Alternative technologies: LCD or plasma?

Alternative technologies: LCD or plasma?
Alternative technologies: LCD or plasma?

Today there is no longer a question of what is better - a CRT monitor or an LCD display. For the average user, the choice is obvious. The technology for the production of liquid crystal screens is constantly being improved and opens up new horizons in this area. What are the prospects for its further development? Will LCD be able to successfully compete with alternative technologies?

LCD display
LCD display

The abbreviation LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) means the well-known liquid crystal display. This technology was invented a long time ago, but due to the difficulties in industrial production, it has not found wide application. Small screens on such crystals could be seen on electronic watches of that time. They were black and white and did not last long. At the same time, new and high-quality models of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) appeared, which gradually conquered almost the entire market.

The development of LCD technology has been going on for almost 30 years with amazing results. For todayday LCD-display almost completely ousted its electronic competitor from store shelves. It has excellent performance characteristics and successfully competes with alternative devices.

LCD displays
LCD displays

Modern LCD-display in its parameters has gone far from its black and white predecessor:

  1. He began to serve much longer.
  2. The screen resolution and size have been greatly improved.
  3. It is as bright as a CRT monitor.
  4. Good contrast (250:1).
  5. Excellent viewing angle (120 degrees).
  6. Small size and light weight.

Today, the LCD display is more attractive to the buyer than the CRT monitor. Only a plasma screen can become an alternative to it, but it will take a long time before its practical implementation, which will satisfy the needs of a wide range of users. The very technology of its production is too expensive and labor-intensive, it has a high power consumption, and it has the same color rendering problems as other competitors. In addition, the "plasma" is very difficult to achieve high resolution. Its main advantage is the high brightness and contrast of the image.

buy LCD display
buy LCD display

In this parameter, it overtakes other types of monitors. But in terms of dimensions, LCD displays are leaders, they are much more compact than both plasma and CRT. It should also be noted that they are completely safe for human he alth. They do not emit harmful radiation andelectromagnetic fields.

But every production has its own shortcomings that cannot be eliminated. Before you buy an LCD display, pay attention to the presence of "broken" pixels. It is believed that there should not be more than three of them on one screen. To distinguish them from the rest is quite simple - such pixels always glow in only one color. Test the screen by changing the same type of pictures and choose the best one.

Interesting prospects for the technology of light-emitting plastics (Light Emission Plastics). It is constantly evolving, and Cambridge Display Technology has made great strides in this direction. The luminosity of such screens has been constantly growing and today has reached the level of modern LEDs.