There are situations when you need to close an agreement with representatives of communication services for a certain period of time or completely terminate relations with them. For example, you need to temporarily leave, or you are going to change your place of residence, or you are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided. Under the terms of the agreement, you have the right to both suspend cooperation with representatives of communication services and terminate it.
The article will focus on how to abandon Rostelecom.

Suspension of service provision
According to statistics, Russians most often disconnect from the provider's services for a while (indicating the exact dates in the application). Vacation, business trip - this is not a complete list of reasons why people may be interested in turning off their landline phone, Internet or TV. Why? Because no one wants to bear material losses. That's whyclients are wondering how to avoid this, what documents will be needed, how long it will take, and whether it justifies expectations.

Internet shutdown
- Temporarily. Before you refuse the Internet "Rostelecom", you should determine for what time period you want to interrupt cooperation with a representative of communication services. To temporarily block access to the network, you should still personally come to the main office of PJSC Rostelecom, where you will need to fill out a questionnaire with your own hands and indicate the period of time for which you need to block. You must also include your passport details in the application. Do not forget that the suspension of contractual relations takes place in multiples of 1 calendar month. In other words, you will not be able to block access to the Internet for a specific number of days, since the suspension of services is carried out for a whole month. Therefore, before blocking, you need to think carefully. Also, in addition to your passport, you will also need the number of the contract under which you are provided with communication services.
- Forever. Personal presence in the office is required. If during the connection you were given some equipment, then it will need to be returned. Most often, this is written in the terms of the contract. But pay special attention to this, since you could have already bought it out before giving up on Rostelecom. The cost of equipment provided for communication is sometimes included in the amount of the monthly payment.
Previously PJSC Rostelecom providedthe possibility of completely refusing their services through certain commands of the "Personal Account" or over the phone. Unfortunately, this option is currently not available.

Also, before abandoning Rostelecom, one should not forget about paying off the debt, if any (for example, for two or three months of non-payment). There are cases when, with a long delay in paying the subscription fee, access to the network is automatically disconnected. But the payment is still charged. If the outcome is negative, PJSC Rostelecom may file a lawsuit and collect the debt from you through bailiffs.
Mobile Internet
To deactivate the "Mobile Internet" service, you do not have to go anywhere. That is, in this case, you can call the operator at the multi-channel number 8-800-100-0800 and disable the service remotely. You can also send a simple USSD request with a combination of numbers (usually starts with an asterisk () and ends with a pound sign ()). You can find out this combination of numbers on the website of PJSC Rostelecom.
Turn off TV
Interactive television is gradually losing its importance with the development of the Internet, so people are increasingly abandoning it. How to refuse television "Rostelecom"? There are several options:
- Office. It is necessary to come to the nearest customer service center, fill out a certain form (where personal data and contract number are indicated). But it's not alwaysconvenient, because it can take a lot of precious time.
- Letter. You can send a written application by mail, but not by e-mail, where your personal data, contract number and date of termination of services should be reflected. Most often, after receiving such a statement, employees of PJSC Rostelecom will contact you to clarify the details of the requested service and then block you.

Collective Antenna
In large metropolitan areas, very often in utility bills there is such a column as "collective antenna". Some, not using this type of service, continue to pay for it. And most often the reason for this is the banal lack of time. But you still have to come to the office and fill out an application. Starting from the next billing month, you will stop paying for unused services. If you are a tenant, then the owner of the premises must write an application. This will help to abandon the Rostelecom antenna.
View control
This is a very convenient service from Rostelecom PJSC, which is to stop watching a program or movie, rewind or record. And this option is also easily turned off. click on "Additional Services" - "View Control" - "Disable" - "Done".

Telephone off
If you are not going to use the services of a stationary homephone due to your temporary absence, you can turn them off.
- Temporarily. It is necessary to visit the provider's office, where you should draw up an application for the suspension of contractual relations, in particular, telephone communications for a specified period. The second option is to send a registered letter by mail with an application form. PJSC Rostelecom must send a response about the temporary suspension of the service.
- Block online. How to abandon Rostelecom's home phone for a while through the "Personal Account" of the official website of a communication services representative? The solution of this issue would make life easier not only for service users, but also for PJSC Rostelecom itself (thus, unloading its employees with automatic work). But, unfortunately, the provider does not currently provide this service.
- Forever. It can be difficult to refuse the Rostelecom phone in this situation. You should visit the nearest office of a communication service representative and write a statement about the desire to terminate the relationship. Only the person with whom this contract was concluded can turn off the phone. Or the application can be written by another person for whom a notarized power of attorney is issued, or one who has entered into the inheritance of the deceased. After writing the application, the employees of the organization will call you and confirm the blocking. Next, the representatives of the communication service representative will come to your home and complete the disconnection procedure. But they must agree with you in advance the time of their visit.
- Remote. Due to lack of time, you can remotely disable thisservice by sending a registered letter. But experts will still come to you to implement a technical block.

Can't come to the office by yourself?
In life, there are situations when a user cannot visit the office for some reasons beyond his control. For example, a person may be in another city or another country; have he alth problems, and more. How to refuse Rostelecom in such situations?
For such cases, the only option to block services is to have a trusted person. But not just a person, but a person who has a notarized power of attorney. It must contain personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, passport data) of the person for whom the service is registered, as well as the data of the person for whom the power of attorney is issued. Notaries also have application forms and are freely available on the Internet. The main thing is to indicate specifically what the power of attorney is issued for and what rights and obligations the authorized person is endowed with.

Thus, we have considered all the ways to refuse the services of Rostelecom. You can find a way out of any situation. The main thing is that you have a desire to solve the problem peacefully.