Streams are now very popular. And they are not only watched by teenagers and young people. Live broadcasts have replaced regular TV for many, because on streaming services you can find everything your heart desires.
For streamers, this platform has become a good income. Moreover, if novice hosts can only earn a little extra money, then experienced streamers live and travel on donators' money. That is why many consider streaming a goldmine and are trying to figure out how to start streaming on YouTube.
Streams in brief
Live streaming has probably become popular since the advent of Twitch. Then the four friends decided to create a platform where they could show their lives in real time. After some time, the service began to gain popularity, and gamers migrated to it.
So Twitch turned into a playground with let's plays and walkthroughs. Cybersportsmen also moved here at one time. Due to the crazy success of Twitch, YouTube also wanted to implement a similar feature. Now these are competing platforms, but lately it has been veryoften streamers use a repeater that allows them to start broadcasting live to two resources at once.

What to do on the stream?
If you have just decided to figure out how to start broadcasting on YouTube, you better think carefully about what content you will present to the viewer. Remember that it's important to stand out, so you need to constantly keep an eye on trends, memes and everything that people are interested in on the Internet.
Besides game streams, platforms allow creative people to realize themselves. Therefore, some streamers may host live streams of music, art, or dance. But in fact, there are no clear distinctions in what you can do on a live broadcast. Although you should follow the rules of the resource: do not show prohibited material, do not be naked, do not promote murder and drugs, etc. Each service has all these rules.
How to start broadcasting on YouTube? First you need to create an account in this service. Now almost all Internet users have it, since a recent update of the resource policy links it into a single Google account. Therefore, as soon as you register in this service, you will automatically have an account on YouTube and other services from Google.
Registering an account is easy. To do this, just follow the instructions: enter your mail or come up with it, use a password, and also specify personal data. The next step is to confirm the
Working with the resource
How to start broadcasting on YouTube? To do this, go to the site of the resource. In the upper right corner you will see a photo or an icon of your account. We click on it and look at the proposed options.

It's worth noting right away that you can add another account to the main one. You will use the first one for personal purposes, and the second one you will have for streaming. Here you can simply change it in two clicks.
Live broadcasts are available in the "Creative Studio" section. The first time you go, you will have the opportunity to explore the streaming feature and learn how to start live streaming on YouTube. There is a video tutorial for this.
On the left you have access to all the tools for managing streams. Here you need to select the line "Other functions" and go to the "Live broadcast" section. Here you have the opportunity to set up a new stream: enter a name, specify the date and time of launch, come up with a description and set tags. There is also a button "Start live broadcast".
In order to follow the progress of the stream, you need to find the line "Start broadcast" in the "Other functions". This shows the screen your viewers see, as well as the chat.
By the way, the layout of the elements may differ if you are using the old or new version of Creator Studio. Many streamers continue to use the old version because it is more convenient.
How to start broadcasting on YouTube? OBS is a program that will help in this matter. In general, such toolsthere are a lot now, but OBS is the most popular program and free. Many streamers started with it, and on a whim, beginners continue to install it for themselves. Besides OBS, you can also use Streamlabs or Xsplit.

The principle of operation of each resource is the same, the difference is only in the interface. You can install the program from the official site. After launch, you will see that most of it is occupied by a black screen - this is your workspace. This screen is exactly what your viewers will see.
Bottom you can set up scenes, and next to add sources for each of them. For example, you decide to stream a Dota 2 game, for this you create a scene with its name, and add the game itself to the source through the Game Capture function. In addition, you can use the "Video Capture Device" (webcam image), and much more.
If after Dota 2 you decide to launch CS:GO in order not to reconfigure everything again, you can create a second scene for this game. Thus, you can have many scenes for different stream topics.
The program also has a sound setting in the "Mixer" tab. All sources that can record and play sound are displayed here. You can configure them yourself by selecting the desired microphone and speakers. Filters can be added to each of them to improve the quality of the stream.

Stream settings
How to start streaming to YouTube via OBS? To do this, you need to set up the stream. Immediately worth itto say that each system is configured in its own way and in many respects it all depends on the technical characteristics of the computer, the Internet and devices. You may need to readjust a few times to find the best settings for you.
Go to the "Settings" tab in the OBS program. In General, beginners are advised not to change anything. Let's move on to Broadcasting. Here it is worth installing the service where you are going to stream: in our case, this is YouTube. Select a server below (if you want to connect to a live broadcast via Twitch or another service).
Enter the stream key below. This is a cipher that every YouTube channel owner has. To find it, you need to return to the site in the "Live broadcast" tab. Below will be the key that you need to copy and install into the program. Do not share this key with anyone!

Next, go to the "Output" tab in the OBS program. How to start broadcasting on YouTube from a computer? Streaming needs to be set up correctly. You need to set the video bitrate. On average, this figure is 3500-4500. This parameter depends on the speed of the Internet, so if you have a high one, then you can safely set a higher value, in this way you will only improve the picture.
Below you need to set the hardware encoder and the audio bitrate to 160. Finally, it remains to set the resolution in the "Video" tab, which often depends on the desired picture quality and device capabilities. Best streamed at 1920 x 1080.

Mobile streaming
If you're even a little familiar with streaming, you've most likely seen some streamers doing road shows. To do this, you need to know how to start broadcasting on YouTube from your phone. All you need is a smartphone and the YouTube app on it.
Next, just run the program, allow it access to the camera and microphone, and then go to the appropriate section "Live" - the video camera icon on top. You will be taken to a section where you can start recording or start streaming.