Billboards - what is it? Production of billboards, their sizes

Billboards - what is it? Production of billboards, their sizes
Billboards - what is it? Production of billboards, their sizes

An effective means of promoting goods and services, as well as companies in general, is advertising. Outdoor advertising is used to attract the attention of a wide audience. Billboard is a great tool for its placement.

What is this?

billboards what is it
billboards what is it

The design name "billboard" comes from the USA. There, companies hung up posters with advertisements (“bills”, announcements) on wooden boards, boards (“boards”). The purpose of this design is to inform traffic participants and fix in their memory advertising information about the types of services provided, the company's products.

So what about billboards? What it is? These are billboard structures for outdoor advertising. They are frames fixed on a support, sheathed with plywood or galvanized steel sheets, covered with weather-resistant compounds.

The importance of location

Billboards are installed along roads and streets, on highways and highways with a saturated traffic flow, dividing lanes, on roofs, ends and facades of buildings. The placement of outdoor advertising in places of maximum traffic for people and vehicles is the most effective in an advertising campaign, since such billboards are used dailycome to the attention of representatives of all social groups.

The most advantageous location of billboards with outdoor advertising is in the area of reducing the speed of a moving stream in front of traffic lights and turns, pedestrian crossings and other restrictive signs, in places of constant traffic jams. Often they are placed near the place of sale of the advertised product. To attract the attention of pedestrians, it is recommended to install advertising structures along the sidewalks. An effective shield is installed on the median strip and covers opposite traffic flows.

Billboard advertising

placement on billboards
placement on billboards

Billboards should not be covered by objects that interfere with visual perception: buildings, trees, heavy vehicles. Convenient and accessible viewing of information on billboards will have a positive result.

Such designs attract the attention of passengers when moving in traffic due to the screen size and striking design. These criteria affect the visual memory of the image. Billboards should be attractive, but not overloaded with information.

Scientists have proven that the perception and storage of a picture in memory is much faster than reading a text. The driver has little time to get acquainted with the information so as not to be distracted from driving. Therefore, advertising on billboards should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Little tricks

Not too much text, focus on the graphic part. The advertising slogan mustconvey the essence of the proposal. For this, it is better to use a large and clear font. At a distance of more than 50 steps, light text will not be visible, and too bold will merge into a continuous strip. Plain lettering with contrasting tones is great.

Placing a large amount of textual information on billboards is possible near pedestrian crossings. This is due to the low speed of movement of people. The amount of information on the boards should be such that a person during the movement has time to familiarize himself with the text from beginning to end. Bright lighting of billboards at night enhances the impact and creates a positive image of the company.

Custom-designed advertising structures emphasize the specificity of certain buildings, optimally blending with street architecture from an aesthetic point of view. The size of the billboard should be in harmony with the surrounding objects. So the advertising structure will not cover the decorative elements of buildings.

Classification of structures

billboard size
billboard size

1. By the number of parties on which information is posted. Depending on this, they distinguish:

- one-sided;

- bilateral. That is, side "A" is directed to the main movement of the flow, side "B" is opposite to it;

- three-sided billboards. What does this mean? This view provides for the combination of three planes into a structure for installation, for example, at an intersection;

- four-sided (less common).

2. Form:

- flat;

- V- shaped;


3. By the size of the advertising field. The standard billboard size is 6x3 m. Commonly used and popular billboard sizes are 6x3 and 12x3 m. There are also large-format billboards 18, 1x6, 1 m. One of the advantages of such designs is the manufacture of structures of any size at the request of the customer.

4. According to the type of construction, there are collapsible billboards (transformers) and non-collapsible billboards.

Types of advertising structures

1. Static are standard free-standing structures.

2. Dynamic installations are the most effective. Manufacturing technology and design features provide for the alternate appearance of several images. These include prismaboards (prismatrons) - these are shields measuring 3x6 m. The information field of this design consists of trihedral equilateral prisms. When they are rotated 120°, the images change, and when they are cycled 360°, the picture changes three times.

billboards photo
billboards photo

Digital billboards show videos. There are models that use visual special effects, interactive and holographic images.

Today, in addition to traditional stationary billboards, mobile billboards are popular. What are these structures? They are also called auto posters, auto shields, brand cars. Placed ads on moving vehicles are very noticeable. A parked car easily turns a movable mobile billboard into a stationary one. Such advertising is best used as a supplement for promotions taking place in various places.

Installation and assemblydesigns

Before installing billboards, you need to select a specific area and analyze its passability. This determines the future location of the shield. For structures installed for the first time, it is necessary to obtain permission for their placement and coordination with the relevant services: city authorities, advertising and architecture departments. Usually advertising agencies are engaged in these organizational moments. Yet the format of the shield is regulated by the city's architecture departments.

Usually profitable places are already taken, so it is much easier to purchase or rent an installed structure from advertising agencies and conclude an appropriate contract with them. The billboard support is installed on a block foundation or a monolithic slab with reinforcement.

Billboards are exposed to wind and snow, so special attention is paid to installation. The installed structure must be strong and reliable.

Installation considerations

billboard production
billboard production

- It is your billboards that should stand out against the background of other competitive advertising media. Photo, drawing, background, number of characters, spacing between letters and words, text color and font - all this is important!

- The angle between the plane of the billboard to the direction of the moving stream.

- Billboard visibility. The advertising field should not be covered with trees, buildings, poles, road signs. At night, it is recommended to use a backlight for illumination.

- Requirements of the transport inspection -compliance with the permissible distances from the roadway to the shield during installation.

Production Features

Conditions for placing billboards - high-quality production of billboards. To do this, the base is covered with galvanized steel or plywood. The surface is treated with a special protective compound (for example, drying oil) or sheet metal. This prevents damage from adverse weather conditions.

Poster printing

advertising on billboards
advertising on billboards

Billboard posters are made in a printing house. With non-standard solutions, they are combined with special lighting, 3D elements, inserts, fragments protruding beyond the border of the advertising field. Printing in progress:

- on thick paper. It does not tolerate the influence of the weather, so the life of such posters is negligible. Recommended for one-time advertising.

- on the fabric from which the advertising banner is made. A billboard with such a fabric will look high quality and interesting.

What methods can be used to apply an image?

- painting;

- graphics;

- self-adhesive film;

- large format full color printing.

For small runs of posters (up to 5 pieces), it is recommended to use self-adhesive film, which is unpretentious to weather conditions and is represented by a large palette of shades. The most time-consuming is the painting, because it has limitations on the quality of the paint and the duration of production. Used for exclusive advertising with a unique concept.


A popular and easy way to place on billboards is printing, which provides for digital or offset printing. The first method is used for printing posters only from thick paper and small runs (minimum 10 posters).

Offset method prints information on a special banner (vinyl) fabric of different density. If installed correctly, the poster will last up to 3 months. Over time, it will need to be replaced (due to weather conditions, rapid fading of a dark color). Pre-press preparation and production of a poster from banner fabric takes a lot of time.

For the production of a single advertising photo in one day, you can use large-format printing. Special color printers print on both thick paper and vinyl. The electrostatic method is gaining popularity among the methods of applying images.

Billboard Benefits

banner billboard
banner billboard

- affect a wide target audience, effectively influence participants in transport and pedestrian traffic;

- cover a large area when conducting advertising campaigns;

- display a colorful picture and good quality text of any complexity and size;

- designs have sufficient strength and reliability;

- additionally illuminate areas located next to the shield at night.


So, billboards - what is it? This is a kind of outdoor advertising that effectively affects strata of the population. Panel structures are widespread in modern society and are the most sought after in advertising.