Button shockproof phones: review of the best, reviews

Button shockproof phones: review of the best, reviews
Button shockproof phones: review of the best, reviews

An impact-resistant phone (button models) is a unique device that is actively purchased by users in modern times. Since unpleasant situations often happen with our gadgets - they fall out of their hands or pocket and hit a hard surface, thereby disrupting their work - people are looking for phones that can withstand at least the minimum impact force and continue to work after it in the usual mode. Fortunately, there are plenty of such options. And besides, they have not only a shockproof function, but are also perfectly protected from dust and moisture.

The article presents the best shockproof push-button phones. All of them help their owners to finally forget about the need to "shake" over their devices. They provide a decent degree of protection, so doubt aboutas these devices are not accounted for.

shockproof phone with a powerful battery
shockproof phone with a powerful battery

An overview of push-button shockproof phones will help you choose the best model. Since their number is quite large today, and the characteristics of all gadgets are very good, buyers often fall into a stupor when purchasing a device. And to simplify the task, you can simply choose one of the leading models, taking into account the characteristics and reviews about it, which are also presented in the article.

Ginzzu R62

In the first place of this top is a very good shockproof phone. Button models, unfortunately, today have already begun to lose their popularity, but this device destroys all stereotypes, due to which it often comes out on top in various ratings. There is a full-fledged radio station with a frequency range from 400 to 470 MHz, while the model is equipped with an external antenna that provides a communication range of about 2 km in an open field. In addition, a fairly good battery is provided here. Thanks to him, the device can operate up to 7 days without recharging with frequent use.

push button phone shockproof waterproof
push button phone shockproof waterproof


An impact-resistant phone with a powerful battery pleasantly surprises users with the presence of a radio station, a separate slot for a memory card and support for two SIM cards, which people note in their reviews. Moreover, the owners of this device like the adjustable clip designed to secure iton the belt.

As for negative feedback, they also come to this model, but much less often than positive ones. In them, buyers note the not too high quality of the screen, the absence of a frequency scanner, and also only one number per contact. Otherwise, there are no complaints about this phone.

best shockproof feature phones
best shockproof feature phones


This model should have been included in the rating of shockproof push-button phones. It has several specific features that will interest any user. It has an eight-channel walkie-talkie, a detachable antenna, configurable channels, an address book with 500 entries, and a fairly decent screen with increased image clarity.

People's opinion

The best shockproof push-button phone, according to buyers, they like it due to the presence of a built-in walkie-talkie, a detachable antenna, and a bright flashlight. Users claim that the combination of these elements in modern gadgets is a rarity. They also rave about the headset-free radio and the high-end screen.

Among the shortcomings, as a rule, buyers note two points - the susceptibility of glass to scratches and problems with the firmware. Fortunately, these nuances do not overlap the advantages of the model, so it continues to be actively bought up in different cities and countries.

teXet TM-512R

The device of domestic production boasts high autonomy - it is able to workabout a month without recharging with constant calls and listening to the radio. As for security, here the creator has provided aircraft-grade aluminum inserts along the edges, which are able to withstand fairly high loads.

texet tm 512r
texet tm 512r


People's opinion about this phone comes down to one thing: it is very good for use in various climatic conditions, as it can withstand both heat and frost. In addition, in this model, users like the high protection class, the presence of power pads on the outside, as well as a capacious battery that can be easily removed at any time.

Negative reviews of people do not come so often, but when choosing a device, it is still worth listening to them. Users, as a rule, are dissatisfied with the ability to write only one number to the contact book. In addition, not all owners are satisfied with the lock, which does not prevent a random response to an incoming message when the gadget is in your pocket or bag.

Ark Power F2

An impact-resistant phone with a powerful battery is popular not only because of this advantage, but also due to the loud speaker, SOS button and a spacious contact book. There is also a fairly bright flashlight. This phone is usually purchased for the elderly, as it seems to be an ideal option for them - large screen, comfortable buttons, not too heavy construction.

What customers are saying

In their reviews, users talk aboutthe benefits of the model. They love it because of its loud speaker, great battery life, an emergency call button inside the joystick, a radio that works without an antenna, and the ability to set up a quick call for nine contacts. In addition, people rave about the bright flashlight that turns on and off with a single movement.

The only major drawback that buyers often point out is the location of the speaker. Since he is behind, the conversation on the phone is heard by everyone around. But at the same time, despite frequent complaints about this, people are generally satisfied with the purchase and use it with pleasure, without fear of breaking or damaging it when it gets into the water.

Caterpillar Cat B30

Another popular shockproof phone. Button models usually have a fairly powerful battery, and this gadget is no exception. It is able to work offline for about a month. The gadget looks quite brutal, so it is most often purchased by men. As for the functionality, here it is very modest, but the degree of protection is quite high, so you should not be afraid for the integrity of the structure after the impact.

best shockproof feature phones
best shockproof feature phones

Customer responses

There are various comments about the device in question. People really like 3G support, which is surprising, since it is difficult to find such an addition in push-button models. In addition, users respond positively to the compactness of the device, as well asenough memory.

Among the shortcomings, people single out only a mediocre camera, as well as a small screen. The first point is indeed a significant disadvantage, but not everyone speaks about the second, since it is difficult to call it a negative side, because the phone itself is not too large, and therefore its parts cannot boast of size.

RugGear RG128 Mariner

The model completes the rating with an excellent degree of protection and decent performance in general. There is support for two SIM cards, a sufficient amount of memory, which, if desired, can even be expanded, as well as two batteries in the kit (main and spare). This model is well protected not only from impacts, but also from the penetration of moisture inside. At the same time, the device in question looks pretty decent, so it is popular among different segments of the population.

button shockproof phones rating
button shockproof phones rating


In the reviews of the owners of such a phone, in most cases, there are indications of precisely the positive aspects. First of all, they note a decent degree of protection against shock and moisture. In addition, users enthusiastically talk about a capacious battery and a moderately loud speaker. They also often point to such an advantage as the low weight of the device, which is only 127 grams, which pleasantly surprises every modern person.

push-button shockproof phones review
push-button shockproof phones review

Shockproof waterproof feature phone is notdevoid of flaws, although it is very difficult to find them. Among them, people note the lack of 3G support, as well as the so-called mocking amount of memory, which must be further expanded at their own expense. Otherwise, buyers do not see any flaws. These shortcomings do not cover the advantages, which is why the gadget is purchased by teenagers, businessmen, the elderly and other categories of the population.
