Portable GPS navigators Prestigio, Garmin: reviews, reviews

Portable GPS navigators Prestigio, Garmin: reviews, reviews
Portable GPS navigators Prestigio, Garmin: reviews, reviews

Companies "Pretigio" and "Garmin" in the market offer many portable navigators. They can be used by both motorists and tourists. However, the manufacturer divides them into categories, and this should be taken into account. Before purchasing a device, it is important to familiarize yourself with the product permission options. Additionally, you need to find out the frequency of the processor that is installed in the device. As a rule, the indicated parameter fluctuates around 400 MHz.

If we consider automotive devices, then a bracket for mounting should be provided in the model kit. Today, high-quality portable GPS navigators cost around 6 thousand rubles. However, cheaper models can be found on the market.

portable gps navigators review
portable gps navigators review

"Prestigio VT 55". Portable GPS navigators: review, reviews

This navigator is designed specifically for motorists. There are quite a lot of functions in it. First of all, it should be noted that many routes can be loaded into it at once. At the same time, data processingdoes not take time. Additionally, it should be noted that this navigator is not only compact, but also weighs very little. Thus, it is attached to the windshield without any problems.

In this case, the bracket for fixing the device is included in the standard package. The menu is completely in Russian, and it is quite easy to understand it. Speed dialing is provided by the manufacturer. If you believe the feedback from consumers, then the route is calculated by the system very quickly. The indicated navigator costs today in the region of 5600 rubles.

portable gps navigators prestigio
portable gps navigators prestigio

Reviews about the navigator "Prestigio VT 60"

Reviews of these Prestigio portable GPS navigators are generally good. First of all, they are praised for their durable body. Additionally, it should be noted that this model is controlled with great comfort. The menu in this case is simple, the letters in it are large. The brightness of the presented model can be adjusted. According to consumer reviews, the route using this device is planned in a matter of minutes.

Unfortunately, this navigator cannot be used as an audio player. It should also be noted that the battery is only provided by the manufacturer for 400 mAh. Without recharging, this device can work no more than two hours. On the market, this model can be purchased for 5 thousand rubles.

Description of the device "Prestigio VT 70"

For tourists, this navigator suits well, and it is in rather high demand. ATFirst of all, it should be noted that this device has an audio player. At the same time, the main formats for music are recognized by the system. Also, this model supports some video formats. The specified navigator weighs exactly 190 g when assembled. It has a plastic case, and it should be handled carefully, according to consumers. They also note that setting up the specified device can be quite simple. However, all settings are reset when the battery in the model runs out. These portable GPS navigators cost today about 6100 rubles.

What are they saying about the Garmin 20 model?

Many buyers prefer this navigator for its wide display. The resolution in this case is at the level of 320 x 420 pixels. In terms of functionality, this model does not differ from other devices. In this case, the standard audio player is used. At the same time, the microphone is installed quite high quality.

According to consumer reviews, this system plans the route very quickly. In total, the trajectory in this model can be calculated for 10 thousand points. If we talk about internal memory, then it allows you to record no more than 100 tracks. Batteries in this case are used of medium capacity, and their owner is enough for about three hours. This model is not afraid of high humidity, but low temperatures should be avoided with this navigator. Additionally, it should be noted that it does not tolerate even the slightest damage. The processor in this case is installed sensitive. On the market, the specified portable GPSGarmin navigator can be bought for 5300 rubles

portable gps navigator garmin
portable gps navigator garmin

Features of the device "Garmin Etrex 72N"

Reviews This Garmin portable GPS navigator has both positive and negative reviews. If we talk about the advantages, it is first of all important to mention the versatility of the device. This model allows you to use geocaching. You can also find a hunting calendar in the menu. At the same time, the audio player is provided by the manufacturer with an interesting interface that many will like. This navigator plays MP3 format.

It can also read many video file formats. The case in this case is durable, but it is afraid of high humidity. You can use this model at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees. At the same time, this modification is not afraid of heat. The portable GPS navigators presented today cost around 4500 rubles.

portable gps navigator review
portable gps navigator review

Consumer reviews of "Garmin Etrex 10"

This portable GPS navigator usually receives a review from the buyer for a fairly powerful processor. It is capable of operating at a maximum frequency of 400 MHz. It should also be taken into account that the player in the specified model is available. In this case, the menu is quite extensive, and you can make detailed settings. In this case, data processing does not take much time. The specified device supports MPEG4 format.

Additionally, it should be noted that this navigator weighs only 120 g. Fortravelers, it fits perfectly. However, it can also be installed in a car. The battery in this model is built-in polymer type. Its capacity is at the level of 600 mAh. There is a USB connector in this model, it can be connected to a personal computer. These portable GPS navigators cost about 4800 rubles.

portable gps navigators
portable gps navigators

Features of modification "Garmin 30T"

Reviews of the specified navigator are usually good, but it still has disadvantages. First of all, they are associated with a weak processor. In this case, it withstands the limiting frequency at the level of 300 MHz. Thus, long routes are calculated by the system for quite a long time. However, they are not always correct. If we talk about the advantages, then the battery of the navigator is installed with a large capacity. Without recharging, the device can work for about three hours.