Traditional and rare types of booklets

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Traditional and rare types of booklets
Traditional and rare types of booklets

The booklet is a valuable promotional tool that first peaked in popularity in the nineteenth century. This is a printing product representing a sheet folded several times. Previously, guides and theater programs were printed on spreads of such a sheet. Now advertising on paper spreads is experiencing a real renaissance, so we consider all types of booklets, classic and newly emerged, in detail.


Usually a booklet is represented by an A4 sheet with two parallel folds (folds). The main informative and emotional message is placed on the first turn, more detailed information is given on the remaining four, and the last, back field, may not be used at all.

By purpose booklets are divided into:

  • image;
  • handouts.

Image types of advertising booklets are designed to represent a brand or company. Their design and manufacture require increased material investments and good qualifications of developers. These are expensive, limited edition products.

booklet snail
booklet snail

Distribution types of bookletscarry information about promotions or new products. With their help, you need to inform as many people as possible. The requirements for handouts are different: savings on the quality of paper and printing are acceptable, the level of design skill may not be the highest. The problem of maximum coverage of the target audience is being solved.

The information load on the booklet should be insignificant: a minimum of words, only large print and contrasting, memorable images. Neglecting these principles will cause the consumer to quickly send an advertisement to the trash without even looking.

How classics are transformed

Standard types of booklets are familiar and conservative, this is their strength. But advertisers and consumers are constantly attracted to the new. The content requirements of the booklet remain unchanged. Advertisers have been working on the form for a long time and intensively. The easiest way to modify the classics is to use other types of booklet folding:

  • book;
  • snail;
  • gate;
  • harmonica.

The sheet is folded in half (one fold), forming a "book". The “snail” is less common - it has three folds, all directed in one direction, and the sheet unwinds like a bandage. "Wicket" has two or three folds, side turns reveal a wide inner field, like window sashes. "Accordion" can have from two to six folds, alternately directed in opposite directions. All listed types of booklets are easy to manufacture. They can be seen, for example, in advertisements for food delivery.

How to fold a booklet
How to fold a booklet

Second difficulty level

Square-fold booklets are less common and more difficult to produce. The sheet is folded several times, and the folds are always laid in perpendicular directions. It is believed that unfolding such a booklet is not very convenient, but everything that is rarely used seems original.

E-booklets look even more original. They are considered from the monitor screen, and if necessary, they are displayed on paper. To create virtual booklets, many programs have been invented, the most famous of which are Photoshop and Publisher. Many use the democratic Word for this.

booklet harmonica
booklet harmonica

The most enchanting booklets in electronic form are created by professionals using 3D graphics. In this case, the result of the geometric design of three-dimensional images is displayed on the screen plane. The volumetric visualization obtained on a plane seems fantastic, so the funds invested in such advertising work with a good return.

Booklet as a gift

Not very common yet, but 3D souvenir booklets are appearing more and more often. They should be viewed with the help of glasses that are offered with the product. The peculiarities of printing and the "load" in the form of glasses make advertising expensive, so it is offered targeted, hand-to-hand, at conferences or exhibitions.

At the highest evolutionary stage are the design types of booklets. They are printed on good thick paper or thin cardboard. The print quality is just excellent. From the original A4 size, developers usuallyleaving.

design booklet
design booklet

The blank is cut in a special way, the direction of the folds is thought out so that a unique promotional item is obtained, which has only a distant resemblance to a traditional booklet.

It is not easy to send such a booklet to the basket - the manufacturers do everything to make it perceived as a gift.
