Interesting fact about advertising or exposure?

Interesting fact about advertising or exposure?
Interesting fact about advertising or exposure?

Researchers claim that advertising is the most influential and significant art form in the world. Is it so? What does the advertisement hide? Is everything that is offered on the screen really just necessary for all of us? Here are some interesting facts about the advertising that has flooded the world.

History of ads

The first advertisement appeared a long time ago - during Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have discovered an ancient papyrus praising a certain slave. Apparently, the owner thus wanted to sell it and indicated all the distinctive qualities.

In ancient Rome, advertising was written directly on the walls of buildings: about the upcoming gladiator fights, about the sale of slaves and livestock. The city authorities fought against such "marketers" in the same way as with graffiti artists now.

An interesting fact about advertising in ancient Greece: advertising was done by heralds who called people to a performance and praised something. And prostitutes in general were aces of marketing - they made special heels on their shoes, which left a mark with the inscription "Follow me." Reminiscent of moderncommercials on the sidewalk with footprints, right?

two hamburgers
two hamburgers

Interesting facts

About advertising in the world:

  • Every year more than half a million dollars is spent on advertising worldwide. By retirement age, the average person has time to watch more than two million commercials. And an ordinary child manages to watch about a hundred of them during the day, which is 40,000 videos a year.
  • And in Brazil, in the city of Sao Paulo, street advertising is banned by local authorities. This ban is justified by the fact that advertising spoils the beautiful landscapes and the "face" of the city.
  • American scientists have established the fact that pharmacists annually spend twice as much money on product promotion than on research of their drugs. Think!
  • The largest group of advertisers are food producers.

How food is filmed

Advertisers have a lot of tricks that they use mercilessly during filming. Here are some interesting facts about advertising:

  • When they advertise cat food, they break it in half. But this is not food at all, but a fast food pie.
  • Beer foam is made with washing powder.
  • Cutlets are sprinkled with hairspray before shooting - for shine.
  • So that the syrup does not soak into the pancakes, they are sprayed with a water-repellent solution.
  • The most interesting fact about chicken ads: to make the chicken look hot and ruddy, it is fried until the skin is ready. Then the carcass is stuffedpaper napkins soaked in boiling water to give it volume and appetizing steam. And the outside is covered with paint of the shade needed to excite the appetite.
  • Shiny fruit ads are easy to make with deodorant spray.
  • The hamburger is held together with toothpicks and the burger is coated with brown shoe paint.
  • Seafood is coated with glycerin for a fresh effect.
  • Cholesterol-free labels on vegetable oil bottles are just a publicity stunt, as the compound is only found in animal fats.
  • During the advertising of watches, the time on them is always 10:10. The arrows form a semblance of a smile to evoke positive emotions in potential buyers.
  • Bubbles in drinks are a sign of freshness. To maintain this effect, advertisers use dishwashing liquid.
pasta with sauce
pasta with sauce

For a delicious looking pasta, liquid glucose is used to coat the entire dish and give the impression of being freshly cooked

Food substitutes

Want the most interesting facts about food advertising? Please:

  • Instead of ice cream, advertisers almost always use colored mashed potatoes. This is necessary in order not to waste ice cream - under the light it melts very quickly.
  • Thick sauce is not used in advertising. Instead, melted colored paraffin or wax is removed in advertising.
  • Commercials featuring honey actually show us motor oil.
  • WhyAre quick breakfast cereals never drowned in commercials? But because instead of milk, glue is used, similar to our PVA.
ice cubes
ice cubes
  • The ice cubes in drinks never melt because they are not made of ice, but of a synthetic fiber like acrylic.
  • Whipped cream sits nicely on strawberries and doesn't drip? So it's just shaving foam that holds its shape perfectly.
cake with cardboard
cake with cardboard

Are you interested in facts about advertising? Do you still believe what you see on TV? In vain…
