Over the past couple of years, the huge AliExpress virtual marketplace has become one of the most sought after around the world. This is not surprising, since the multimillion-dollar assortment makes it possible to purchase the necessary goods several times cheaper than in ordinary stores. However, this resource is for those who have patience, because using free shipping, you have to wait from 1 to 2 months. But this is not a problem when it comes to significant savings, and a person orders non-essential goods.

It is important for the buyer to know when to click "Confirm receipt of goods" on Aliexpress, as this is a kind of money back guarantee for the purchase in case of non-receipt of the package.
Complete and mobileversions
Today, it is possible to use this platform not only from a desktop computer, but also with the help of any modern phone or tablet, since an application based on Android / IOS can be freely downloaded. To do this, you need to visit the AppStore or Google Play.
The design is no different from the full version, so no buyer experiences discomfort from using the mobile version of Aliexpress. Additional registration is not required. It is enough to enter your data, with which the user logs into the account through a browser on a computer. How to confirm receipt of goods on Aliexpress? This method is in the mobile, which is similar in the full version. But this can only be done after the purchase is in the hands of the buyer.
How does AliExpress order system work?
AlieExpress is a marketplace where Chinese sellers and stores offer goods of various categories to the audience at an affordable price. It should be noted that often the same product from numerous sellers has different prices, so you need to look at as many offers as possible.
If the necessary thing was found, then we proceed according to the usual principle of making a purchase in an online store. We send the goods to the "Basket", check the delivery address, which is indicated during registration in the application, and make the payment.
Methods of payment for the order
It is important to know that the resource works on a prepaid system. Although there is an item on the menu "Payment upon receipt",this feature is currently not available. AliExpress accepts payments from bank cards, electronic payment systems (WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex. Money). Therefore, each buyer can easily use the most relevant method.
After making a purchase and making a payment, the receipt of funds is checked within a few minutes, and then the order is sent for processing to the seller. According to the established rules, the processing of the order takes place within a week. If the product has not been sent within this period, the order is automatically canceled and a refund is issued.
Each user should know how to confirm receipt of goods on Aliexpress, since payment to the seller's account is received only after certain actions of the buyer have been completed, in particular, confirmation of receipt of the purchase.

How do I confirm receipt?
AliExpress work system has been adapted for users who handle new gadgets on you. After all, they are the same buyers as another, more advanced audience. Accordingly, the interface should be clear to absolutely all users of Aliexpress. Registration, selection, payment and purchase confirmation - everything works on an intuitive level. Any user will cope with the task.
After the long-awaited purchase is in the hands of the buyer, the latter must know how to confirm receipt of the goods on Aliexpress. To do this, you need to go to your "Personal Account" and visit the "My Orders" section. Scrollactive shopping is usually presented as a regular list with two buttons. You need to select the order with the received goods and click the "Confirm receipt" button. Next, the system will offer to evaluate the quality and work of the store.

To do this, the user goes to the "Pending reviews" section and sets the number of stars that, in his opinion, deserves the product and service provided by the seller.
To publish a rating and review, it is mandatory to attach at least one photo with the product. Otherwise, publication is not possible. This innovation is considered relatively recent and not very convenient, since the order will hang in this category for a month if it is not possible to photograph the product.
What to look for before confirming the receipt of the goods on "Aliexpress"? The user must take into account the duration of the buyer protection. As a rule, it varies from 30 to 45 days. During this period of time, the buyer has the right to open a dispute and demand a refund of his money if the goods have not been delivered. An alternative is to contact the seller, who will extend the protection period, since the Russian Post service is sometimes very slow, and some parcels reach even after a two-month wait.
You should not believe the persuasions of the seller, who claims that the parcel will soon arrive at the buyer, and offers him to confirm receipt, since the deadlineexpires. Otherwise, you can not only not wait for the goods, but also lose your money.
If the buyer's protection period has expired, and the client did not have time to open a dispute, then in this case the possibility of a refund remains active for one month. But it's best not to take it to extremes and ask to extend the protection period or organize a dispute with the seller, demanding a cash back.

In order for online shopping to bring only pleasant emotions, the user must not only choose the goods and sellers correctly, but also know how to correctly confirm the receipt of the goods on Aliexpress in order to be able to return their money if necessary.