YouTube affiliate program from 0 subscribers: how to start making money on video for a beginner

YouTube affiliate program from 0 subscribers: how to start making money on video for a beginner
YouTube affiliate program from 0 subscribers: how to start making money on video for a beginner

For many, Youtube is a way of entertainment and a channel of information. This is true: a lot of videos on a wide variety of topics are posted here every minute. To learn how to learn how to dance, play the guitar, how to complete a level in your favorite game, watch news, a video and much more, you just need to go to Youtube.

However, for people "on the other side of the screen" (video authors), the video hosting service is a source of income. Advertising does its job: thousands of views can bring a lot of money. At the same time, the user gets the opportunity to see interesting material, and the owner of the channel gets to recoup the funds invested in the development of the material and continue to develop.

True, in order to monetize views, you need to cooperate with an affiliate program. In fact, these are intermediary services between those who generate video impressions and advertisers. It is profitable to work with them for the reason that such programs already have all the necessary tools for making a profit. At the same time, there is even an affiliate program for YouTube from 0 subscribers - one in which even the owner of an unpromoted profile can start working.

Amount of earnings

affiliate programs foryoutube for beginners
affiliate programs foryoutube for beginners

In fact, all the data about how much you can earn on YouTube with the help of your videos depends solely on the account's performance. The number of subscribers, views, age and number of videos on your channel play a role. True, YouTube affiliate programs for beginners allow you to start earning even for those who run the channel for 1-2 months. At the same time, on average, a person will receive 1.5-3 dollars per 1000 views of the video in which the advertisement is placed.

Of course, it is impossible to say exact numbers, since the subject of the channel plays a big role. For example, financial sectors, in which advertising is a priori more expensive, can bring more than entertainment.

Short list of affiliate programs

One of the most popular programs for beginners can be called "Thank you, Eve." True, it has a quantitative limit of 600 subscribers to the channel. Thus, it is impossible to say that this is an affiliate program for YouTube from 0 subscribers.

Other service - Youpartnerwsp. Here, for the authors of the video, the conditions are softer: accounts with 0 subscribers are allowed, including very recent ones. True, there are restrictions on the number of videos (from 10 pieces) and on the age of the channel owner (at least 18 years old).

You can also mention the Tube-Partner affiliate program, which has flexible conditions for registering partners (there are now, according to statistics on the site, more than 144 thousand users). You can work with them without people subscribed to you. This means that this is also an affiliate program for YouTube from 0 subscribers.

Don't forgetabout Life Network. Another program with which you can not only create captivating videos and share them with everyone, but also receive a certain income.

How to get started?

affiliate program for youtube from 0 subscribers
affiliate program for youtube from 0 subscribers

It's very easy to make money from your Youtube channel! First, of course, you need to create this channel. This is done directly from the Google account. After that, you need to create your own video (that is, shoot something interesting, useful and exciting for other people). It’s not worth waiting until your account becomes promoted and brings millions, because there is an affiliate program for YouTube from 0 subscribers, where you can earn money right now!