How to find out the password from Yandex mail if you forgot absolutely everything

How to find out the password from Yandex mail if you forgot absolutely everything
How to find out the password from Yandex mail if you forgot absolutely everything

Sometimes it happens that attempts to enter the email box are unsuccessful and it comes to the realization that the password is forgotten. But what to do, how to find out the password from Yandex mail? After all, the necessary distribution of information usually comes to the e-mail and different accounts from other sites are tied to it. Methods on how to find out the password from Yandex mail given in the article will help in 9 cases out of 10.

How to find out the password from Yandex mail if you forgot?

There are two reliable ways that are universal for all services. In addition, a third, alternative option will be described below, which is suitable in the situation if the login information is not automatically stored in the browser. How to find out the password from Yandex mail, read below.

Option 1: view saved passwords in Yandex browser

Now most of the well-known websites prompt the user to save the username and password immediately afterregistration and at the time of each subsequent entry. This is useful and necessary so that each time you do not re-enter data, and in case they are forgotten, there is always the possibility of access to accounts. In additional settings in the public domain, you can view email passwords and other information specified earlier.

Sequential password search:

  1. First you need to launch the Yandex browser and go to "Settings". To do this, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner, find the "Settings" item below and click on it.
  2. Opening Settings
    Opening Settings
  3. Scroll down the page and click on "More options".
  4. Open the "Passwords and Forms" category, "Password Settings".
  5. Additional settings
    Additional settings

Opens a window containing a list of all previously saved passwords for sites that have been successfully saved so far. All information is displayed in three columns. This is a name with an active link to a web page, a login (Username) and a password. Passwords are hidden behind asterisks.

To find your email, use the search. This field is in the upper right corner. Start typing the word Yandex into it, and the search will find your username and mail password. It remains only to click on the eye icon next to the encrypted password so that the system shows it as symbols, not asterisks.

So you can log in to your mailYandex. This strategy only works if you have saved your login details in advance. But remember that besides you, anyone who has access to your PC can do this.

Option 2: view element code

If the information is stored in the browser, autocomplete is triggered. And thus, when entering, the password is displayed in the form of asterisks or dots. By changing the element code, you can display the password in the form of symbols:

  1. In any browser where you have saved your password and login, log out of your email account.
  2. After logging out, a tab with an account login form will open. Select a line by holding the left mouse button and dragging over it, then press the right mouse button and select "View Code" (sometimes this item is called "Inspect Element").
  3. Then a console will open containing the code of the page, where a piece of the element necessary for viewing will be highlighted in blue. Opposite the word name (the name of the element code) will be written password, and the password will be written in the form of characters, not dots, in the value, provided that the autocomplete function is enabled.
  4. If the password is not displayed, in the type value, replace the word password with text.

So, now you know your password, it remains only to copy it and paste it or remember it, write it down. Both methods above are identical for all browsers and the procedure is always the same.

Recovery as a way to find out the Yandex email password

Unfortunately, not all usersuse the function of automatically saving passwords or filling in the fields for entering accounts during work. Also, in a situation where you need to log in from someone else's PC, there is no way to use such browser functions. In such a situation, you can try to recover your password.

Mail login
Mail login

First of all, you should try to log in to the Yandex mail on the main page of the browser and enter your login and a possible password.

Then click the item remember password. In the window that appears, enter the characters from the picture, captcha. After that, you will be offered several ways to restore access to your account.

Access recovery
Access recovery

From the possible options, sending an SMS code to a mobile phone or a spare e-mail address, as well as the answer to the previously specified security question. Choose an available method, and then follow the instructions. Now, finding yourself in a situation where you forgot your Yandex mail password, you know what to do.