Ted Talks - what is it? Types, description, Ted Talks in Russia

Ted Talks - what is it? Types, description, Ted Talks in Russia
Ted Talks - what is it? Types, description, Ted Talks in Russia

Ted Talks - what is it? If you have heard about the lectures of this company at least once, then you probably know how interesting and useful it is to listen to them. Although conferences have appeared in Russia recently, they managed to interest many. How to find the best performances? What types of Ted Talks are there? What is interesting in the program and why is it worth watching?

Historical background

The company was founded in 1984, when the architect and designer Richard Wurman decided to bring together people from the intelligentsia to discuss the most important and trembling topics of the modern world. This included specialists from the modern information and engineering industries. Soon, "Technology Entertainment Design" began to stand out not only by the rapid growth of the club's visitors, but also by the increase in the topics for the monologue.

Ted Talks
Ted Talks

Ted Talks - what is this company? Features & Benefits

Initially, Ted Talks was a highly specialized group of people with knowledge in the computer world. As the company developed, it was able to interest the personalities of differentdirections: psychologists, artists, teachers, philosophers, etc. In 1934, several people spoke at the event. Now everyone is given 18 minutes, and the result is a voluminous series of reports from different personalities and characters.

Ted Talks bills itself as not for the poor. The contribution per person annually is about $8,000. A member of the company gets access to the program, recordings, etc. If you do not have such funds or the opportunity to become part of the club, then you can always watch Ted Talks in Russian using YouTube (use sub titles or video with translation). Ted Talks has a large number of very popular sponsors including Google, AOL. In the archives you can find performances not only by ordinary people, but also by celebrities, businessmen, popular personalities.

Chris Anderson - book author
Chris Anderson - book author

That's how Ted Talks has grown over the course of 30 years from a circle of close associates to a major world-class company that is interested not only in the digital world, but also in social issues.

What types of Ted Talks are there?

Now you can independently answer the question: "Ted Talks - what is it?" - and decipher the abbreviation. What kind of performances are there in the company? There are actually quite a few:

  1. Just a performance. A standard user program where they share their life experiences.
  2. Monologue at the university. Conducted in universities with the permission of the head. It touches upon the topics of student life, study, current problems of young people.
  3. Youth performances. These stories are from people who help young people to accept themselves, analyze any situations related to adaptation in modern society. In addition to teenagers and students, children also participate.
  4. Discussion of the educational system. In this direction, teachers, philologists and just those who care about the future of children talk about the problems of the school, opportunities for development in a particular country. It is also discussed whether it is worth sending the child to a modern school at all.
  5. TEDxLive - online broadcasts, video analysis.
  6. Female Ted Talks - what is it? Consists of discussions of stereotypes, gender inequality of the modern woman and ways to adapt to the world.
  7. woman performance
    woman performance
  8. Business stories. Dedicated to discussing the entrepreneurship market, profitable ideas and other useful tips for starting your own business.
  9. Ted Talks in the library. Standardized performance in the appropriate place.
  10. Events for close associates. A person who has been in the club for at least 2 years automatically gets the right to discuss in closed areas.

Reviews about Ted Talks are mostly positive. People not only find a solution to a problem that worries them, but also get to know those who are similar to them. If a certain topic is not relevant for you, then you should just learn a lot of useful things about it.

What about Russia? Events in our country

Russia is a country where Ted Talks is just developing. Due to the costly performances, few can get to them. But still, the organizers of the fund decided to help the development of the company in Russia with the following features:

  • In Russia, Ted Talks is just starting to gain popularity. At the moment, the number of company representatives does not exceed 100 people.
  • "Ted Talks Embassy" is presented by Andrey Egorov. He is actively working on programs of a philosophical nature, involving students and teachers.
  • The biggest event was in 2017.
  • All performances are available online. The most frequent are the following: problems of gender stereotypes; development of the North of Russia; the struggle between "humanities" and "mathematicians"; development opportunities in the country.
  • One of the best performances
    One of the best performances
  • The most important cell of the team is located in Moscow and is called TEDxMoskow. It is run by a group of 15 people.

Since 2009, a variety of speeches on current topics have been available in Russia.

Ted Talks

Let's take a look at the Top 3 Ted Talks:

  1. "Why I am very afraid of public speaking or dealing with stuttering." The monologue of Megan Washington, a singer who cannot speak properly, struck many. The girl not only spoke about her problem, but also gave useful tips and ways to combat stuttering.
  2. Image
  3. "How to do what you have long wanted to do in 20 hours." Josh Kaufman is known for his useful books that provide motivation for self-development. Josh tells from personal experience how he decided everything after the birth of his daughterdrastically change.
  4. "How to create your own super story?". The director of such projects as "WALL-E", "Toy Story" shares his experience of plot development by telling about himself. He starts from the age he is at the moment, and ends with the beginning of his career.

Chris Anderson: "Ted Talks. Words change the world" or Guide to quality speaking

In 2016, Chris Anderson, inspired by Zoe Anderson's intro, decided to create a clear and simple guide that anyone who wanted to speak could use to do so. It consists of 23 items, ranging from creating interesting text for the public to choosing clothes.

Chris book
Chris book

Each chapter not only motivates, but also gradually prepares the reader for an interesting presentation. Ted Talks helps people accept themselves and understand that they are not alone. These are really important and necessary events for a modern society that lacks support so much!
