So, your dream has finally come true: you have become the proud owner of a beautiful iPhone 4 from Apple. Such smartphones really stand apart in the mobile device market and deserve special attention. And this is due not only to their extraordinary functionality, but also to the special approach that this miracle requires from the user. Handling the iPhone can be a little more difficult than the more familiar Android or Windows Phone devices. But after a short period of time, getting used to the device, any user is convinced of its extraordinary simplicity and practicality.
Getting Started with the IPhone

The first step in using your new smartphone is, of course, turning it on. This must be done before inserting the SIM card into the device. On the iPhone 4, the on/off button is located at the top of the case, like any other device from this company. keyit is necessary to press and be sure to hold for a few seconds until the company logo appears on the display. After that, you will see a message saying that you need to make a special gesture to turn on the device. After following all the instructions, your iPhone will be activated.
Card installation

If you have just purchased an Apple device, the first question that usually arises is how to insert a SIM card into the iPhone 4. These smartphones are arranged in a slightly trickier way than their other technical counterparts, more familiar to us. You probably noticed that the communicator comes with a small metal key, a kind of paper clip. This is the key to installing a SIM card. Take a closer look at your new smartphone. On the right side of the side you will notice a small secret hole. To understand how to insert a SIM card into an iPhone 4, you need to press the hole with this same metal key. After pressing, you will find an opened card slot. By the way, in case of loss of the key, which happens quite often, an ordinary paper clip will suit you. When opening the SIM card tray, be careful not to damage it, otherwise it will be very problematic to open it later. After installing the card, slide the cover back until it clicks. The display must necessarily show a search for a mobile network. This means that the SIM card for iPhone 4 is installed correctly. If the device displays a message about the absence of a card, it may still be installed incorrectly.
The usual solutionwon't fit

If you have already figured out how to insert a SIM card into the iPhone 4, you probably realized that for this device you need to purchase not an ordinary card of the classic format, but a special micro one. In any mobile phone store you can buy a “mini” that will fit the iPhone 4. Some sellers offer to buy a “number” at the same time as a mobile device, which, no doubt, will be the most convenient option. A micro-SIM has dimensions of 15x12 millimeters, which is much smaller than standard options.
Cut off the "number"

Sometimes, when changing the device, the user does not want to change the SIM card, so to use it on a new device, you need to adapt the format to micro. Of course, you can go to the salon of your operator and write an application to change the SIM card while keeping the number, but this requires a certain amount of time, so most people prefer to simply reduce the card.
You can cut a SIM card for iPhone 4 again directly when buying a device. This service is provided by almost all sellers. You can do it yourself too. In this case, you must be as careful as possible so as not to damage the chip. Otherwise, the card can be safely thrown away. Cropping is a very delicate matter, so it is still the best decision to turn to professionals, as they have special templates that can be easily adjusted to the size of the card.
So, if you finally figured out how to insert a SIM card into iPhone 4, turn on the new device andprepared a “number” in micro-sim format, you can accept congratulations on the acquisition of a wonderful smartphone. By the way, you have probably already noted a special plus with this arrangement of the card in the phone: now, if you need to change the SIM card or remove it, you do not have to completely turn off the device and pull out the battery, as is done in any other device. With the subsequent use of the iPhone, you will discover many more positive aspects of this mobile device.