Crowd marketing is a deep analysis of the target audience, which is used for a specific marketing object and is focused on social networks, blogs, various thematic forums, questionnaires with multiple choice answers, and so on. That is, it is any work that is performed on the Internet in order to popularize the product. A similar direction in marketing appeared relatively recently, so it should be understood in more detail in order to find out how it works.
Definition and wording
To understand how crowd marketing works for content projects, you first need to properly understand what this technique is. To do this, it is necessary not only to thoroughly study the concept of crowd marketing, but also to understand its formulation. After that, it will be possible to move on to the principles of operation and the main advantagesthis technique before other ways of promoting goods and services.
So, crowd marketing is a combination of various technologies for promoting goods on the Internet, as well as a set of activities aimed at popularizing a particular brand among the target audience. This mechanism is often based on recommendation bases, so attracting buyers to leave reviews also plays an important role. However, the most important point is that the promotion is carried out only on the Internet.
In fact, crowd marketing means a set of concise and unobtrusive recommendations for "dear customers" from "experts". For example, if you visited the site of a store at least once before purchasing a product from them, then you could stumble upon several flattering reviews from customers who have already purchased it. Such a mechanism for manipulating consumer consciousness is based on an increase in the level of trust, so in most cases the buyer does not even think about how useful this product can be for him. "If they write that it's good, then it's true."
Working principle
Did you decide to build your own crowd marketing? Then you should familiarize yourself with the basic principle of its work, which is the mass promotion of a certain product or service on the Internet by forming public opinion. As mentioned earlier, marketers use a special tool for this, called reviews. crowd marketingcan be carried out on any site or forum, the main thing is that the attention of as many potential buyers as possible is affected. For example, quite often business owners create communities on social networks so that people can share their impressions after visiting restaurants or buying a device.

Also, the technique of such marketing often involves placing various hyperlinks on websites, through which the buyer can go to a third-party resource, where information about the product and several flattering reviews (usually fake) are usually located. Of course, such a site will also definitely come across a large button "Buy a product" or "Order a service", but buyers should be especially wary of such offers. As a rule, fake reviews are written for those products that are not of special quality and are clearly not worth the money. Although it should be noted that the supporters of "true" crowd marketing are extremely negative about consumer fraud.
Task Analysis
Now you know a lot about what crowd marketing is and how it works in real life. However, in order to use such knowledge in practice, it will also be necessary to properly analyze the main goals pursued by such a technique. All the information you need about this is in the list below.

- Increase product awareness. Each potential buyer should be aware of the existence of a certain product and service, as well as join the formed loyal opinion of society about this product.
- Increase in the number of consumers. It is necessary to constantly attract the attention of an increasing number of potential buyers. To do this, you can order advertising on social networks or special blogs.
- Quick distribution of updates. Even if you have a certain audience, people should learn about new products and services that your company offers as quickly as possible.
All these tasks help to achieve one main goal - to increase the number of product sales among the target audience. Of course, crowd marketing will be practically useless if some low-quality product or service is offered to customers. Therefore, do not forget to pay attention not only to marketing, but also to improving product quality.
Link system
Crowd marketing is quite often based on the use of various links, by clicking on which a potential buyer finds himself on a page with customer reviews about a particular product. However, in order for the site not to look spammed with various links and advertising banners, it is necessary to follow certain rules for their placement, which any professional marketer knows about.

In order not to scare off a potential buyer who came to your site in order to find out more information aboutoffered product or service, it is necessary to present this information as unobtrusively as possible. Of course, the buy button should be visible at all times, but some sites display it literally on the entire screen, and the number of advertising banners far exceeds the amount of useful information. This is not to mention that most of the reviews are written by one person in the same manner.
If you are planning to promote your brand, we recommend using the Linkum crowd marketing service, which has already established itself on the good side among thousands of companies and individual entrepreneurs. Just leave a request for the purchase of services from this service, after which an agent will contact you to discuss all the details. The company is engaged in promoting a product or service on various third-party resources, as well as filling sites.
Basic Tools
To conduct crowd marketing on your own, you need to familiarize yourself with its main tools, which are actively used by professional marketers. If you use them, you will be able to increase the popularity of your brand in a natural way, and not artificially (fake reviews). So grab a notebook and a pen and write down for yourself the main nuances presented in the list below.

