Those who received as a gift or bought their first iPhone face a serious problem when they start working with it. At first glance, it is not known where to insert a SIM card in it. In ordinary smartphones, it is installed under the battery, and new users have no idea how to get into the compartment where it is located. Also, many have heard that standard SIM cards are not suitable for this smartphone. Therefore, the question of how to insert a SIM card into an iPhone should be considered in more detail.
Types of SIM cards used

Depending on the generation, different types of SIM cards are used in Apple smartphones. At present, perforations can be found on SIM cards to make it more compact. Thus, you can reduce its size to microsim, which is used in smartphones of the 4 series and below. Beforehow to insert a SIM card into an iPhone, read the user manual. Usually you can find information about the required type of card in it. The Apple 5 and 6 series smartphones use an even smaller SIM card, which the manufacturer calls nanosim. Its difference from the previous version is a more compact size by reducing the amount of plastic around the chip, as well as reducing its thickness.
Cutting the SIM card

Before inserting a SIM card into the iPhone, you need to prepare it. This can be done in several ways:
• Cutting the SIM card with a special device that will do it most accurately.
• Replacing the SIM card with your mobile operator in the office.• Self pruning.
For owners of Apple Series 4 devices, all modern SIM cards are perforated, and cutting will not be difficult. The greatest difficulties await the owners of more advanced devices of the 5th and 6th series. To insert a SIM card into the iPhone 5, you need to cut it as much as possible. It is quite difficult to do this on your own, since it is very easy to damage the chip. It is also necessary to grind off a little thickness of the plastic with sandpaper. iPhone users, when cutting the card themselves, are advised to leave more plastic around the chip than necessary, and then adjust the size with a needle file.
How to insert a SIM card into iPhone: instructions

In order to install a SIM card in a special slot, youyou need to find a key in the kit with which you can pull out the SIM card holder. To do this, you need to insert the key into the hole on the case, press it, and after that the card slot will pop out. In order to insert a SIM card into the iPhone 4S, you need to find a key hole and a panel on the side of the device case. After the compartment for the SIM card comes out, you need to put the card cut to microsim into it and install it back. After this procedure, if everything is done correctly, the phone will detect the card and register on the network. Similarly, you can insert a SIM card into the iPhone 6, the only difference is the location of the compartment for the card. It is located on top, near the power button, and it contains a card cut to nanosim.
What to do if the phone does not come with a special key

Many users are faced with a situation where the key to install the SIM card is lost. The fact is that this is a very small accessory and it is easy to drop it out of the box and lose it, for example, when checking the device in a store. It is easy to replace a special key with an ordinary paper clip, which needs to be slightly unbent. Open the compartment carefully so as not to damage the device. Installing a SIM card in an iPhone is usually not difficult. Cutting a SIM card if you need to get a nanosim is best left to specialists in a communication salon or exchange your old SIM card for a ready-made one at the operator's office. At the moment, due to the widespread use of Apple devices, largetelecom companies produce cards suitable for these smartphones.
In conclusion, a curious fact. iPhones appear in a lot of movies and TV shows, but as a rule, the phone model has no connection with the storyline and is most likely chosen randomly. For example, in The Big Bang Theory, Dr. Koothrappali managed to fall in love with Siri, the voice assistant of the iPhone communicator. Often the appearance of a familiar logo on a screen or in literature is a well-planned advertising campaign.