Paid surveys are a popular method of making money online for beginners. Usually it is advised to those who just want to make sure that you can really earn money by filling out questionnaires. There are various questionnaires on the web. These are sites that offer to pay for the questionnaires filled out by the user to one degree or another. For example, some quite often recommend taking a closer look at the Expert Opinion service. Reviews about this resource are to be found further. How good is this for making money? Does hosting really pay? Are users satisfied with the cooperation with this site? And what should a person who wants to make money on the "Expert Opinion" questionnaire need to know? Do not believe all the reviews - among them there is often fraud. But the true essence of the proposal can still be understood from the opinions left on the World Wide Web about the Expert Opinion service.

What is the mentioned site? It has already been said - this is a service that offersusers to take paid surveys. That is, a certain amount of money is paid for filling out certain questionnaires. Upon reaching the minimum payout threshold, you can withdraw from the questionnaire system, and then cash out.
Nothing difficult to understand. For its activities in general, "Expert Opinion" receives good reviews. Users clearly understand what they will have to do. No cheating, no additional weird or non-standard tasks. Just what you need to get familiar with earning on paid surveys.
What's next? It is worth paying attention to some features of this site. Maybe you don't need to work with this questionnaire? Some users note that modern sites with paid surveys and questionnaires sometimes charge a fee for registration. And this fact repels them.
For registration "Expert Opinion" reviews are mostly positive. Joining the project is completely free. Just a few minutes - and you can start earning without any problems. You don't even need any personal information. All you have to do is enter your email address and create a password to log in. Next, the account is confirmed and the profile is filled out on the site. Easy and simple!

A distinctive feature that "Expert Opinion" has is the possibility of authorization through social networks. For example, through VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. Not too often, but this functionused. So, this service is not a hoax.
Extra earnings
Project "Expert Opinion" receives positive reviews also for its additional earnings. The fact is that users note the presence of a referral system. It allows you to receive additional passive income. It is enough just to attract new members to the system.
It is also emphasized that it is precisely through such a technique that you can make good money on the project. If you use only filling out questionnaires and surveys, then you won’t get a lot of money on the service. But the referral program fixes the situation for the better.
At the moment, none of those who registered through referral links complained about the work of "Expert Opinion" hosting. Reviews this site receives, as already mentioned, mostly positive. If you master the system of accruing money for invited participants, then the questionnaire brings a good profit.

Page design
Sends out the site "Expert Opinion" paid surveys to everyone who has registered in the system. Some doubt that the service really pays. All of the above is a promise. You can only make sure that you don't have to pay for hosting registration.
Many people point out that the design of the "Expert opinion" page is not particularly credible. Too many graphic components, a minimum of information that can be useful for novice users.
However, the design of the pages of the site "Expert Opinion" does not look like a template. So, there is every chance that the hosting really works fine and is not a fraudulent resource. There are no significant complaints about the design. But some emphasize that at the very beginning they are repelled by the abundance of graphics and the lack of clear answers to certain questions regarding cooperation with the questionnaire.
"Expert opinion" receives various types of reviews. There are both positive and negative opinions. What about withdrawing funds from the system?
This component causes ambiguous feelings and sensations. The fact is that the site has a minimum for withdrawal - 500 rubles. Users complain that quite often it is difficult to collect this amount. Nevertheless, it is indeed possible to withdraw it.

This means that "Expert Opinion" (questionnaire) gets good type of feedback for a reason. The project really works and pays. To confirm the system's performance, some even post photos of transfer receipts.
Negative also causes a waiting period for funds. Quite often, the withdrawal is delayed for several weeks. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, you should simply fill out an application for cashing out in advance.
Working time
"Expert opinion" feedback from project participants earns mixed. Yes, hosting is not a scam, it really pays. Butsome are put off by the time it takes to complete surveys.
On average, 1 questionnaire takes about 40 minutes. But many round this figure to the nearest hour. The cost of one survey may vary. It varies between 30 and 400 rubles. Therefore, some customer opinions indicate that earnings and expenses for filling out questionnaires are not comparable. And to earn here without a referral program "normal" money will not work in any way.

If someone is thinking about joining the project, it's worth considering - working on the site will take a lot of time. But no significant skills will be required from the user.
"Expert Opinion" is a relatively new site. For some, he still does not inspire confidence. Nevertheless, thanks to its stable and conscientious work, this project occupies a high position in the ranking of popular questionnaires on the Web.
At the moment, "Expert Opinion" is in the top ten projects that have proven their effectiveness. So, you can trust the service. The level of user confidence is growing every day. Although dissatisfied participants also meet. And this is normal. All earning projects have their advantages and disadvantages.
Made in Russia
By the way, among the positive aspects, one can still highlight the fact that "Expert Opinion" is a Russian service. It operates only on the territory of the Russian Federation. This feature is often emphasized as a positiveside.
As practice shows, it is not always possible to work with questionnaires from foreign sites. Either with the withdrawal of money, then with the questionnaires. Hosting "Expert Opinion" has no such problems. Residents of Russia are eligible to participate in the project without any problems.

Poll problems
Despite all of the above, there are also negative sides to this proposal. A person, say, fills out a survey on the Expert Opinion website. Feedback from numerous users indicates that, as a rule, many do not have time to complete the procedure, since the survey for most participants ends ahead of schedule. All questionnaires have a similar problem.
Thus, very few people manage to fill out the questionnaire completely. Most often, after several answers, it breaks off. The system reports that the interviewed person does not meet the criteria for selecting an audience for conducting a survey.
Also, "Expert opinion" reviews of not the best content gets for the number of profiles. It is emphasized that they are very few. Surveys are rare, and there are no guarantees that you will be able to fill them in full. Therefore, it is not worth thinking that the service is the guarantor of successful earnings.
About amounts
What other features does the "Expert Opinion" (questionnaire) have? Reviews about this service often contain opinions regarding earnings. It has already been said that if you do not use the referral system, then you can not expect big profits. And this fact is confirmedoften.
Despite this, the administration of the "Expert Opinion" project promises a high return. You can't rely on her. On average, you can earn about 2,000 rubles per month on this service. But you can't count on large sums.

Now it's clear what "Expert Opinion" customer reviews get. The conclusions can be drawn as follows:
- The site really works. It is intended for residents of Russia.
- You can't earn a lot on the service. As a part-time job, this option is good.
- Questionnaires are few, surveys are often interrupted in the middle or at the very beginning. The money from this does not come fully.
- It is recommended to order withdrawal of funds in advance.
- "Expert opinion" - not scammers. It is difficult to achieve high profits, but at the initial stages of working on the Internet, you can cooperate with the project.