How to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber?

How to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber?
How to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber?

To ensure that the user is always in touch with his loved ones, friends and relatives, the Beeline operator offers its customers to activate a special service. With its help, you can find out the balance of another subscriber. This will allow not only to always be aware of the status of the number, but also to come to the rescue in a timely manner when the amount of funds in the account tends to zero. How to use this option correctly and is it available to all clients? This will be discussed in detail in the current article.

Service Description

The balance of another Beeline subscriber can be found in almost a few keystrokes. However, you must first obtain the consent of the person whose mobile balance you are interested in. How to do it? This will be discussed below.

balance of another beeline subscriber
balance of another beeline subscriber

Checking the status of the account of someone else's number after the successful activation of the option is carried out by entering a USSD request. It is available only after the option is activated, the number is added, and the consent of the SIM card holder is received. Please note that the person whose number is being checkedother subscribers, can easily refuse such an opportunity. Thus, if you are unable to send a request and find out how many rubles are on the account, although this operation was performed yesterday, then most likely the client withdrew his consent.

Who is the service available to?

Can everyone clarify the balance of another Beeline subscriber? Like any option provided by a communication provider, the "Balance of relatives" service has a number of nuances and features that you should familiarize yourself with before you start using it.

  • The option can be activated by customers of the prepaid system, regardless of the conditions under which they are served (individuals/corporate customers).
  • Checking the number is possible only for customers using the services of the black-and-yellow operator.
how to find out the balance of another beeline subscriber
how to find out the balance of another beeline subscriber
  • There is a limit on the number of people who have the right to check the account status of another number - 3 numbers are allowed. To add a new client, you must first exclude one subscriber from the list of numbers to which permission has been issued.
  • How to find out the balance of another Beeline subscriber if consent has not been received from him? In this case, it will be necessary to wait for a response from him. Otherwise, the balance check functionality will not be available.
  • The service is not paid (connection and sending requests to view the balance are not charged). You will only have to pay for adding a number.

Commands to control the option that can behelpful

For customers who check the balance of another Beeline subscriber, and for those who are users whose numbers are monitored, some combinations to control the option will be useful. The service is managed through menu 131. To compose a specific command, you should write a number after the second asterisk that corresponds to the desired action:

1 - sending permission (in full, the command looks like this: 1311;

how to check the balance of another beeline subscriber
how to check the balance of another beeline subscriber
  • 0 – revocation of a previously sent permission, after zero, the “asterisk” symbol should be set again, indicating the number of the person who is deprived of the right to check the balance (if you need to completely disable the service and prohibit checking the balance of your number, you must form the command 131 0);
  • 9 - view a list of all people who have the right to check the balance of your number;
  • 5 - send a request for permission to view the balance (for example, 13159066660066).

How to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber?

So, after the correct passage of each of the stages, the command to check the balance of a loved one can be entered in the contact list so as not to enter this sequence every time. Request: 1316. As in the previous cases, only ten digits should be entered (excluding the eight).
