Acceptable WebMoney withdrawal limits. How to cash out using WebMoney Transfer

Acceptable WebMoney withdrawal limits. How to cash out using WebMoney Transfer
Acceptable WebMoney withdrawal limits. How to cash out using WebMoney Transfer

Today no one will be surprised by the fact that a person is engaged in remote work and you can make quite good money on it. This type of work is especially widespread in large cities, although it has also been found in the provinces for a long time. But whoever and wherever freelances, he will definitely face the same problem - cashing out money. The easiest and most affordable method of withdrawing them is WebMoney. After all, this payment system is the oldest in the post-Soviet space and has proven itself from the best side.

About the system

Before moving on to a more detailed description of how WebMoney works, it's worth telling a little about the history and advantages of the system.

WebMoney limits
WebMoney limits

The date of birth of the system is considered to be November 24, 1998. At that time, most of today's users had hardly heard of the Internet, and even more so, few could have imagined that it would enter people's lives so tightly.

Initially, WebMoney Transfer was conceived as a kind of p2p community in which people can not onlycommunicate with each other. Almost immediately, the system had a well-known symbol - a winking ant. It is by him that many can unmistakably recognize this payment, even those who have never used the services of the system themselves.

The process of becoming

Now it is difficult to surprise someone with a referral program, but one of those who first used it on the Internet was Webmoney. At that time, when registering a new user, $ 30 was immediately charged, and $ 3 was paid for attracting a new member. This had its effect, and the electronic payment service quickly began to develop.

For 20 years, the payment system has developed a lot and includes many additional services. Within its framework, you can borrow or lend money, earn on the difference in exchange rates, attract investments and sell your goods and services. Many use this with success, although for most customers it is primarily a secure payment service.

WebMoney limits
WebMoney limits

System Rules

WebMoney limits allow anyone to cash out money, the only question is the frequency of their withdrawal and the maximum allowed amount. It varies from a number of indicators, one of which is the currency used for withdrawal.

Add that a beginner will not be able to transfer a significant amount to his current account if his WebMoney passport imposes certain restrictions. For this reason, it is important to pass certification in the system according to your needs and plans.

Levels of certificates

largely due to divisionsystem participants by certificate levels, and hence their rights and opportunities to use the service, WebMoney has become one of the most successful systems in the world. This gives an objective opportunity to remotely evaluate the decency of the person with whom you are building cooperation.

Webmoney passport
Webmoney passport

Here are the levels of passports in the system:

  1. Passport alias. This is the easiest and fastest way to become a member of WebMoney, you do not even need to provide your real data. But it is also the most limited in the use of the service's capabilities.
  2. Next comes the formal certificate. It implies that the person who received it indicates their full name, address, and confirms them. It already has much more options within the payment system.
  3. The third level is the initial certificate. To obtain it, you need to meet with the owner of a higher passport and confirm legal information about yourself.
  4. Personal passport. This level gives you the opportunity to use almost all the services of the system, and the WebMoney withdrawal limit is significantly increased. Such a user can freely borrow or lend money at interest, and even earn money by issuing initial passports.
  5. Passport of the seller. It is issued to those users who use the service to sell their goods or services.
  6. The highest is the registrar's certificate, but it is necessary only for those who build a serious business within WebMoney.

It is worth adding that obtaining a certificate, starting from the initial,is paid. You only pay once.

transfer from WebMoney to Sberbank card
transfer from WebMoney to Sberbank card

Withdrawal restrictions

So, let's take a closer look at the allowable WebMoney limits, taking into account the level of the passport and the currency.

Let's consider the amounts allowed for withdrawal using the example of two main ones - the ruble and the dollar:

  • So, for a pseudonym passport, the amount is limited to 45 thousand rubles and 300 dollars.
  • For holders of a formal passport, these limits are: 200 thousand in rubles and 10 thousand dollars.
  • For those who have an entry level passport, the restrictions are as follows: 900 thousand rubles and 30 thousand dollars.
  • Participants who have passed personal identification have even better conditions - 9 million rubles, the withdrawal of dollars is not limited.
  • For higher-level passports, WebMoney limits are the same as for users with a personal one.

There are other currency equivalents, such as Bitcoin. But they are not so widely used, so we do not give the allowable WebMoney limits for them.

How money is withdrawn

In order to get your savings on the card, the withdrawal of "WebMoney" must be carried out correctly. In principle, there is nothing complicated in this, and regardless of the chosen method of cashing out, the process of creating and paying for an application is similar.

Webmoney transfer
Webmoney transfer

The procedure for withdrawing money in the WebMoney Transfer system is as follows:

  1. The first thing you need to do is go to your "Keeper WebMoney". Hemust be enabled.
  2. Then you switch to the monitoring of exchangers, as an example, let's take the monitoring of In the upper left column, choose your currency (we take WMR as an example). On the right, select Visa / MasterCard Rub. Monitoring will show all exchangers that carry out the withdrawal in this direction and the available reserve amounts in each of them. You just have to choose the appropriate option and go to his website.
  3. Then choose the desired direction on the exchanger's website and fill in all the required fields (highlighted with an asterisk ""). Be sure to indicate the card number - it is visible on the front side (16 digits 4 in one line). Do not confuse, be careful at this stage!
  4. As soon as you confirm all the data, the service will redirect you to the payment page, this happens automatically. There you will need to confirm your intention using SMS or the E-num code (this is the WebMoney download application used to enter the Keeper).
  5. Then it remains only to wait, as the withdrawal of funds takes from 3 to 5 banking days.
  6. When the money comes to your card account, you just have to withdraw it from there. You can do this at any ATM that supports your card.

Here is such an easy cash out process.

You can also use the special WebMoney Telepay service, where, by linking your card to your account, you can regularly transfer WebMoney to a card of Sberbank or any other bank. Upon confirmation of the application is heldfixed percentage plus a small commission (2%). The money is credited to your card after 1-5 banking days. The rest of the process is similar to the one described above.
