The article will consider virtual mobile operators that have become popular in the Russian Federation. There are quite a few of them, only the most famous and profitable for subscribers are described here. Most of them appeared in this area recently, but have already managed to gather their users. Each operator is trying to reduce prices to the optimum in order to reduce the churn of consumers.

Er Telecom
Recently (2016), can already be considered a virtual operator. At the moment, it is allowed to purchase SIM cards under the Air Telecom brand. In March, communication was available only to those who live in Kirov. By the end of the year, the service was connected throughout Russia. Works on the basis of the Tele2 operator.
So far, buying a SIM card is only possible over other mobile network services. We are talking about the Internet, telephony and television. The cost of using the card is 250 rubles per month. The subscription fee for the basic package will also be charged: 300 min. online, 6 GBInternet and 300 messages. Local calls cost 0.9 rubles. for one minute, to other regions of the Russian Federation - 8 rubles, SMS will cost 2.5 rubles. If the entire available limit has been exhausted in the network, then the communication user will pay 2 rubles for each minute
Until the end of the year, "Er Telecom" introduced a network throughout the country. The goal of the operator is to protect itself as much as possible from the outflow of users by providing the entire communication set at a low cost.
If we take into account the minimum prices in the tariffs of this operator, then we can safely say that the offer is "average". For example, such services are provided by MegaFon and Beeline, where they are much cheaper.

As you know, until 2014, Rostelecom provided Russian residents with mobile communication services. In the third quarter of 2016, the company entered into an agreement with Tele2. After that, at the federal level, she began to work with the services of a virtual mobile operator. During the planning of the functioning system, a representative of Rostelecom said that the emphasis would be on 4Play, or rather on the tariffs that work within its framework.
The total amount of the contract is 330.4 million rubles. This cost has already been calculated including VAT. What calculations will be carried out depends on the volume of use of the full range of services. The contract is valid for a year or until the entire limit of funds is exhausted.
Those regions served by Tele2 will also be able to use the services of MVNO Rostelecom. But there is a possibility that they will addany special agreements. A little earlier, before the launch of the main network, the company conducted a pilot project of a virtual operator in the Urals. Representatives of Rostelecom are completely satisfied with the results offered by the pilot program. Prior to the launch of the virtual operator, the company stated that all services would be related to 4Play in some way. Rostelecom MVNO is not going to promote other communication options.
The announcement of the project carried out by the two companies took place in 2015. Even then, work on the technical and commercial parts of the project was almost completed.
It should be noted that the union between Rostelecom and Tele2 is not the first. In 2014, the described representative, based on the second one, provided various mobile network services that worked in the Urals and the Perm Territory. Only corporate clients could use them.

Based on MegaFon, Matrix Telecom launched a virtual network in Russia in 2003
Representative was founded in 1998. Even then, it provided international and long-distance communications. In 2000, signaling technologies were updated, and three years later the company signed an agreement with Sonic Duo, better known as MegaFon. As a result of this agreement, the brand provided its first own tariff "Unlimited". This was the beginning of work as a virtual operator. In 2008, the network was used by about 155 thousand people. The most active of them are 75 thousand inhabitants.
Matrix CompanyTelecom expands the area of its services. She is constantly working to integrate options beyond the state capital. To do this, she fruitfully cooperates with the North-West branch of the partner. This makes it possible to believe that soon the connection will appear there as well.

Skylink (Moscow) was established in 2003 to strengthen the work of regional network operators operating on NMT-450 technology. With the introduction of a special EV-DO standard in 2005, company-based operators have been able to improve the speed of the Internet provided.
"Skylink" makes it possible to communicate with various 30 regions of the state. In addition, there are services that allow you to interact with subscribers located in the territory of Latvia, Belarus and Transnistria.

Central telegram
On the basis of the Skylink company (Moscow), the virtual mobile operator Central Telegram operates. He started his activity in 2013. Coverage is available only on the territory of the Moscow region. The competition in this area is quite strong, so the operator took care of the quality of its services, and also reduced prices to the optimum. Representatives have repeatedly stated that they want to make the options universal, so that the user can use them as conveniently as possible. We are talking about, for example, forwarding calls to a specific number, creating a single and main account.
Plus One
In 2011 on the basis of Skylinkthe work of the virtual operator "Plus One" was launched. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is one of the projects of the already well-known Rostelecom.
Services are broadband. The emphasis is on access to the Internet. The advantage on the part of the company is given to a combination of 3G coverage in Moscow and the region, remote work with various applications and information resources.
The main users of virtual operator services are individuals and legal entities that need a cheap and reliable base for using office and home networks while traveling. Moreover, this company may be of interest to those people who are not satisfied with the options provided by other coverage, or those who do not have terrestrial communications in their area.
Hello Incognito
Another network based on Skylink. She also uses MegaFon and Beeline as a basis, like many other virtual mobile operators. She started her work in 2001. At the moment, it delivers some communication services using its own networks. This virtual operator is considered one of the oldest in Russia. Coverage captures Moscow and its region, St. Petersburg and all other areas located in the North-West region.
MegaFon became the first base operator, the contract was concluded in 2003. The second was Skylink, with which the company started cooperating in 2008. The last one was Beeline. Contract signed in 2011
People's Mobile Phone
This virtual mobile operator receivedlicensed back in 2009. But so far the services are not provided. There is no information as to why this happened. Let's look at the principles of work the company set for itself.
Initially it was planned that the operator would operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Kemerovo and Rostov. Functioning is provided by Tele2.
The main feature of the company is the refusal to use towers that would guarantee coverage. They receive all this already for work from the basic telecom operators. The company managed to test the quality of the network, with the results of which it is satisfied. When exactly the connection will be available to residents of Russia is unknown.

