Everyone knows that purchased goods of inadequate quality must be returned to the store. The rights of the buyer are regulated by law by a fixed period during which the consumer can see a defect in the product and return this product to the seller. This period is counted from the date of purchase of the product and is 14 days. Not all people know that not all goods are subject to the right to exchange. Or for a return. There is such a list of technically complex goods that cannot be exchanged. In this case, a return is not always possible, as the buyer may face a lot of difficulties.

Products that were approved in this way in the law on technically complex goods are a special category. What does it mean? The law was adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 924. This type of goods is mentioned in 2 lists, so the seller, depending on the situation, can take advantage of the legal illiteracy of the buyer and mislead him about his rights. In this case, the seller can refer both to one list and to another. The choice of the required list directly dependsfrom the answer to the following question: “Is there a defect in the product?” By answering it, you can find out whether the product is technically complex. And also is it possible to refuse the purchase.

Products included in the list of technically difficult
So, more details. The list of technically complex products is quite extensive. Returning them often causes a lot of problems for consumers, due to their specific features. The list of technically difficult goods includes:
- Vehicles based on an electric motor or an internal combustion engine.
- Floating transport based on an electric motor or internal combustion engine.
- Aircraft based on an electric motor or internal combustion engine.
- Equipment and machines intended for use in agriculture and made on the basis of an electric motor or internal combustion engine.
- Wireless communication and navigation equipment for household needs. Their design includes, as a rule, a touch screen, with which you can perform more than two functions.
- Transport, which is designed to move on snow and is based on an electric motor or internal combustion engine.
- Inkjet or laser devices with many features.
- Stationary computers, processors (system units) and portable devices. This group also includes tablets, laptops and other personal computers.
- Monitors with included digital control.
- Satellite TV sets.
- Projectors and TVs,which are digitally controlled.
- Digital game consoles.
- Optical film and photo equipment that is digitally controlled.
- Digital video and photo cameras.
- The following appliances: dishwashers and washing machines, air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators, coffee machines, electric stoves, smart water heaters, ovens.

Old tech list
Next moment. The old list includes:
- Snowmobiles.
- Vehicles.
- Motor scooters and motorcycles.
- Yachts, outboard motors and boats.
- Automatic washing machines.
- Motorblocks, agricultural tractors.
- Freezers and refrigerators.
- Personal computers with essential peripherals.
How the return works
Attention! As a general rule, technically complex goods can only be returned within two weeks after purchase. This can be done only when any defects and shortcomings are revealed in the product during operation. In this case, the item can be exchanged for the same or another similar model, or returned to the seller.

If a product of good quality without defects for some reason does not suit the buyer, it cannot be exchanged or returned. And one more nuance. Everything is technicalcomplex products specified in the special list cannot be exchanged or returned. This must be taken into account when buying them.
After 15 days, the process of returning or exchanging defective goods becomes much more difficult. During the entire warranty period, you can exchange or return the goods in the following case: this defective product is being repaired by the organization or the seller with whom the contract was concluded. At the same time, non-compliance with the established terms of repair was revealed.

Significant product defect
Such defects are repaired by the service center or the seller who performs the repair under the contract. In some cases, the buyer may repair a technically complex product with a defect at his own expense. But only on condition that the seller agrees to this. The buyer is obliged to present documents confirming the costs. On the contrary, it is the responsibility of the seller to reimburse these costs. In addition, the repair of goods with any defect may be carried out by the seller at his expense.
Moreover, the seller can reduce the price of the product by mutual agreement of both parties. The amount of the discount is usually negotiated.

Which product flaws are significant?
The ability to use all the functions of the product provided by the manufacturer, as well as to use it for its own purpose, determines the significance of its deficiency. If it is impossible to perform their functions, as well asif the defect cannot be eliminated, this defect of the goods is considered to be significant. In addition, the disadvantage may be significant under the following conditions:
- The defect appears more than once after the repair of the product.
- Due to the lack of goods becomes dangerous to human life.
- Significant time and material costs are required to eliminate this defect.
- The lack of goods reduces the useful effect of use due to the fact that not all mechanisms in it can function.
Return good quality goods
And what to do in this case? The law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" specifies the procedure for the return of technically complex goods of good quality that do not have defects. Nothing complicated. There is a certain list of goods that are not subject to the general rule for an exchange within two weeks if it does not fit certain criteria. For example, in shape, style or configuration.
Products with fixed warranty period
In addition, the following products, which are included in the list of technically complex household products, which have a warranty period, cannot be returned or exchanged. This is:
- Consumer electronic devices.
- Household woodworking and metal cutting machines.
- Household multiplying and computing equipment.
- Electrical machines and appliances.
- Cinema and photographic equipment.
- Electric musical devices and instruments.
- Gas appliances and equipment.
- Telephones.
- Electronic toys.

Return procedure
Defective goods can be returned or exchanged while the manufacturer's warranty period is valid. This also applies to items that cannot be exchanged. If the warranty period of the goods is not set, the return can be carried out within two years after purchase.
If after the purchase there is any defect in the product, the buyer must contact the store with a claim in writing. After its consideration and verification, one of the following decisions should be made:
- Exchange of technically complex defective goods for a similar product of good quality.
- Revising the price of a product with a significant defect and lowering it, as well as paying the buyer the difference in cost.
- The seller can cancel the transaction for the purchase of low-quality goods and make a full refund to the consumer.
- Exchange of goods for another quality product with recalculation of the cost.
- Troubleshooting of goods by the seller at his expense. Repairs must be carried out within the period that is legally approved, otherwise pen alties and fines may be imposed on the seller.
It is up to the consumer to decide which option is preferable to choose. If the buyer wants to exchange some specific technically complex product of inadequate quality, and the desired product is not available, the store can provide it afterreceipts. If the seller violates the deadlines for the return, exchange or elimination of defects, he may be held liable. These issues must be taken very seriously. It's your rights and your money. Be careful.