When choosing a tariff plan, each person is guided by different principles: for someone, the main thing is to spend as little money as possible on communication, someone is not used to limiting themselves, someone cannot do without high-speed Internet, etc. Thanks to a rich selection of tariffs and options, you can choose the best option for each case. At the same time, it is not necessary to be limited to the set of capabilities provided by the basic TP. By connecting additional packages and options, you can significantly adjust the established conditions and “customize” the tariff for yourself. For example, many customers today it is important to have access to the Internet. And on the most favorable terms possible.

Mobile operators provide a lot of options for unlimited internet. These may be individualoptions connected to the main TP, or tariffs with included service packages. How to choose the best tariff for mobile Internet? What offers are currently active? In this article, we will review the most optimal offers from cellular companies and try to find out what is the best tariff for mobile Internet. Some of the options or TPs below may not be available in some areas of the country.

The best tariff for MTS mobile Internet
Company "Mobile TeleSystems" has developed a line of TP "Smart". Each of the tariff plans included in it has a pre-installed amount of Internet traffic (starting from 1 GB, ending with 10 GB.). How to choose the best tariff for mobile Internet? You can decide on the appropriate option by reading their terms and conditions. For example, the "Smart" tariff implies 3 GB of Internet per month (plus 600 minutes and 600 messages are added to this, which can be used even when you are in intranet roaming). All this pleasure will cost 550 rubles / month. More traffic is available on the Non-stop tariff plan - 10 GB (with 400 minutes and messages) for a monthly subscription fee of 500 rubles. In this case, even if the set Internet volume is exceeded, you can connect additional packages (500 or 1000 Mb). The tariff line is in great demand, other TP included in its composition can be successfully used in a tablet PC. What tariff is better than MTS mobile Internet? To deal with this issue, one shouldgive a description of offers from other well-known operators.

Beeline's best mobile internet tariff
First of all, I would like to note the TP of the "Everything!" line, which imply the possibility of connecting several numbers (of this operator) and the included volume of services (Internet, messages, calls). For example, TP "All for 1200" contains 2000 minutes, 1000 messages and 10 GB of Internet traffic. Considering that several subscribers can use these volumes of services at once, the cost may seem low. After the Internet traffic is used up, the option to extend the speed of 70 Mb is automatically activated (20 rubles will be charged for it). The owner of the main number can refuse such a "tempting" offer quite simply.
Internet options from Beeline
Separately, it should be said about the Highway options that can be connected to a number of tariff plans (including TPs that have an included amount of Internet traffic). One of the interesting ones is the 4 GB package (for 400 rubles). For those subscribers who want to pay only for the fact of using it (for example, they rarely use the Internet), a variation of the Highway option is suitable for a subscription fee of 19 rubles per day (it is charged only when the connection is made).

Tariff plans for the Internet from MegaFon
Like the two previous mobile operators, Megafon offers users not onlycomplex tariff plans (implying packages with a certain amount of services), but also a number of options that allow you to profitably use the Internet at any TP. Among the tariffs are: M - 5 GB (for 500 rubles, plus 400 messages and 550 minutes) and L - 7 GB (for 800 rubles; which also includes 1000 minutes and messages). You can determine the best tariff for mobile Internet by understanding how much service is needed. If there is no need for packages of minutes and messages, then it makes sense to use options, for example, "Internet S" - 350 rubles per month - 3 GB. internet traffic. If you need more gigabytes, then pay attention to Internet packages M, L, XL, which include 16 GB / 36 GB / 30 GB (when used from seven in the morning to one in the morning) and unlimited use during the night. The cost of such offers will be slightly higher: package M will cost 590 rubles, L - 890 rubles, the last tariff with maximum unlimited Internet will have a monthly subscription fee of 1290 rubles.

How to choose the best tariff for mobile Internet? Pay attention to tariff plans with included service packages. Among the options offered by mobile operators, there are truly advantageous offers. If you do not need packages of minutes and text messages, then choose any TP without a monthly fee, with a minimum cost of calls and adjust it by connecting one of the options for the Internet (the volume can be selected according to need). Don't forget to specify addition alterms of use of each such package for your region. Connect options that extend the speed if the installed volume is not enough for comfortable use.