How to call an ambulance from a cell phone? Have you ever asked this question? If not, then you're just lucky. Nevertheless, this article will be useful for you, and the information received can help you out in difficult times.
How to call an ambulance from a cell phone?
Let's start with the fact that there are several options for calling emergency services using a mobile phone. Moreover, for a certain telecom operator serving you, there will be an individual number. If you have a Beeline SIM card, then you will be able to call an ambulance from your cell phone by dialing the combination "003" + call key. Please note that all calls at any time to this and the following numbers will be free of charge. This is done specifically for the convenience of users. Also, in almost all devices, you can call emergency services, even if there is no SIM card. Select "Emergency Call" on your phone and make a call. How to call an ambulance from a cell phone? If you have a Megafon operator, then you needdial the combination "030" + call send key. Similar figures will have to be entered by the owners of SIM cards provided by MTS. And if you use the services of a cellular agency called "Tele 2", then you need to dial "03".
How do I call emergency services from my mobile phone?

Various situations happen in life, and sometimes you need help not only from ambulance specialists. Police, fire service, gas service - you can call all these emergency services from your mobile device. As in the above case, each telecom operator will have its own combination of numbers. We present to your attention a complete list of numbers that will help you out in a difficult situation. If you need police assistance, then:
- from operators "Megaphone" and "MTS" enter "020";
- from "Beeline" operator - "002";
- from "Tele-2" operator - "02".
After entering the numbers, do not forget to press the dial key. If you or your neighbors, friends, relatives have a gas leak, or there is a suspicion of it, then immediately call specialists who will drive up to you as soon as possible and figure out what is wrong. In this case, you need:
- from operators "Megaphone" and "MTS" enter "040";
- from "Beeline" operator - "004";
- from "Tele-2" operator - "04".
In the event of a fire, call the fire department as follows:
- from operators "Megafon" and "MTS" enter "010";
- from "Beeline" operator - "001";
- from "Tele-2" operator - "01".

Common emergency number
In addition to the fact that each mobile operator provides its own specific number to call all the necessary specialists, a single number has also been introduced, which is available for calls around the clock, and the call to which is also free of charge. This is the combination "112". If you are interested in the question "how to call an ambulance from a cell phone or contact the police", then, without hesitation, dial it. Better yet, put it in the phone book so that in an emergency, when memory can fail, dial it and get the help of the right people.