- Product theme. In order for a brand to be in maximum demand among the target audience, it is necessary to analyze its subject matter in detail.
- Suggested content. This item hassimilarity with the previous one, however, in this case, it is not the product that is analyzed, but the preferences of the target audience.
- Regionality. Do not forget that the success of sales can largely depend on the area of implementation. Who will buy a snowboard in the desert?
The better you understand how these tools work, the better you can do crowd marketing on your own without the help of other companies. However, do not forget that in this case you risk losing some of the profits while you understand the psychology of a potential buyer. In some cases, it will be much more profitable to pay several thousand rubles for attending crowd marketing courses. Still, it is much more difficult to study the discipline on your own.
Should I order the service?
Crowd marketing is a type of brand promotion that is not suitable for use in every situation. If you do not want to spend money on advertising in vain, then properly analyze how promising such an event will be in a particular case. To do this, follow the questions below.

- Does your brand have a sufficient minimum customer base?
- Is your product essential for everyday life?
- Do your potential customers use the Internet?
- Does your activity violate the laws of the Russian Federation?
If you answered these questions and after that you have not lost the desire to order this service, then you can safelymove on to the next section, which will help you create a competent TOR. In other cases, you should think about other ways to promote the product.
Customer requirements
If you still decide to use the services of a third-party resource to promote your brand, then you should form a competent customer requirement (TOR) for crowd marketing. Here are just the basic principles to follow:

- feedback should be natural and key phrases concise;
- maximum similarity and informativeness in reviews;
- real gratitude should be taken as the basis.
It is also necessary to make sure that reviews are posted from different addresses. Most third-party companies recognize this fact, but it should not be forgotten. Otherwise, the system will simply delete those reviews that were posted from the same IP.
Advertising on thematic forums
In some cases, crowd marketing services can be carried out in various thematic forums where potential buyers gather. Is such advertising relevant for the brand, or should something else be chosen? To deal with this issue, we should talk about the main advantages and disadvantages of crowd marketing on the forums.

Let's start with the disadvantages. On large venues, the discussion of a brand always proceeds quite dynamically. Today the peopleyou can be crazy about one product, and tomorrow - it will become useless to anyone. Also, do not forget that promotional offers from ordinary users may be inappropriate in ordinary messages, so the forum moderator can simply delete them.
Now a few words about the benefits of forums. On such platforms, like-minded people gather all the time, so it will be easier for them to be interested in any product. Do you develop computer games? Go to the appropriate forum and conduct crowd marketing on it in order to attract the attention of potential buyers. Do you resell goods from China for young children? Then you have a direct road to the forum of young mothers.
Social networks
Practically every major community on the social network is filled with various advertisements that are posted here for quite a lot of money. Many crowd marketing services work closely with such groups in their activities. It will be enough to agree with the community administrator on advertising a particular product that has a lot of positive reviews, which anyone can read by clicking on a specific link. After that, the potential buyer gets to another group, where there is a topic with reviews and suggestions. All messages are left by real users of the social network, so it inspires confidence among other buyers. As for the disadvantages of such promotion, there are two of them:

- profiles for crowd marketing should benecessarily real;
- when overspam, you can easily get a lifetime ban from the administrator.
However, do not forget that most Internet users regularly visit their pages on social networks and scroll through news feeds, where they often offer to purchase various goods or services. Therefore, crowd marketing on this platform can show itself in all its glory. It will be enough to know the basic rules by which marketing activities should be carried out:
- avoid direct advertising in messages as it will turn people off;
- fill your account before using it for advertising;
- Try to only advertise one product a day to avoid getting banned.
If you correctly approach the implementation of crowd marketing on a social network, then very soon you will receive the first orders for the purchase of the products that you produce. Just create a small community in "Contact" that specializes in the sale of a certain product, register several accounts and start filling them (add photos, audio recordings, videos, wall posts) so that customers do not suspect that the reviews are fake. After that, leave some positive comments in your community by attaching photos of the purchased item, and then order an advertisement from one of the large communities so that buyers know about you. All that remains is to wait for orders that will certainly arrive if you did everything right.
Video andconclusion
We hope our article helped you understand that crowd marketing is one of the most promising types of promotion for almost any modern business. If you still have some questions or just want to know more information about how to independently promote your company on a social network or forum, we recommend watching a short video in which a professional marketer talks about the features and benefits of crowdfunding. marketing over other types of advertising. Don't forget to thank the owner of the channel with a positive rating or comment after watching the video.

As you can see, crowd marketing is a very useful and effective tool for promoting any business whose target audience uses the Internet. Otherwise, the promotion of a product or service with the help of reviews will be practically futile. So analyze everything carefully and draw up a competent business plan. Perhaps a few simple steps separate you from the success of a lifetime and a consistently high income. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, dear readers!