The essence of trolling is to anger people and control them. This is done by publishing deliberately provocative statements. As a rule, this is done with the expectation that those who read will lose self-control and begin to give out not the best phrases on emotions that will compromise themselves. Often, according to reviews, trolling causes large-scale discussions, accompanied by vivid negative reactions from participants. Anyone who engages in such provocations seeks to get a lulz, material benefit, or to assert himself. In other words, trolling in real life is “to hurt a nerve”, “to rub s alt in the wound.”
Users of the worldwide network divide it into varieties - very thick, thin, "nanotrolling". The last is the situation when a person provoked others to troll for him. The fat variety manifests itself in the obvious provocation, when the victim actively blames the troll, yet loses self-control. The subtle variety is characterized by an even greater loss of self-control when the victim agrees with the provocateur's arguments. On English-language resources, thickness is evaluated on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is the maximumthickness.
When figuring out what trolling is on the Internet, it is worth bearing in mind that when the provocation is successful, it is considered that “the food is found.”
It is noteworthy that the phrase “don’t trawl” was actively used on Western resources for a long time, which meant “do not poison”. Users wrote like this when they started to poison writers who published their works. There is probably a connection between the Russian word "baiting" and the English word "trawl".
And indeed, an example of trolling, if it is fat, resembles this very persecution. But the difference here is in the presence of common sense. The provocateur pursues the goal - to have fun, to bring the victim to emotions, and not to humiliate her. At the same time, one does not exclude the other.
Psychological phenomenon, thanks to which the funny trolling appeared, fans of the latter phenomenon explain this way. In the early years of his life, a person, according to an instinctive program, asks many questions, believing every answer. Subsequently, when the picture of the world has already been formed, he adjusts the obtained facts to his vision. Sometimes they are built into it in an extremely bizarre way. And when a fact is not built in, it is simply discarded. And the person will not believe any evidence to the contrary. And even arguing with someone, the individual only clarifies the already taken position. Just like his opponent. In order to break through to the truth through a dispute, you need to work on yourself, to give up all established knowledge and habits.

For the most part, arguing is only used to assert itself for the same reason. And provocateurstaking into account this human feature, they specifically act according to the rule of trolling: they take the opposite position. And then the victim starts violently giving out a negative reaction.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to pretend to be an idiot. A typical example of trolling is that a provocateur creates an account, starting to write frankly stupid things by clicking on "Capslock". Users of a forum, resource, social network start a debate: someone is annoyed by this, and he, succumbing to emotions, gives out not the best things, after which he is banned. The rest, at times, enter into a battle with each other for the most witty commentary on what is happening.
The second example of trolling is dropping compromising evidence, rumors about something. In sophisticated cases, provocateurs came to the Harry Potter fan forum, where there were many children, and began massively dumping pornography and obscenities there until there were so many bans that the resource generally failed for a while - it was turned off.
There are cases when a troll came to a pirate resource where series were posted, and in a comment in response to the question: “when is the next episode?” threw off the link to the supposedly next series. But in fact it was a link to the first site, and the provocateur enjoyed the recursion. Alternatively, a link to a similar site was thrown off.
The next example of trolling is pretending to be a girl. Romantics on the Internet or incredulous men become victims. In this case, two victims are often pitted, with whom the troll flirts. Girls can do this kind of trolling much easier.
Provocation is also widespread on feminist resources or in the "male movement", in which the public is the most aggressive.
From this follows a typical pattern for trolling - to insult an individual with an unstable psyche or emotional. As a rule, he has several like-minded people who will rush to his defense. Sometimes the public on the resource joins the provocateur in this case.
It's easy to provoke an argument about tastes by choosing an unpopular position. As an option, stubbornly disagree with the author of the publication, after which he begins to give as many arguments as possible in defense of his position. It is noteworthy that special phrases for trolling in this case will not be needed: many people already perceive disagreement with their position as an insult and react to this very violently. If the troll chooses a topic that he understands, there is a high chance that he will forget why he started it and join the argument along with the opponent.
If an individual has minimal knowledge of IT, it will not be difficult for him to follow the following trolling pattern. It is necessary to ask for advice, and after listening to the recommendations, write that these tips are harmful. It would be best if the provocateur understands the topic of discussion.
It is very easy to cause a strong reaction in political publics and resources. One has only to highlight the current situation, follow the public reaction under the article, and then call the public "zombified cattle."
The next option is "1984 at home". First of all, you need a forum in which everyoneparticipants fill in a large amount of data about themselves. After that, the most active among the users are selected, and the troll provokes them to insults. Then the provocateur writes to the one who issued the negative reaction: “Your name is Ivan Ivanovich, right?”, “You live there, but your number is like this.” As a result, often the victim becomes ill. She begins to change her behavior. This method requires some effort.
Posing as a celebrity is another way of trolling. For the most part, users start an argument by denying what is happening. But there are those who seriously believe in it.
In this photo of trolling, actor Vladimir Epifantsev pretends to be a kidnapped actor and when they believe him, he “catches lulz.”

Here are the proofs of his kidnapping.

