What emails are: list, popularity, pros and cons

What emails are: list, popularity, pros and cons
What emails are: list, popularity, pros and cons

An important service on the Internet is email. It allows you to send and receive letters from all over the world. Email is not just one service. This term combines a wide range of services created by different companies. What kind of emails exist is a rather interesting question for Internet users.

Types of emails

E-mail works a lot. Their similarity lies in receiving and sending letters. However, there are differences between emails. They are associated with the presence of additional functions, the need to pay for the service provided.

The presence of differences suggests what types of e-mail exist. The first type is provider mail. They are created by companies that provide users with access to the Internet. For example, several years ago there was MTS Mail. The service was launched in 2011. Subscribers of this operator could free of chargecreate mailboxes with domains @mymts.ru, @mtsmail.ru. The project ceased to exist in 2014.

The second type is the usual free services on the Internet. It is most convenient for residents of our country to use mail from Yandex, Mail.ru, Google (Gmail), Microsoft (Outlook.com). The interface of these services is presented in Russian.

The third type is corporate mail. They differ from ordinary mail in that their address indicates the domain of a particular company, and not the well-known free service. Corporate mails are created in different ways. One of them offers "Yandex". This company provides a free mail creation service with a specific domain. This service can be used by ordinary people, organizations, portals. Corporate mail does not require maintenance. Yandex engineers are doing the necessary work themselves.

Types of emails
Types of emails

Email from Yandex

Understanding what kind of e-mails exist, you should first of all pay attention to the Yandex service. It is one of the most popular in our country. The service has been operating since 2000. E-mail has several important advantages:

  1. Reliable protection against virus threats has been created. Dr. Web anti-virus is used to scan emails.
  2. Spam protection is well thought out. The company has developed a special product. It's called Spam Defense.
  3. The size of the mailbox is not limited. This is a very important plus, because many emails from other companies do not have it.

Be-mail, you can create folders for sorting letters and specify certain rules (from whom to collect letters in this folder, on what topic). Also, the service has several sections for automatic sorting:

  • "Communication" for letters from ordinary people.
  • "Purchases" for correspondence with online stores.
  • "Trips" for letters with booking tickets, hotel rooms.
  • "Social networks" for automatic notifications coming, for example, from "VKontakte".
Email from Yandex
Email from Yandex

Service from Mail.ru

What kind of e-mails exist in Russia? In addition to Yandex, the list also includes Mail.ru. This service has been in existence since 1998. Today Mail.ru is the most popular mail in Russia. It also provides protection against viruses and spam.

If you look into the settings of this mail, you can see "Anonymizer" there. This is a young service that started its work in 2015. This service allows you to use an anonymous address. Thanks to the Anonymizer, users protect their main mail from unwanted emails, which often begin to arrive after registering on various sites.

Mail from "Mail.ru"
Mail from "Mail.ru"

Features that made mail from Mail.ru popular

Some people are so interested in Mail.ru that they don't even care what kind of email list exists. Popularity is due not only to the above-mentioned pluses. A huge number of people use this service for 2 reasons. In-First, Mail.ru has a social network "My World". Access to it opens after registration of e-mail. In My World, you can find friends, meet new people, post your own and view other people's photos, play games, etc.

Secondly, the company operates "Mail.ru Agent". This is a special program for instant messaging, making video calls and sending SMS messages. Mail.ru Agent has been released in several versions. One designed specifically for computers and the other for mobile devices.

Google Mail Service

The list of all internet emails includes Gmail. This is the name of the Google mail service. It is actively used by citizens of Russia. It is also considered the most popular in the world. Advantages of this postal service:

  • presence of a spam filter;
  • availability of a mobile version, where mail is available in more than 40 languages;
  • checking incoming and outgoing mail along with attached files for viruses.

Gmail supports 2-Step Verification. Any user can enable it at will to enhance the protection of their account. With activated two-step authentication, each time you enter the mail you need to enter not only your login and password, but also the verification code that comes to the number of the linked phone.

The disadvantage of the Gmail mail service is that the mailbox size is limited. At the time when the service was just created (and this happened in 2004), only 1 GB was available to users for storing letters. However, according toAs the company developed, this figure grew. Since 2015, users have been offered 15 GB and the possibility of increasing up to 30 TB.

Mail service from "Google"
Mail service from "Google"

Microsoft Outlook.com Mail

The answer to the question of what kind of emails exist can also be Outlook.com. It was created by Microsoft. In the proposed mail, you can specify additional addresses (for example, for shopping, work). The main mail can be used for correspondence with friends. Letters arriving at the main address end up either in the Inbox or in the Junk Mail. Letters arriving at additional addresses are stored in additional folders.

A few years ago, there was no advertising in the mail service. Now it is, but any user can turn it off. The company offers 2 paid mail versions:

  • with no ads;
  • strengthened protection against phishing and malware;
  • premium customer support;
  • 1TB OneDrive cloud storage.
Mail "Outlook.com"
Mail "Outlook.com"

Other benefits of Outlook.com mail

After registering mail, each user has access to the OneDrive cloud storage mentioned above. The free version of Outlook.com only comes with 5 GB. The storage is designed to store various files, photos. It can be used not only through a browser, but also through a special application for a computer.

Microsoft has developed other services, inwhich can be entered via mail are “Tasks”, “Calendar”. There is access to create files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). Skype is built right into the mail, allowing you to correspond with friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives, make calls.

Registration of e-mails
Registration of e-mails

Design free mail

All those e-mails that exist on the Internet and are named above have long had the function of customizing the background. The standard theme can be replaced with a beautiful design. For example, in Yandex mail, there are several dozen topics that set a certain background. You can choose weather, cartoon, game, children's themes.

Gmail also has a lot of themes to design. It is also possible to install any image. The user can upload a beautiful image from the Internet that he likes, or some personal photo, a memorable frame.

Other free mail

There are other services mentioned above. However, it is impossible to show all emails, as there are several dozens of them. Another example is:

  1. ProtonMail. This is Swiss post. It is available in different languages. The Russian language is among them. In Swiss mail, sent and received letters are encrypted with a special algorithm. This feature provides a high level of security.
  2. AOL Mail. This is a secure email service. The company that developed it operates in America. The mail service has multilingual support,unlimited capacity. Numerous domain names are supported (@aol.com, @games.com, @love.com and more).
  3. GMX Mail. A free email service owned by a German company. Its main features are an unlimited mailbox size, protection against spam and viruses, a contact list in which you can set an address, photo, phone number for each interlocutor.
Foreign emails
Foreign emails

There is no short answer to the question of what kind of emails exist. Yes, and you do not need to know all the services. All e-mails perform their basic functions qualitatively, so any of them can be used. It is only recommended that you always write down your login and password, indicate true information about yourself when registering, so that in the future you will not lose access from mail and be able to quickly recover when hacked.
