Flyer design. Development principles

Flyer design. Development principles
Flyer design. Development principles

A flyer is a printed product that contains printed information. She can advertise a product, introduce a new firm or company, and also offer a variety of services.

Flyers in everyday life

In the beginning, with their help, people heard news and various political information. Over time, technology and the media advanced to a high level, and flyers began to be used as advertising.

Flyer design
Flyer design

Flyer design has been constantly changing and evolving. From the original A4 size to the modern one, which is several times smaller. Density was also used differently. Thin papers perform best.

Flyers are filled with one or two sides, black and white or color.

Advantages and disadvantages

A significant plus is the cost of the leaflet. Due to the small size and low density, the price has significantly decreased. This allows you to print more copies for less money.

Diversity of formats also plays a role in the development of this type of printed matter. You can put it on the flyertext or graphics. This gives the organization the opportunity to express its message as broadly as possible on a small area of paper.

Unfortunately, most flyers are thrown away by users after delivery. It depends on many reasons. The most common is incorrect design.

The design of leaflets depends on many factors. To make high-quality and useful products, you need to determine the nature of the message. There are advertising, image, information leaflets. Most often, products from the first category fall into the hands.


She promotes products or services to a specific target audience. It is very widespread and has great versatility. Most often found in mailboxes, sales, shops, crowded and busy places.

flyer design
flyer design

The design of a flyer primarily depends on the information it contains. It includes:

  1. Data about the firm or company.
  2. Benefits of services or products.
  3. Discounts and promotions.
  4. Directions or directions.

The more competent and understandable the message is, the more likely it is that the leaflet will interest the client. It should contain the maximum amount of information.

It's not enough just to print a leaflet. In today's world, there is no place that is not occupied by advertising. Therefore, an ordinary and gray leaflet will be lost among similar ones, and will not fulfill its main function.

However, if it is issuedextraordinary, it will immediately arouse the interest of a potential client. Therefore, the design of leaflets must go through a responsible and serious stage of development. This will help you stand out and not join the ranks of unclaimed paper products.

Design flyer

The information contained should be arranged harmoniously. Colored paints should not be used. Bright colors attract attention, but their excess will lead to the opposite reaction. Therefore, it would be ideal to highlight key words in bright colors against a calm background. This will give the printed product attractiveness and harmony.

Leaflet design development
Leaflet design development

The product must have a wide demand, as the flyers are designed for a large audience. There is no point in globally distributing a product that is needed only by a certain segment of society.

Information must be submitted along with pictures. They complement each other and attract the attention of a person.

There are some simple and effective rules to help you design flyers correctly:

  1. Determining the specific audience for which the flyer is being developed. For different services or professions, a certain style of advertising is used.
  2. The leaflet does not allow using a variety of printing methods to attract attention, so the picture must be effective and attractive.
  3. A stylish and catchy headline will arouse interest in a person, and will not allow him to throw paper in the trash.
  4. The small format should have clear answers to all basic questions. For theirclarification, you must specify the phone number and contact details.
  5. The flyer should itself provide benefits to the client. For example, when presented, a bonus or discount is provided.

A leaflet with a thoughtful design will not be lost among the rest, and will help to add recognition to a product or service. By evoking positive feelings, she will turn potential customers into real ones.