How to replenish an MTS account with a Sberbank bank card?

How to replenish an MTS account with a Sberbank bank card?
How to replenish an MTS account with a Sberbank bank card?

Mobile operators offer just a huge number of different options for replenishing a subscriber's mobile account. For example, you can go to any branch of the corresponding bank and pay a fee through the cash desk; use specialized devices - the so-called boxes; transfer funds to an account from electronic money systems, etc. There are really a lot of ways. Each mobile subscriber will be able to choose exactly what is more convenient for him.

top up mts account with a bank card sberbank
top up mts account with a bank card sberbank

One of the most popular existing methods for replenishing an account is using money on a regular bank card, which everyone now has. However, even in such a simple matter, there are options. Today we will consider in detail the replenishment of the balance of the subscriber of the MTS operator.

When the Internet comes to the rescue

You can top up an MTS account with a Sberbank bank card from the bank's website. This opportunity is one of the mostconvenient, since in this case a person can immediately check what was transferred and where, and also have on hand a confirmation of the operations, albeit in electronic form. To use this method, you must first bind a mobile phone number to a card in any ATM of the system.

replenish mts account using a bank card
replenish mts account using a bank card

This is done once and, among other things, increases overall security. The initial password for accessing network services can be written down, remembered, and even better not thrown away, but saved the check issued by the ATM during registration, in which everything is indicated.

So, in order to replenish an MTS account with a Sberbank bank card using the Internet, you should go to the bank's website and specify your password and login. A digital combination will be sent to the registered phone number for confirmation. After entering it in the request window, the main menu of the online bank will open, where the entire left side of the image on the display is reserved for fast payments. Here is a list of major mobile operators, including MTS. After clicking on it, a dialog will appear in which you need to specify the details of your card and the amount. The last step is to enter the secret code sent via SMS. Having decided to replenish an MTS account with a Sberbank bank card, you don’t have to worry about various hidden fees and commissions - not a single extra penny is withdrawn.

Service codes of operators

No less interesting is the method that allows you to replenish an MTS account from a Sberbank bank card using a set of a special combinationby analogy with checking the funds in the account. So, to replenish the mobile number linked to the card, you need to dial the combination900amount in rubles. The number of operators supporting this feature is constantly increasing. Number 900 is Sberbank, not intermediaries, so the reliability of the method is quite high.

Mobile operator

You can top up your MTS account with a bank card without visiting the online banking resource. You need to open the operator’s website, select the item “Financial services, payments”. Further "Payments - Cellular communication - MTS - Payment from a bank card". Further, everything is simple: you just need to fill in the required fields correctly.

top up your mts phone account from a bank card
top up your mts phone account from a bank card

Here is a mobile number with a country code, an amount from 100 rubles and full card details, which can be found on it. Additionally, it is possible to indicate your e-mail address (mail), where receipts for the operation will be received. There are no additional charges.

There are several ways to replenish an MTS phone account from a bank card. All of them are quite efficient and reliable. You just need to choose the most convenient.
