What city area code is 351?

What city area code is 351?
What city area code is 351?

The telephone number of a Russian subscriber contains 10 digits. The first three are the area code, the remaining seven are the subscriber number of the telephone network. It can be less than seven digits if the telephone network serves a small number of subscribers.

To find out which city code - 351 - is displayed in the number of an incoming call, you should open the telephone directory. If the number format is +7(351)---, then they are calling from Chelyabinsk, the telephone code of this region is 351.

How to dial the right number to call Chelyabinsk?

what city code
what city code

Chelyabinsk is assigned the area code 351. What number format should be dialed to call a subscriber from this region? There are three options, depending on where the call is made from:

  1. To call Chelyabinsk from Russia from a mobile or landline phone, dial: +7(351)-subscriber number.
  2. From the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan to Chelyabinsk: 8-beep-(351) - subscriber number.
  3. From other countries to Chelyabinsk: 007-(351)-subscriber number.

Why dial eight when calling from a landline?

landline phone
landline phone

The use of fixed phones is a thing of the past, now the most popular type of communication is mobile. But still, it will not be superfluous to know how to correctly dial a number on a landline phone. To call another city, you first need to know which city code to dial.

To make a long distance call in Russia, you must press 8 before dialing the full number - this is the long distance code. Given the eight digits, the dial should be 11. The number format will be: 8-(area code)-(seven digits of the phone number).

So, we found out which city code 351 is Chelyabinsk. But a cursory search on the net may yield other answers. The fact is that the international code of Portugal is also 351, only the phone number format is completely different.

To call Portugal, dial the following combination: 8(beep)10-351-(area code)-(phone number). An international phone number is easy to distinguish from a Russian one. When you see a long combination of numbers that includes the area code 351, no matter what number they call from, count the number of digits. If there are more than 11, then the call is international. For mobile users, an incoming call may be charged, please check with your network operator for details.