The "intentional logical flaws" method is also known. In such a situation, a false chain of logical actions is issued, in which a flaw is initially hidden. Otherwise, it is called sophisms, which were so loved to unravel in ancient Greece. It is easy to provoke the reaction of others by issuing the phrase: “I trolled you, here is the solution!”. Then, in violent emotions, they begin to refute what was said.
Easily provokes negative emotions self-confidence. It is enough for a provocateur to intervene in any discussion, lay out evidence, backing it up with links, thereby showing the incompetence of the participants.
Sometimes trolls create two accounts on their own and start having discussions with themselves,kindling in others the desire to join her. This is reminiscent of the conversations of the hero of the "Lord of the Rings" Gollum.

The next option is to pretend to be a psychologist, making diagnoses in absentia to those who participate in the conversation. The troll himself enjoys laughing at his “clinic” and seeing the reaction of others to diagnoses. The best way to do this is by using knowledge of cognitive psychology and getting into already emotional arguments.
Sometimes a special account of a “successful person” is also used. Such an approach will play on human envy. It is necessary to create an image of a person who has achieved success in any field. Often, just one literate phrase is enough to identify those who want to "siege" the insolent. Then the audience will be divided into several categories. Someone will assure that the account is not real, that it is a lie. Someone will start to prove that this person is not so good. And the third category will begin to give out a lot of negative emotions from the mere realization that they themselves have not achieved anything.
Sometimes a troll makes up a stream of nonsense or modifies a posted post. The main thing is that the message is ambiguous, and there is scope for creating interpretations. In this case, a lot of conflicting comments appear in the discussion, because everyone will see something of their own in what is written. As a rule, people see their "sore subject" in everything.
Trolling by phone is also common - it is necessary to use several already recorded phrases, preferably of an aggressive or deliberately provocative direction. Everything can be usedanything, and observe the negative reaction of the interlocutor who is talking to the answering machine.

Sudden behavior changes are another easy way to evoke emotions in anyone. First of all, the victim is brought to an extreme degree of emotionality by rude behavior, and when she begins to vomit and throw, suddenly begin to communicate culturally, reproaching the person for being rude. In this case, the victim suffers from a break in the pattern, the reaction is bright, often she falls into a stupor.
Examples of trolling
First of all, it is necessary to find a platform where enthusiastic users gather. So, having come to the community of Metallica fans, you can write that "the group is no longer the same." A particularly violent reaction will cause a statement that since the death of Cliff Burton, the group has not been. Statements like "Rob Trujillo is the best bass player in the world" will do as well.
It will be emotional if you come as a group of trolls to the community of classical music lovers and start to find out why they have a negative attitude towards hip-hop.
It is worth considering that trolling is not considered the case when the provocateur exposes himself at the end. This is considered an unsuccessful attempt at justification. Propaganda of political views in essence is not considered by him either. For unknown reasons, some categories of people call ordinary categories of citizens trolls. At the same time, messages written solely for the purpose of provocation are trolling.
Knowledge about such tools penetrated the web quite quickly. This has given rise to many attemptsschool age to apply them. As a result, a lot of users have learned not to pay attention to bright provocative statements, but someone still continues to respond to it.
At the same time, among those with a particularly ardent political position, trolls began to be called "enemy secret agents." And in any person who wrote about the phenomenon in a negative way, users of political resources began to see provocateurs.
The best defense against provocation is ignoring, "don't feed the troll." Sometimes the phrase "thick" helps. If the provocateur is thin, it will hardly work. But if it is thick, the effect will be like exorcism.
When planning to engage in trolling, it is worth remembering the covenant of covenants: it should not be dull, it should bring maximum pleasure or indignation. The most important rule is that a provocateur does not feed, but feeds. The troll feels a lot of power over the people around him, because he chooses what emotions they will experience, while they obey his command.
For this reason, you should never react to the events of life predictably, giving out the emotion that the world is pushing towards. By gaining control over emotions, a person gains power over himself. Otherwise, it is controlled by the surrounding people and phenomena.

Experienced opinion
Successful trolling brings a lot of positive emotions, it contributes to the intensive production of hormones of happiness. And since the human psyche gets used to everything that he does, the troll becomes dependent on provoking others. As a result, his psyche requires more nourishment, and for this reason the number of provocateurs is increasing. It’s easy enough to get carried away with trolling, while changing such a habit is difficult. It is highly likely that a person who is used to behaving like this will break down when he sees a seductive target.
Typical cases
At the moment, some types of provocations are most widespread. They are easy to find on the resources of rock music lovers, in particular, domestic ones. Negative statements about Viktor Tsoi provoke a lot of negative comments, and here the trolls feed on this.
Trolling girls is also widespread, in particular, those in a difficult situation, as the most vulnerable category. Communities of mothers on maternity leave, resources dedicated to women's hobbies, problems or rights are often attacked by provocateurs. The thing is that a woman who is often in a temporary dependent position, or who finds herself in a difficult situation, is morally exhausted, and therefore becomes defenseless against troll attacks.

Religious and anti-religious communities are another rather emotional sphere in which provocations cause a strong reaction. It is enough to indicate in the community of atheists that it is necessary to introduce religious education in educational institutions, how will there be “food for the troll”. In religious communities, it will suffice to cite conflicting scripture passages.
Additional information
It is noteworthy that the art of trolling is enoughancient. And there are descriptions of it in classical literature. Some heroes of L. N. Tolstoy on the pages of his novels were engaged in playing off opponents in order to get emotions for themselves. A. S. Pushkin's reactions to provocative statements about his creations are also known.