The topic of our today's conversation is "Aliexpress: expectation and reality". The thing is that this moment is interesting for new users. Especially those who plan to buy clothes on this site. I would not like to pay for the order, but to receive something wrong or in an inappropriate form. Let's see what the purchases on Aliexpress show us (expectation and reality), photos of which users willingly post on the World Wide Web.

What can be ordered first on the Chinese website at competitive prices? Of course, toys for children. In this regard, people leave feedback unambiguous. It can be said, once at a time it is not necessary. This means that someone receives the product in the form in which it was presented in the picture, but someone is not lucky. For goods from "Aliexpress", expectation and reality in this regard, in most cases, still converge.
If you are afraid of being deceived, then do not order soft toys. But a variety of designers and otherchildren's equipment for fun - easily. In other words, refrain from purchases that contain fabric. It is she who, as a rule, is damaged or made of poor quality.
It is also worth asking around for real opinions about a particular toy from its owners. Often, if something came in an inappropriate form (that is, in relation to a purchase on Aliexpress, expectation and reality differed greatly), then it is customary to leave feedback about this right in the description of the lot.

Products for children
You can also order children's furniture and equipment for games (such as bicycles, cars, and so on). For such goods bought on Aliexpress, expectation and reality, fortunately, coincide. Most likely, this is all due to the fact that the furniture is made by professionals. Often there is simply a purchase of ready-made kits from one or another manufacturer with a small margin. This means that the probability that you will not receive what you ordered is rapidly approaching zero.
True, as practice shows, furniture and children's equipment on the site are rarely purchased. Users already do not trust online shopping. It is important to see for yourself what this or that changing table or bed is, and only then make a decision. Nevertheless, there are photos on the topic “Aliexpress: expectation and reality” related to the purchase of children's furniture. They show 100% match.
Jewellery and watches
Next section worthyattention is jewelry and watches. In truth, this is where the reviews about purchases are the best. After all, this product, as a rule, is extremely difficult to spoil. So, you can not be afraid of deception.

If we consider such products from "Aliexpress", the expectation and reality about their appearance will coincide. This, in turn, gives you a guarantee that you will buy exactly what you ordered. If jewelry can have some flaws, then watches usually don’t have them.
Besides, if "Aliexpress" repurchases some goods (usually it concerns watches), then the probability of deception is reduced to almost zero. And not all Chinese jewelry is made poorly. This is nothing but the most common stereotype. Don't be afraid. The main thing is to choose carefully what you want to buy. If in doubt about the transaction, look for photos of the product in real life. Perhaps, in relation to purchases made on Aliexpress, expectation and reality (check the photo of the selected product very carefully) will coincide.
Automotive products
Automotive products - not so popular, but, according to many buyers, a very high quality category that you can trust. After all, there are usually no deviations.
True, there is also a negative point that may relate to buying on "Aliexpress". Expectation and reality (photos of the selected product are often shown in reviews on the site) are not very happy, it's justdiscrepancy between the product in the box and in the picture. For example, you order a stereo system from one company, and they send it to you from another manufacturer or another model, without any functions. But such cases are rare.
It is worth refraining from buying car seat covers. This is where the reviews on the products are not very good. Such opinions are most often found among car buyers on Aliexpress. Expectation and reality in this case can radically diverge. Not exactly pleasant, is it?

For home
Home utensils are also a huge hit on Aliexpress. And all this is due to the fact that here the expectation and reality regarding orders converge.
Most often ordered are a variety of kitchen utensils such as baking molds or cutting boards. In second place are goods for needlework and decor. On the third - home textiles. But, as practice shows, they are skeptical about it. There are too many negative reviews about Aliexpress in terms of purchases of woven products. It's repulsive at times.
Also, do not be afraid for goods from the category of lamps. Manufacturers of these products are usually not always located in China, and the products are all made with high quality. Unless you should be careful about sending these lots. They may be damaged during transport. This is the only thing that should worry the buyer on "Aliexpress".
Beauty and he alth
If you already looked intosection "Beauty and He alth", then you can be sure that you will receive high-quality parcels from "Aliexpress". Expectation and reality (the photo of the selected product and the one that actually came to you) will coincide. This means that there are no concerns about transactions here either. What you bought is what came.

Make-up cosmetics, as well as a variety of manicure products and sets, are most often ordered without incident. And already with great distrust, buyers usually treat a variety of equipment that helps to take care of themselves and their he alth. Liquid cosmetics are also not the best attitude. All this is due to possible problems with its transportation. Perhaps there are no more negative points here.
Pay attention only to the fact that the expiration date of cosmetics is normal. In some cases, customers complain that they receive either expired or expired goods.
Appliances and gadgets
Various technology is another point that causes heated discussions among potential buyers on Aliexpress. Expectation and reality (photos of goods can be found not only in the online store itself, but also on third-party resources) please, because they coincide.
The most common moment is the purchase of smartphones. Chinese counterparts, according to buyers, are no worse than the original equipment. True, you will have to suffer a little with firmware and Russification. But this is not such a problem. On "Aliexpress" you can order anytechnology without fear. Unless you need to be careful with those purchases that can be badly damaged during transportation.

But things with "Aliexpress", the expectation and reality for which, as a rule, absolutely do not coincide, are clothes. This includes shoes too.
On the World Wide Web, girls and boys post photos of their experience of getting clothes from Aliexpress. And from the proposed pictures you can see that sometimes the recipient receives a pathetic parody of a normal product. Apparently, over the manufacture of clothing and footwear in China do not bother much. And this fact greatly affects the reputation of Aliexpress. It raises doubts about the integrity of the company, and can also sometimes lead to the abandonment of purchases.
In principle, this is correct. With great care, treat the goods located in the sections "Clothes" and "Shoes" on "Aliexpress". Most likely, you will not get exactly what you expect. This does not mean that the site is cheating. It has many categories in which you will be offered really high-quality goods. But clothes and shoes here have a bad reputation. Products from "Aliexpress" expectation and reality in respect of which most often do not coincide, for the most part, are located in the "Clothes" category. Use this section with care.