Modern quadcopters with cameras allow you to capture truly gorgeous views. However, their cost is quite high, and not everyone can afford such an expensive "toy". And for beginners, it will not be the best solution to immediately buy an expensive model. It is for such cases that the Syma X5C is the right choice. This quadcopter, despite its low cost, allows you to understand the basics of control, as well as shoot your first videos from a bird's eye view. In order to understand what is remarkable about this model, you should familiarize yourself with its official characteristics, as well as user reviews.
Key Features
This model is an ultra-budget solution for those who want to get acquainted with the capabilities of quadrocopters and feel like an operator and pilot. It is equipped with a simple camera that allows you to record video of lowpermissions. This will be enough to conduct training flights.
The power source is a 3.7 V battery with a capacity of 500 mAh. It lasts an average of 6-7 minutes of flight, which is a good result for a copter of this class. Its weight is only 108 grams when fully equipped, so it is recommended to fly either in complete calm or with minimal wind. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to keep it and there is a risk of losing this interesting toy.

The Syma X5C quadcopter with camera is powered by four collector-type motors, which are the best option because they are able to work stably at high speeds. It is controlled by a remote control that requires 4 AA batteries. It allows you to set the height and direction of movement.
Thanks to the built-in 6-axis gyroscope, the quadcopter is able to position well in space, keep the direction confidently, and also hover in place in calm weather.
Syma X5C uses a 0.3 megapixel camera to shoot video. The result is a video file with sides of 640480 pixels. Of course, this is not enough for artistic shooting, but these indicators are quite enough as a training sample.

Factory equipped
Quadcopter, in fact, is completely ready for use out of the box, you will need to purchaseremote control batteries only. The drone itself is delivered in a partially disassembled state - before the flight, you need to install propellers, protection, a camera and landing legs.
In addition to the above, the kit includes a cable for charging the battery, a card reader for connecting memory cards to a computer or laptop, a set of spare screws, a screwdriver and an English-language book with recommendations for the user. Instructions in Russian for Syma X5C are unlikely to be needed, since you can deal with the management and assembly intuitively, as well as using the illustrations.
Basic Operating Principles
The maximum distance at which reliable signal transmission can be provided is about 50 meters. However, even under line-of-sight conditions, the signal may sometimes be interrupted. If this happens, it is recommended to try to get as close to the copter as possible in order to be strictly under it. If you follow these recommendations, the chance to restore communication and not drop the drone to the ground is quite high. Since its mass is small, falls do not always lead to damage, but it is better not to risk it again.

It is recommended to indicate your phone number on the case so that in case of loss there is a chance to return the toy. You can lose your Syma X5C quadcopter without keeping track of the flight time and suddenly discovering that the battery is dead. Therefore, during the flight, the wound timer will not interfere, which will notify you of the imminent battery discharge.
Helpful tips
If it was decided to fly with a slight wind, then it would be best to start flying against its direction. Thus, even if the connection is lost or the battery runs out, the Syma X5C quadcopter will bring it closer to the operator, and it will be much easier to find it.
If unreadable files appear on the camcorder's memory card, do not immediately attribute this to a malfunction and delete them. Most likely, this is a consequence of a sudden power outage, because of which the file simply was not completed correctly. Checking a flash drive using the standard chkdsk utility will help you recover a damaged file and view it.
In order to increase the flight time, it is recommended to purchase a 750 mAh battery. It has the same dimensions, but slightly more weight. Thanks to this replacement, it will be possible to fly on a single charge for up to 10 minutes. In addition, having several charged batteries with you, you can replace them right in the field, which will allow you to make several flights in one exit.

Reviews about the model
Better than those who have already tested this quadcopter in the field, no one can describe it. That is why it is worth paying attention to the reviews and instructions for Syma X5C users who were able to test it. Among the positive points, they note the following:
- High strength. Due to its low weight and durable plastic, the quadcopter survives collisions with obstacles well.
- Stability and ease of control. High-speed motors make it highly"responsive", and allow you to change direction without problems.
- Low cost. Given the reasonable price, the Syma X5C drone becomes the best option for training. Even in the event of a breakdown, it can be easily restored due to the availability of all parts.
Among the cons, the following stand out the most:
- Sudden loss of connection. Sometimes a connection break happens just like that, from scratch. As a result, most often, the copter falls to the ground. Sometimes communication drops due to low battery.
- No instructions in Russian. The Syma X5C is a fairly simple machine, but some beginners still lack explanation.
- Poor image quality. The camera installed is the simplest, so you should not expect high-quality shooting. It is at the level of ultra-budget push-button phones.
- Low range. On average, crossing the line of 50 meters is not recommended, as this is fraught with losing sight of the quadcopter due to its small size, and subsequent disconnection.

The model under consideration is the best option for beginners who want to understand the basics of controlling a quadrocopter. It has a good list of pluses that allow you to control the drone with confidence. Due to its low weight, you can not be afraid to drop the quadcopter to the ground as a result of an unsuccessful maneuver. If necessary, Syma X5C can be repaired using available parts and purchasingnecessary experience for the future, which will come in handy after buying a more expensive model.