Probably every Internet user noticed that advertising "gets smarter" with a frightening, downright supernatural speed. In fact, it is worth visiting the site once, as its advertising begins to literally haunt you. Of course, there is no mysticism in this - just the effective use of such a marketing technique as remarketing (or retargeting).
What is remarketing
Actually, remarketing is personalized banner advertising, i.e. advertising targeted at a specific user after visiting certain sites that use this technology. Remarketing allows you to show ads to users who have already visited your website or app in order to bring back a potential customer. Remarketing technologies differ from conventional banner ads in their deeper personalization, which is based on the user's recent activity on the Internet. Therefore, the ad unit is more likely to match your latest interests.
The main objective of remarketing, like any other advertising technology, is to increase sales efficiency. An important factorThe key to remarketing effectiveness is that such ads are less likely to cause annoyance or rejection.

How is remarketing different from retargeting?
In general, the concepts of "remarketing" and "retargeting" are identical. Both of these technologies are powerful online marketing mechanisms provided respectively by Google AdWords (in the case of remarketing) and Yandex. Direct (in the case of retargeting). The difference lies only in the name and a little in the functionality, which is still wider in Google AdWords. But they have the same principle of action: you go to a site that uses AdWords or Direct promotion technology; further advertising of this site begins to "chase" you; you, unable to stand it, click on the banner and - voila! – become a client of this company.

How does remarketing work?
In order to use remarketing technologies, when developing a site, you need to embed a small piece of java code into it that does not affect the performance of the resource. This is necessary so that each time you access the site, the server creates anonymous cookies and sends them to the browsers of visitors. Users usually don't even know it, but as they continue to surf the web, ad providers place your ads on the pages they go to.

Remarketing technologies in practice
Let's give examples of remarketing. In 2016, a small company engaged inhotel business, halved the cost of outdoor advertising, and used the savings to connect remarketing services to the display network. As a result, the volume of orders increased significantly and profits increased. It is interesting that when investing 28 thousand rubles in contextual advertising, the company received more than a million profit.
In addition to pointing out vivid examples of remarketing, it is enough to recall any popular online store. In these cases, the use of this online marketing tool allows you to increase brand popularity, stimulates multiple visits to the site, and also increases ROI.

Remarketing Benefits
- Attract customers who are ready to buy. AdWords services allow you to provide the user with information about your company either after he visits your site, or after he enters a search query that is somehow related to the services you provide. In any case, he will most likely see your ad at the very moment when your ad can interest him the most.
- AdWords allows you to customize your user lists based on the focus of your ads. For example, you can select a separate list of visitors who added a product to the cart, but for some reason did not make a purchase.
- Breadth. Google AdWords turns over 2 million online and mobile app users into your potential customers.
- Effective price management. Using the onlineauctions, AdWords technology calculates the best price for an ad based on information about the user who sees it. Access to auctions is free.
- Access to campaign statistics allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising.

Google AdWords Remarketing
Google AdWords offers several types of remarketing campaigns:
Standard remarketing is showing ads to users who have previously been on your site when they browse other resources on the display network or work with mobile applications.
Dynamic remarketing is a more effective way of online promotion, in which a potential client sees an advertisement for exactly the product that he was interested in on your company's website. Dynamic remarketing has the following advantages over standard remarketing:
- reflect changes in your assortment;
- the ability to determine the best offers for each advertisement using a recommendation system;
- determine ad layout performance for a specific visitor and platform;
- Optimize bids on every ad impression.
Remarketing in mobile applications. After using your mobile app, users will be able to see your ads on other platforms and apps.
Remarketing lists for search ads. In order to attract back to your site the so-called "off the hook"buyers, you can show them ads when they use search engines to find the right products and services. To do this, you need to properly set up remarketing lists for search ads.
Remarketing for video. People who have watched your videos on YouTube or subscribed to your video channel will be able to see your ads when they watch other videos, and on sites and applications on the Display Network.
Using email addresses in remarketing. You can add email addresses provided by your website visitors to your remarketing list. Then they will see your ad when using Google Search, YouTube and Gmail.