above. Thus, if you meet a person with a black-and-yellow operator number, the first three digits of which are identical to one of the above values, it is safe to say that he has been using communication services for a long time or received this number from his relative. Although the option is not ruled out that he just bought it, and the previous subscriber who owned this number simply stopped using it.

Modern Def-codes of the Beeline operator
Now, visiting an online store or contacting a communication salon, you can see that the choice of codes with which the number begins has expanded significantly at Beeline. The phone can start with a value included in the interval:
- 900-909;
- 951-953;
- 960-968.
Please note that some of the codes may be used by other operators. For example, Tele2 numbers can also start with the sequence 952 and 953.
How can I find out which operator and region the number belongs to?
Due to changes in legislation, it is now impossible to claim that he is the owner of the number that contains the code 905, "Beeline". At the moment, subscribers can keep the number they got when concluding an agreement with any operator, and use it using the communication services of another service provider. The opposite rule also applies: Beeline's mobile number could previously belong to, for example, MegaFon. You can get acquainted with the detailed conditions for switching from an existing number to another operator in official sources (for example, on the resource of the communication service provider to which the contract will be concluded in the future).

Option 1. Beeline website
On the official portal of the black-and-yellow telecom operator, just visit the "Individuals" - "Help" section. Here, in the list of items, you need to select the verification of the number ownership. In a special form, in accordance with the above recommendations, it is necessaryto enter a numerical sequence. After some verification, information about this number will be displayed.
Also on this resource you can view a collection of codes for all countries and cities. For each country and city, codes will be given here. You can get such information by sending a free message to 5050. The name of the country of interest must be indicated in the text of the message. In response, information will be sent about which code corresponds to it.
Option 2. Third party portals
What numbers Beeline numbers start with can also be viewed on third-party resources. One of them is the online reference "Codifier". Here, by selecting the one whose digital data we are interested in from the list of available operators, you can see the full number of rooms. Please note that here you can even enter in a special form the number from which you called, for example, and the system, after a short check, will tell you from which region the call came and which operator this person uses.

There are many similar resources on the Global Web that allow you to get information about dialing codes, numbers belonging to mobile communication providers.
In this article, we looked at what numbers Beeline numbers start with. The subscriber's phone, which, you think, is serviced by a black-and-yellow operator, may not always be in his fund. According to the current legislation, the subscriber has the right to decide independently which operator's services to use,leaving himself the number that he had previously purchased from any of them. Thus, a number with the numbers 903 can be easily found by a person using communication services, for example, MTS.