How to find songs from videos: the easiest and most reliable ways

How to find songs from videos: the easiest and most reliable ways
How to find songs from videos: the easiest and most reliable ways

It happens that when watching a video on YouTube or other similar services, you hear a melody that you really like, but alas, the author of the video does not indicate anywhere what the song is, and he does not respond to comments, or this option is completely disabled. How to find the songs from the video in this case? The article is devoted to the solution of this problem.

The easiest way to search

The easiest and most obvious way to find songs from a video is to search in search engines by text.

how to find songs from video
how to find songs from video

If at least one phrase of the song is clearly heard in the video, you have a rather big chance to successfully find its lyrics, which means the title, the artist, and other information.

In order to start the song search, you need to type the heard phrase in the search engine in quotes (this is how the refined search is activated). About 80% of the songs are found on the first try.

If you are not sure that you heard the phrase correctly, or the song was not found from the first request, you can try to search for the text without quotes by typingadditional keywords like "song", "lyrics", etc. This will broaden your search range and increase your chances of success.

Search with Android or iOS smartphone

Today, your phone is not only a device for calls and text messaging, it is a multifunctional "combine" that can do a lot - you just need to install the necessary software. They even created an application to search for songs - Shazam.

search song from video
search song from video

Shazam (aka Shazam in Russian) is a service for mobile platforms with about 11,000,000 tracks in its database! An impressive number.

Search for a song from a video is as follows:

  1. You are installing the app from Google Play or the AppStore (the procedure is the same as installing any other app).
  2. Launch Shazam.
  3. Start the video and click on the big Shazam sign.
  4. Nothing more is required of you: the program will automatically activate the microphone, listen to part of the audio recording and search through its databases, after which it will return the result.

In order for the search to be carried out as efficiently as possible, select a segment of the video where the song is clearly audible, there are no extraneous sounds - the speech of the presenter or the author of the video, cars passing by, etc. The chance of a successful search increases if the melody is well pronounced - for example, in the chorus.

find songs from video
find songs from video

If you are endowed with an ear for music, you can try to sing a song to the program yourself. But you really need to have an ear: if you don't hit the notes, Shazam will "say" it doesn't recognize your singing.

Search with Midomi online service

How to find songs from a video if you can't distinguish the words or they don't exist, and you don't want to install Shazam on your phone, or your model doesn't support this app? In this case, the Midomi online service will come to your aid.

The essence of the work is the same as that of "Shazam", but to access the service you only need a computer and a running browser.

How to find songs from videos using Midomi:

  1. Go to the Midomi service website.
  2. Search for "Voice Search" - the button labeled "Click and sing or hum". Click it.
  3. Sing or scroll through a section of the song for identification.
  4. Get the result.

Midomi is better at recognizing sung songs than Shazam, so you can try it even if your hearing is less than perfect. After all, it's just fun.

If nothing else worked, or the most time-consuming way

One of the hardest ways to find a song from a video will take a lot longer and you'll need to install additional software, but if none of the above methods worked and the desire still persists, you'll have to tinker.

songs from the video
songs from the video

How to find songs from videos if other options didn't work:

  1. First you need to save the video from YouTube or other online resource to yourselfon computer. The easiest way to do this is to use the savefrom service: YouTube videos can be saved by typing "ss" in the address bar before the address, immediately after http and after www if it is in the address.
  2. Then you need to extract the audio track from the video. It is not necessary to use expensive software for this - free and lightweight programs like "Free Video to MP3 Converter" are enough.
  3. The resulting mp3 file (if necessary, you can further process it and cut out the part with a "clean" recording without extraneous sounds) must be uploaded to any online music recognition service that requires an excerpt in mp3, and start the search.

This method is the most reliable, but also the longest. It helps in the vast majority of cases.

Now you know how to find your favorite melody or song in a video. There are many ways - choose the one that is preferable for you. Good luck!
