Japanese robot: modern developments and achievements

Japanese robot: modern developments and achievements
Japanese robot: modern developments and achievements

Fans of the Land of the Rising Sun firmly know that if there is a state in the world in which technology is not inferior to people in any way, then this is Japan. The production of robots here began in 1986 and continues to this day, successfully developing and capturing the market.


Japanese androids are a true work of art. Designers are so carried away by their creation that recently it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish a robot from a living person. These mechanical people dance, laugh, talk, have meaningful dialogues and even master facial expressions!

However, the Land of the Rising Sun has serious competitors in this field - the Koreans. Their androids move more slowly, but they are much more ergonomic and skillful. This led to the fact that a few years ago, the Japanese created an extremely realistic robot girl. She could carry on a dialogue and gesticulate, but at that moment only the upper part of her body came into motion.

Today the situation has changed. Such androids are gradually replacing the living attendants, associety highly approves of such modernization. Examples include a mechanical newscaster from a Tokyo TV channel or a sales assistant in a cosmetics store.

girl robot
girl robot

Such a robot girl is almost indistinguishable from a real person, moreover, she not only attracts new consumers and clients, but really works. Since last year, any large company that wants to replace a demanding employee with an android can purchase it online by choosing the optimal model from those offered on the Web.

Unpretentious pets

Japan is known not only for its androids - companion robots made in the form of familiar pets are no less popular. They are designed for children and elderly single people who do not have the opportunity to get a pet to take care of him.

Besides dogs and cats (made very realistically), imitating the behavior of a real four-legged friend, there are much more interesting mechanical pets. For example, the Paro seal, designed for the social rehabilitation of the elderly. This Japanese robot looks like a child's toy and can perform a series of actions, as well as equipped with sensors that respond to touch. Paro can be compared with Tamagotchi - he also needs care and constant attention. The experience of its use has shown a positive trend in the condition of the elderly.

japanese robot
japanese robot

House help

Japan is known for its tradition of respectfulattitude towards elders is far from the last place. Thanks to this, a lot of gadgets were invented, which include a variety of robots. For example, a housekeeper - visually she does not resemble a person, but exactly imitates his movements and is able to perform simple functions like "bring and take away" without dropping the item she is looking for.

But robotic Japanese vacuum cleaners enjoy special honor - they literally take over the world. It got to the point that Europeans give human names to technology, equating it with a pet. However, this can be explained by the technology of the equipment - if a person stops paying attention to it, the vacuum cleaner, in turn, will boycott the garbage.

This Japanese robot is only popular in Europe. The Land of the Rising Sun has long been amused by the android Wakamaru. He is able not only to manage the household, but also to distinguish his owners by their faces, guard the house, warning of hacking attempts, and even remind you of planned business, since the robot's vocabulary includes about 15 thousand words.

Japanese vacuum cleaners
Japanese vacuum cleaners

Caring for the sick

The percentage of the elderly population in Japan is steadily increasing. These people are in need of care that their busy relatives cannot provide, and they are the focus of most medical developments.

Several of them are especially useful: an exoskeleton from Honda (the Paro baby seal is the work of their hands) and a robot-nurse Riba. Honda's development is a walking aid. She serves forfacilitating the rehabilitation period for injuries and serious fractures that threaten lameness, providing optimal load on the limb without pain.

Japanese robot-nurse is designed to replace a person in this difficult position. His main job is to help wheelchair users change from chair to other pieces of furniture. It is equipped with many sensors and sensors that regulate behavior and prevent accidents (collision or fall).

japan robot manufacturing
japan robot manufacturing

Japan International Robot Exhibition

Every year Tokyo hosts a demonstration of achievements in the field of robotics. Such exhibitions gather an audience of many millions, some of them are regular visitors. Usually these are not only representatives of various companies, but also ordinary people, captivated by the ingenuity and imagination of the Japanese.

This year there was an exhibition of robots for medical care, where many interesting devices were presented.

japan robot exhibition
japan robot exhibition

Tech boom

The main useful developments have already been described, but what is the reason for such a breakthrough? It's simple: the demography of a country depends on the standard of living in it. This is partly due to instincts, because the worse the conditions, the stronger the need to leave offspring, protecting their kind from extinction.

Japan is a very developed state, so the birth rate in it is quite low, and the number of aging population is growing every year, as well as the need for self-development among young people. More and more people wantto use their intellectual and creative potential, because of which there is a shortage of workers in the service sector. In fact, the Japanese android robot is designed to replace a person in an unclaimed position.

It is worth saying that this has been happening for a long time in most civilized countries, but in them jobs are occupied by immigrants who are willing to work for a penny, just to get out of their wilderness. But Japan is not one of them, because it honors history and traditions, and people's memory is several times longer than in other states. Two centuries ago, a foreigner would have simply been silently hacked to death on the road, not disdaining the public, because the Land of the Rising Sun had a policy of closed doors for a very long time. Of course, today the population of Japan is much more friendly to "gaijins" (foreigners), but few agree to hire them, and only if the candidate is exceptional.
