How to set up MMS on Tele2: instructions and tips

How to set up MMS on Tele2: instructions and tips
How to set up MMS on Tele2: instructions and tips

How to set up MMS on Tele2? Despite the fact that this service is no longer in great demand, many consumers still use it. To understand the issue, you need to carefully study the purpose of this function and understand whether it is worth using it at all. And only then proceed to the instructions that will help achieve a positive result. But first, let's talk about the photo transfer function itself.

Why do we need MMS?

Mobile communication itself is unique and has many advantages. One of these is the ability to transfer photos as messages between subscribers. Against the background of various programs for communication, it is strange to be interested in how to set up MMS on Tele2. But we will inform you, because knowledge is never superfluous, especially if it is related to an everyday subject.

Image"MMS" - a unique service
Image"MMS" - a unique service

MMS is a universal function of mobile communication, which is paid. It allows you to share photos with other subscribers, regardless of their location. The main condition here is the presence of special settings that allowreceive information and download it for viewing.

Analogues of MMS

How to set up MMS on Tele2? Before we analyze this issue, you need to understand whether it is advisable to use them. It is not easy to answer this, because despite the presence of various analogues: VK, Odnoklassniki, WhatsApp, Instagram, subscribers continue to use photo transfer functions. We highly recommend that you use similar options, as they are free and the easiest to use. But if you want to use standard MMS, then we turn to useful instructions. They will help you understand all the steps and are guaranteed to provide a positive result.

irrelevance of the "MMS" service
irrelevance of the "MMS" service

Auto Settings

Is it possible to set up MMS on Tele2 on Android? In fact, the settings technology is designed in such a way that it is the same for all phones, regardless of the model and version of the operating system. Therefore, you can safely use the following instructions:

  1. Pick up the phone.
  2. Dial 679 on it, press the call button.
  3. Listen to the answering machine.
  4. Wait for SMS with settings.
  5. Open it and go to the additional "Menu" using the three dots symbol on the top right.
  6. Select "Install".
  7. Wait for them to install.
This is how the message received by number 679 looks like
This is how the message received by number 679 looks like

As you can see, there is nothing complicated or unexpected. But it may happen that aftercall message does not come. In this case, you need to call the operator at 611 and explain the whole situation. He will personally send you a message, and you can use it. But this is the simplest option, which, although effective, does not always help. If this happened to you, then it is better to use another method.

Manual settings

How to set up MMS on Tele2 using another method? To answer this question, just use our special instruction:

  1. Pick up the phone.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Select Connections.
  4. Go to Mobile Networks.
  5. Select Hotspots.
  6. Click on the "Add" item on the top right.

As soon as you do all this, a new window will open in front of you, where you need to enter data. They look like this:

  1. Name: Tele2 MMS.
  2. Proxy server: enabled.
  3. Port: 8080 (if it doesn't work, you can use 9201).
  4. APN Access:
  5. MMS server:
  6. IP address:
  7. Connection type: GPRS.
This is how the window for manual settings looks like
This is how the window for manual settings looks like

After filling, do not forget to save all changes. Be sure to send a trial MMS to another subscriber so that the system registers you. If all is well, you can safely continue to use. If suddenly it didn’t work out, contact the support service at 611. You will receive additional advice and recommendations. Nowyou know how to set up MMS on Tele2, but that's not all. iPhone users may face some problems. How to solve them, you will learn further.

Problems with iPhone models

If you decide to set up MMS on Tele2 on an iPhone, then you should not be upset if nothing worked out for you. The problem lies in the technical component of this model, which can only be solved by calling 611. You will be sent separate instructions to help resolve the issue. But before that, be sure to use our recommendations, there is a high probability that they will help you. Unfortunately, such a problem is associated exclusively with iPhone models and it is almost impossible to solve it at a technical level. This happens due to the use of different information protocols of the mobile operator and phone manufacturer.

iPhone setting
iPhone setting

In conclusion, I would like to note that now it is impossible to send MMS from a computer to Tele2 using the official website. This feature has been disabled due to its obsolescence. Previously, users could freely try to send photos via the Internet, but now this possibility has been replaced by social networks and instant messengers. Otherwise, you can safely use all the available functions and just understand them well.