Have you ever received calls on your mobile phone from people you don't want to talk to? For example, a former life partner, a too sociable and annoying person, or some kind of ill-wisher. Telephone conversations with such interlocutors can take up a lot of your time, bring up unpleasant memories, ruin your mood, or even lead to more serious consequences. Some people change their SIM card to protect themselves from calls and messages from people who are unpleasant to them. Others have to turn off the phone for a while. Naturally, in such cases, there is an easy way to refuse the conversation - click on the "End" button. But there's a smarter way to keep yourself out of an awkward conversation that doesn't require you to change your number or turn off your phone.

"Blacklist Beeline" may be the best way to solve this problem. To protect yourself from an unwanted interlocutor, now you do not need to repeatedly reset the call or ignore his SMS messages. It is enough to add this subscriber to a special list. "Beeline" gives the right to all its subscribers to use this opportunity. In such a "black list"You can add a maximum of forty subscribers. If someone you don't want to talk to dials your number, they will hear an answering machine message asking them to call you back later. No matter how many times he tries to contact, the result will be the same. The Beeline Blacklist service is activated free of charge. But if it is connected by the operator of the Support Center, it will cost fifteen rubles, and for subscribers of the postpaid system - 30 rubles. Adding a new number to the Beeline Black List costs 3 rubles. Removal from it is free of charge.

The Beeline Black List service makes it possible to find out how many times and when exactly an unwanted subscriber called you. To do this, you need to dial a certain command, after which you will receive an SMS. It will indicate both the time of the call and the number of calls from the blacklisted subscriber over the past 24 hours. This request will cost five rubles.
For users of the prepaid payment system, the service will cost 1 ruble per day. In all other cases, it will cost 30 rubles for the same time. The Beeline Blacklist service is disabled free of charge at the request of the client.

The idea of banning calls from unwanted interlocutors is by no means new. The Megafon operator took it into service back in 2007. Even earlier, at the end of the last century, Chinese Samsung phones supported the call blocking function. Although at that time this service appeared on the Russian mobile communications market, it was not widely advertised and wasavailable, in fact, only to a narrow circle of subscribers. Now Beeline has adopted this idea. The blacklist can be replenished with any number - from landline to international. Naturally, it is unprofitable for the operator to completely refuse the client to receive calls from certain persons. Therefore, for the subscriber, this service is not entirely free. Agree that one ruble a day is not too much money, especially when it comes to peace of mind or even your safety.