Atlas is a virtual operator operating on the basis of Beeline. The activity began at the end of summer 2016. Available on the territory of Moscow and the region. The operator is free and is a project from Russian Ventures. Its goal is considered to be the task of “covering” with communications not only the Russian Federation, but also other countries of the Commonwe alth of States over the next three years.
If a person constantly uses the services of this operator, then every month the company provides him with one of the tariff plans for free. There are only five of them, designed for communication, visiting Internet resources, watching movies and so on. How big the gift is depends on how often you use the app. If you wish, you can independently purchase any tariff. The operator focuses on what does not matter to him, payswhether the user. If there is not enough traffic, you can always buy it for virtual currency. It is earned within the application. The utility allows you to quickly and instantly find and purchase some equipment or other goods. For this, the user will receive virtual money.
The main tariff responsible for calls on the network is made in such a way that a person does not pay money for a connection. There is no subscription fee. Moreover, there are no randomly connected services and similar tricks that many mobile network operators fall for. A consumer using Atlas for communication will never be able to “go into the red”. It's impossible.
Unfortunately, Atlas virtual mobile operator does not provide international connection. According to a statement from a representative, it will appear as soon as the company can make the service as inexpensive and high-quality as possible. Communication throughout Russia is charged the same way, so you can safely call the other side of the state.
Sim cards are issued in limited quantities. They provide an opportunity to take advantage of good and high-quality operator services.

Another virtual operator - Aiva-Mobile, based on Tele2. Also, the core network is MTS. On the territory of Russia, this company is considered a leader. The launch took place in 2014.
The operator guarantees its users the most convenient and favorable conditions for cooperation. He focuses on the inhabitants of the countries of the former Soviet Union, especiallyfocus on Central Asia. The Russian Federation was not deprived, so the coverage is present here. The first country where a connection from this operator appeared was Tajikistan.
Representatives of the company say that by cooperating with them, the subscriber will receive high-quality, profitable and complete options for using the mobile network. Of the advantages, two numbers associated with one SIM card stand out separately, each of which is constantly active, the possibility of forwarding, cheap roaming. Users often connect to this operator.

On the basis of this company, virtual mobile operators operate. Let's take a quick look at each:
- "Yo". It has been operating since 2008. It serves seven regions of the Russian Federation. We are talking about Mordovia, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Astrakhan. It differs in that it has low prices. If subscribers are in the same tariff, then they can communicate with each other for free. Almost the only operator that functions with a large number of users and is developing.
- "Fly". It has been operating since 2012. It serves only Tatarstan. Acquired about 1 thousand users in a year. Now the operator has been bought out by SMARTS-Kazan, but continues to provide mobile services.
- Euroset. It has been operating since 2007. It functioned only until 2009. This is due to the fact that the operator did not gain success among the inhabitants of Russia. The underlying company ceased service after a share buyback was madePennant.
- "NMT". It has already been discussed before. The Roskomnadzor license was issued quite a long time ago. The work has not yet begun. The Company makes no guarantees that plans will be executed and coverage will be provided. Interest from potential users has long faded, so it is unlikely that even after the launch the network will be a commercial success.
Virtual mobile operators operate on the basis of MTS, it would be useful to briefly consider them:
- "Hello". Work began in 2010. It is a joint product from the network of stores "Perekrestok", "Karusel" and so on and MTS. Operates with only one tariff, like many other MVNO operators. It allows subscribers to use mobile services for a small fee, moreover, it is allowed to accumulate points and make purchases in the above stores. The project was closed in 2012. Those people who were served in it were transferred to MTS. The fare and its plan have been preserved.
- A-Mobile. Works since 2008. It is also a joint product. This time, the merger took place with the Auchan hypermarket. Tariffs can be purchased only in it. The basic plan is that the subscriber is given 15 minutes a day to talk with an interlocutor using the same services. If the second user is connected to a different tariff, then the cost is generally average for Moscow and the region.
- "Svyaznoy Mobile". Before launching the virtual mobile operator project, a line of tariff plans was released together with MTS. In autumn 2013 in Moscow andarea is covered. A little later, the network became available to all MTS users.