Mobile communication operator MTS regularly pleases its customers with various profitable offers. In the list of available tariffs and services, you can find the options that are right for you. By activating the necessary options, you can get a truly profitable tariff plan. In the operator's list, packages are available with included Internet traffic for active Internet surfers and not very active Internet surfers, different volumes of text messages, minutes, and so on. If you look at the proposed tariffs offered by the MTS operator (Yekaterinburg), you will notice that almost all of them are created for specific purposes: for example, for profitable communication within the network or calls to numbers in other countries, using the Internet at a reduced cost, etc.

In any case, whatever tariff plan the user chooses, it can always be adjusted according to needs and desires. In this article, we will tellabout the most profitable tariff plan for communicating with MTS subscribers, regardless of their region of location - the Super MTS tariff (Yekaterinburg). Description and terms of use, as well as connection options, you will find below.

General information on TP
MTS Company (Sverdlovsk Region) offers the Super MTS tariff plan for beneficial interaction with subscribers of the same operator registered in any region of the country. If you prefer frequent communication or, on the contrary, make calls in case of emergency, then it will certainly interest you. The tariff plan does not imply daily or monthly payments - this is one of its main advantages. At the same time, the subscriber can activate additional packages that will make his conditions even more profitable and interesting for specific directions (calls, messages, Internet).
Super MTS (tariff) Sverdlovsk Region
As mentioned earlier, there is no subscription fee for the TP. That is, you do not need to top up your account for a certain amount every month (as is the case when using tariff plans with monthly or daily payments). Replenish the balance with the amount that you consider necessary. Funds will be debited only when using the services: making calls, sending text or multimedia messages, establishing an Internet connection, ordering paid content, etc.

Feel the savings when calling to your network numbers over long distances (tonumbers of the MTS company in other regions) is possible from the first minute. At the same time, within twenty minutes, communication will be completely free. Every day, regardless of whether the daily limit of 20 minutes has been used. or not, the subscriber will be given a new limit - another quarter of an hour. Please note that the remaining minutes from the past day are not added, but reset to zero when switching to a new month.
Tariff "Super MTS" (Yekaterinburg). Description
After the daily limit - 20 minutes - is exhausted - all minutes will be paid according to the terms of the tariff plan. The cost of a minute when calling to MTS numbers in your network (in the region) is 0.75 rubles, to other cities - 3 rubles. You can call landline numbers and subscribers using communication services of other mobile operators for 12 rubles. per minute of conversation. The cost of text messages will also vary depending on the direction: in the Sverdlovsk region - 1.50 rubles, to other cities - 2.80 rubles. Tariffication of the Internet connection is made at the rate of 9.90 rubles. per megabyte.

Options for better communication
If 20 minutes of free communication a day is not enough for you and you are not used to or would not like to limit yourself, then it makes sense to use the option "Call for free to MTS Russia 100". After its activation, every day the subscriber will be given one hundred minutes to interact with clients of his network (in his area and in the country). These are the conditions of "Super MTS" (tariff, Sverdlovsk region). Activating the above option will cost threeruble, as well as the daily subscription. pay. Subscribers of the operator can check the balances on their own using an application developed specifically for mobile devices or a personal web account on the official resource of the mobile operator.
Package for using the Internet
The tariff "Super MTS" (Ekaterinburg), the description of which is given earlier, implies not very favorable Internet tariffication. But subscribers who want to remedy this situation can use the Super Bit Smart package option. When switching to a TP (or buying a new number with this TP), the service is activated automatically. As a test period, the user is given two weeks. During this period, you can use the Internet within the established limit for free. Starting from the 16th day, the subscriber will be charged. fee of 11 rubles. The main advantage of the option is the ability to use it both in the home region and in any other (by country). A subscriber is allocated a monthly limit of 3 GB. After it is exhausted, you can activate additional packages that increase traffic, or wait for a new month and get a new amount of megabytes. By the way, you can check the rest of the traffic by entering the request 217 or by visiting the subscriber's personal web account.

Transition to TP
There are several ways to switch to the Super MTS (Yekaterinburg) tariff, the description and conditions of use of which are listed above. If we are talking about acquiring a new number with this TP, then you can contact the officecompanies or place an order online (selecting, if desired, a beautiful number). For existing subscribers, switching to a tariff plan will cost 150 rubles (however, if the tariff plan was last changed more than a month ago, then this rule does not apply and you can change the tariff for free).
How else to go? The tariff "Super MTS" (Yekaterinburg) can be activated through a web application for subscribers, which is accessed through the official portal of the operator. You can also download an application for mobile devices and manage the number through it. Using the USSD command 888, you can also become the owner of a new MTS TP (Sverdlovsk region). If you cannot perform the shift yourself, then you can contact the customer service staff of the operator we are considering or visit the office, taking an identity document with you.