Microphone hisses: causes and remedies

Microphone hisses: causes and remedies
Microphone hisses: causes and remedies

Quite often, PC users are faced with a problem when the microphone hisses. There are actually not so many reasons why this happens, and all of them can be listed literally on the fingers of one hand. This is what this article will be devoted to. In addition to analyzing the causes themselves, we will also talk about how you can fix problems and bring the microphone back to normal.

Bad contact

The first reason why the microphone hisses is poor contact when connected. Yes, no matter how trite it may sound, but the plug in the connector may not be fully connected, resulting in a hiss.

microphone hisses due to poor contact
microphone hisses due to poor contact

Sometimes a bad contact appears due to the fact that the connector for the connection is very “loose”, and the plug seems to “dangle” there. This also results in noise and hiss.

Solving a problem is not always easy. If, for example, the plug is not fully plugged in, then this is quite easy to fix, but if the connector inside is “loose”, then bendcontacts will be difficult. There are quite real cases when you had to solder the connector to a new one.

High sensitivity

Why might the microphone hiss? The second reason is incorrect gain and sensitivity settings. As a rule, few users generally pay attention to these settings when connecting a microphone, but in vain. It is the sensitivity and gain that are responsible for how loud the microphone will work and at what distance it will pick up sounds. Of course, on the one hand, these are useful settings, but on the other hand, they are responsible for the appearance of an unpleasant hum, hiss, crackles and other extraneous sounds on the recording.

the microphone hisses due to incorrect sensitivity settings
the microphone hisses due to incorrect sensitivity settings

In order to fix this problem, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. In the system tray (bottom right) next to the clock there is an icon in the form of a speaker. You need to right-click on it and select "Recording devices" from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the window that appears, select the connected microphone, also right-click on it and select "Properties".
  3. In another window that appears, you need to go to the "Levels" tab. There will be 2 sliders - "Microphone" and "Gain". The second item can immediately be set to 0, but with the "Microphone" parameter you will need to "play around". The value must be set independently until the hiss and extraneous noise disappear.

Wrong format

Wrong entry format is also oneone of the reasons why the microphone hisses. It may seem that a higher quality value will only benefit the microphone, but this is not so. Practice shows that the higher the recording format, the more extraneous sounds and noises appear.

Microphone hisses due to incorrect recording format
Microphone hisses due to incorrect recording format

You can fix the problem in just a minute. You need to do all the same steps as in the previous paragraph, only instead of the "Levels" tab, you should go to the last one - "Additions". There, from the drop-down list, you must set the "correct" format, in which there will be no hiss. This is usually one of the first three formats.

Sound card settings

Well, the last reason why the microphone hisses is the wrong settings in the sound card parameters. If all of the above methods do not help to remove the hiss, then the problem lies in the audio settings. Usually, all sound cards have a separate driver and special software for managing and setting settings. The default settings are not always correct, so the microphone may have extraneous sounds.

microphone hissing due to sound card settings
microphone hissing due to sound card settings

What should I do if the microphone hisses due to incorrect sound card settings? Fix them! To do this, go to the system tray and find the sound card application there. Usually it is called Re altek. Next, double-click to open the application.

In the window that appears, you should immediately go to the microphone settings section. There will be a slider responsible for adjusting the volume of the recording. Here you will have to experiment with its settings until the hiss, background and other sounds disappear. It is also recommended to check the boxes next to the "Echo and Noise Cancellation" options.
