How to choose the size of the logo. Secrets of its creation

How to choose the size of the logo. Secrets of its creation
How to choose the size of the logo. Secrets of its creation

Any modern company has its own logo. This symbol is an important element in the identification of the product, services and the business itself. An average US citizen sees an average of 16,000 advertisements every day. Therefore, brands strive to distinguish their products from the crowd.


Logo example
Logo example

A good logo helps in the advertising campaign and makes the brand more recognizable. Its main functions are to draw attention to the product and be remembered by the client for a long time. The logo should convey the story of the brand and evoke positive emotions in the client. A bad company logo can seriously hurt a business. The logo is the face of the brand. Without it, the company will not be able to adequately compete in the market. Also, the logo is a kind of brand signature, protection against fakes, a guarantee of product quality.

Working on the logo

Artists and designers are often involved to work on the logo. After all, people perceive images more easily than text. But anyone with artistic skills can design a company logo. This will save you a lot of money. Nike companies logocreated by student Carolyn Davidson for just $30. This is one of the most memorable brand names in the world. It represents the wing of the statue of the ancient Greek goddess of Victory.

Nike logo
Nike logo

The first sketches are best done with a pencil on paper. After all, first you need to go through the maximum number of sketches and choose the best one. The logo should look good in black and white. The colors for the symbol are chosen at the very end of the work. After choosing a successful sketch, you can proceed to work on the computer. At the same time, it is better to save the remaining sketches. They will most likely come in handy in the future.


It is very important to choose the optimal logo size. The symbol must not completely cover the product. Each unit of production is applied with a logo of one size. To create a quality symbol, you need to know the standard logo size for social networks and other printed resources. Emblems smaller or larger when uploaded to the site look much worse than the original. They can stretch or cut off in the most unfortunate place. It is important that the logo looks beautiful in any size.


To create a logo, you need to choose a graphics program and fonts. The main quality of a font is its readability. For long words, it is best to use simple variants. If the words are short and easily recognizable, you can create an unusual, unique typeface. Do not use more than two types. The name of the company, written in the original font, is itself a logo. Also for the emblem, you canuse the brand's advertising slogan.

The image and motto of the company must be combined with each other. At the same time, they should also work as separate advertising messages. It must be remembered that the logo has been used by the company for years. Its style and font should not become obsolete over time. Only minor changes are allowed. The Coca-Cola brand has remained virtually unchanged for the past 130 years.

Coca-cola logo
Coca-cola logo

The logo should be simple and recognizable. So even a motorist flying at high speed will be able to distinguish it on a billboard. For the Apple logo, only the image of the brand name is used. The main rule when creating a company logo: "Cut off everything unnecessary." Compressing an image to a small size helps identify unwanted elements. They simply won't be visible in the reduced format.

Apple logo
Apple logo

How big should the logo be

A good logo is easily recognizable even in a tiny format - 16 by 16 pixels. Leave some space around the image. This logo looks more coherent and easier to perceive.

What logo size should I choose? 1024 x 512 px is the universal logo size for websites. This image looks correct on most resources. You can also use special services to create a logo of the desired size. The usual size for a website is 250 x 100 px.

Favicon - an icon that contains the logo or the first letter of the company name. Dimensionsfavicon: 16 px x 16 px - 32 px x 32 px - 48 px x 48 px. For printing a logo, it is best to use vector formats. Such an image is easily edited and does not lose its quality when scaling. A good logo should look good on a postage stamp or on a huge billboard.

For raster images, you must use a size of 500 px. If the image is designed for large screens, you must carefully use light fonts and thin lines. There are several ways to change the size of the logo: using a graphics program or an Internet service, ordering a service from a professional. In order to test the logo, you need to show it to as many people as possible. You can ask them to describe the symbol in detail after a while. If most of the respondents coped with the task, the logo turned out to be really successful.