Information products of Alexander Zalogin. Feedback from training participants

Information products of Alexander Zalogin. Feedback from training participants
Information products of Alexander Zalogin. Feedback from training participants

Today Alexander Zalogin is known as the creator of the Turnkey One-Page and Your Remote Work educational programs.

Why is Zalogin called a deceiver?

On the Internet you can find reviews of anonymous users who call Alexander Zalogin's program a "divorce" and himself a deceiver.

The authors of negative comments can be divided into two conditional categories. The first includes people who admit that they have achieved success thanks to Alexander's info products, but the level of sales and income received did not meet their expectations.

The second category includes the authors of negative reviews who did not buy a single information product, due to the lack of the required amount.

On the other hand, according to information published on the Web, participants in the programs developed by Alexander have become richer by at least 27 million rubles. In addition, Alexander provides a guarantee for all his information products.

Assurances to return funds to an unsatisfied client or a guarantee of a 100% result - the topics are rather hackneyed and annoy most consumers. But does Alexander belong to the cohort"entrepreneurs" generously giving empty promises?

A web page that makes millions

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alexander login divorce

According to the information provided for free review, entrepreneur Alexander Igorevich Zalogin offers his services to create ready-made selling pages.

Those who wish to independently develop their own selling one-page site (Landing Page) are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Zalogin's free recommendations, which are freely available.

What is a landing page

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login alexander igorevich reviews

Internet agencies and independent freelancers who create Landing Pages or sell pages cost at least $170 (experienced specialists can request ten times the amount indicated). Against this background, the offer to get ready-made landing pages for a moderate fee would look: a) very tempting; b) as a phishing technique.

On the other hand, anyone who sells a landing page can try to create it on their own. Theoretically, this is quite simple. All you need is:

Develop the design of the selling page. Just by looking at the design of the landing page, a potential buyer should understand what exactly the seller wants to offer him

Gain the trust of a potential consumer. The look and feel of the sales page and the content of the ad text can be a source of annoyance if the seller is overly pushy inviting guests to make a purchase with their content

Demonstratepotential client of its benefits. Perhaps the buyer himself does not really know what he needs. The task of the owner of the Landing Page is to help a potential client figure it out so that when leaving the site, the buyer knows for sure that in the future he will only contact this seller

Create a unique heading slogan. The purpose of the selling header is to “hook”, attract the attention of target visitors (possible buyers) of the landing page, make them think about the advisability of placing an order with this particular seller. A selling headline should be true and evoke positive emotions

Subtle hint to potential customers about the superiority of your product (service). It is considered bad form in the world of marketing to overly importunately praise your product or focus the buyer's attention on the shortcomings of competitors in the marketing world. Advertising information must be unobtrusively justified

Reviews from users of the global network about the training "One-page turnkey 3.0"

Login Alexander Igorevich
Login Alexander Igorevich

Anonymous comments have been found on the Internet regarding information products developed by Alexander Zalogin. The reviews of the majority (about 60%) of people who bought the aforementioned info product are positive. In particular, these users consider their purchase profitable and note that this tutorial has a twist - two personal consultations with the author.

From the feedback of people positively disposed towards A. Zalogin, it can be understood that the author of the training did not come up with anything new, he simply shared his many years of experience with consumers andprovided information that is not freely available.

About a quarter of users who reported their attitude to the activities of Alexander Zalogin admit that it was difficult for them to choose between two information blocks (VIP or Gold), the cost of which differs significantly.

The source of negative emotions in people who did not purchase the training was the cost of the One-Page… - one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. It should be noted that the authors of negative reviews are a minority.

Earnings on other people's goods

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alexander login reviews

It is known that Alexander Zalogin is the author of the educational info-products "Profitable business China" and "Wholesale business from scratch". According to the advertising text, the training participants received a 50-point briefing containing detailed explanations on the first steps of a novice entrepreneur and how to develop a wholesale business.

Among the many admiring reviews, only a few were written by users who logged in through the social network. The authors of these comments recommend the above trainings as valid and report that today they receive, although not fabulous, but still profit.

Alexander Zalogin: information from the Internet

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alexander login

Alexander was born in Krasnodar in 1992 in a simple family. Thoughts that working “for an uncle” you won’t earn much, visited him when he was still a schoolboy. Therefore, Alexander dreamed of his own business since childhood. As a university student, hepersonally created his first selling site for the trade of Chinese lanterns. It is known that at present the first web project of A. Zalogin has turned into a trading network with 20 branches.

Alexander Igorevich Zalogin earned his first million dollars (reviews about his trainings were found on the pages of thematic content) at the age of 22. Such an impressive profit was brought to the entrepreneur not only by his own project. After a successful start, without breaking away from the main business, Alexander took up intermediary activities, acquired several franchises and launched new projects: the CosmaWeb marketing agency and the CosmaCalls call center.

The Locusmedia Educational Center, co-founded by Alexander, was established in 2014. With the advent of new trends in e-commerce, A. Zalogin decided to realize himself as a business coach.
