Telematic communication services - what is it? Rules for the provision of telematic communication services

Telematic communication services - what is it? Rules for the provision of telematic communication services
Telematic communication services - what is it? Rules for the provision of telematic communication services

Telematics is one of the rapidly developing areas of telecommunication services. Its prospects are also quite rosy and promising. In this article we will understand what it is - telematic communication services, services, and also what are the basic rules for their provision in the Russian Federation.

The concept of telematic communication services

Telematics, telematic services is a type of communication based on remote access to information. The exception is telephony, as it still requires intermediate data processing.

Today, telematic services (data communication services) are one of the fastest growing. In European countries, their market is increasing by 400% annually. In Russia, where telematics was first discovered in the early 2000s, the growth in the number of new operators is estimated at 30-50% per year.

what is telematic communication services
what is telematic communication services

Telematic services are used today in the technical, scientific, social sphere. All ways of receiving and storing information - from voice mail to distance higher education - are somehow connected with them.

Variety of applications for telematic services

Answering the question: "Telematic communication services - what is it?", Let's distinguish between segments of their application:

  • infosystems;
  • digital services (Internet, Internet TV, telephony);
  • remote control, service (scientific nanotechnology, medicine, auto industry).
rules for the provision of telematic communication services
rules for the provision of telematic communication services

The main directions for using such services are as follows:

  • robotics, nanotechnology;
  • navigation (Glonass, GPS);
  • management of equipment and data transmission in industrial and other corporate systems;
  • online learning, distance courses, lectures, consultations;
  • various Internet services (online services, website hosting);
  • IP-telephony, SMS services and services, voice mail, etc.

Telematic Services

TM (telematic) services - telecommunication services that transmit information through the networks of the latter. These do not include the telegraph, telephone communication, but such services can be called a voice messaging service, electronic messages, video and audio conferences, a facsimile service and other types of access to data stored in electronic form.

If we turn to history, then earlier under the provision of telematic communication services meant services that remotely control varieties of resources through communication networks. Today, TM is considered a question-and-answer interaction between a specific user and a specificservice according to the protocol. This includes an HTTP session with a server, sending/receiving POP3-IMAP4 email messages, and DNS domain name queries.

provision of telematic communication services
provision of telematic communication services

Operators of telematic communication services provide them by connecting their nodes to data transmission networks. For such activities, regulated by the Federal Law "On Communications", you need to obtain the appropriate license.

Terminology of the rules for the provision of TM services

The rules for the provision of telematic communication services are the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 575 (2007-10-09). The last edition touched it on February 3, 2006. Let's analyze the important concepts, the essence of which is revealed in this document:

  • subscriber - a person using telematic communication services on the basis of a paid agreement for their provision, having a unique identification code;
  • subscriber terminal - all software and hardware used by the subscriber when using TM services for receiving, transmitting, displaying and storing data contained in the information system;
  • subscriber interface - technological settings of parameters of physical networks, which are designed to connect subscriber equipment and the operator's data transmission communication node;
  • subscriber line - a network connecting user equipment with a communication center of a certain TM operator;
  • information system - all information contained in databases, as well as technical means and information technologies that ensure its processing;
  • exchange protocol - form alterms and conditions governing the requirements for electronic TM messages, as well as for the exchange of the latter;
  • network address - a unique number that is assigned to the subscriber terminal and other means of communication included in the information system;
  • tariff plan - price conditions assigned by the operator for the use of a certain telematic service;
  • ТМ electronic message - a telecommunication message with data structured according to the exchange protocol, which is supported by both the information system and the subscriber's terminal;
  • spam - a TM electronic message created for an indefinite circle of persons, sent from an unknown addresser to a subscriber, without the consent of the latter;
  • uniform pointer - a specific set of characters that identifies only one information system on the network.
telematic services communication services for data transmission
telematic services communication services for data transmission

All these concepts, dictated by law, one way or another help to understand the question: "Telematic communication services - what is it?"

Important provisions of the rules

At the very beginning of the above document, the most important general laws for both the subscriber and the operator are listed:

  • In the "subscriber-operator" relationship on the territory of the Russian Federation, only Russian is used.
  • The duty of the operator is to maintain the secrecy of subscribers' communications.
  • Data on the provided TM services to the subscriber should be available only to him personally or his authorized representatives. Third parties can learn this information only from a writtenconsent of the user or in cases specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Consent of the subscriber to the processing of his personal data as part of the calculation by the operator of accounts for the rendered TM services is not required.
  • The operator has the right to suspend the provision of TM services for the duration of unforeseen emergencies of various nature.
  • The operator is obliged to bring to his subscribers information about the emergency situation, rules of conduct, rescue plans in its conditions - all the information provided to him by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
  • Unless otherwise provided by contract or law, the operator must provide TM services around the clock.
  • The operator must have a user support center that can provide both paid and free reference services for subscribers.
  • Around the clock and without charging a fee, the operator must provide the following: information about the provided TM services, tariff plans, service areas; for a specific subscriber - the state of his personal account, receiving applications for technical network malfunctions, data on the settings of his terminal.
  • The agreement between the subscriber and the operator necessarily includes: information about the operator, details of its license, listing and description of the TM services provided to a particular user, conditions of the selected tariff plan, methods and procedure for payment, technical support center contacts, services, inextricably related to the basic, additional obligations of the operator.

Other provisions of the rules for the provision of TM services

The following information can also be found in the full text of the document:

  • terms of the contractual document between the operator and the subscriber, the procedure for its conclusion;
  • rules governing the execution of the terms of this agreement, the procedure for fulfilling its clauses;
  • payment form, payment procedure for TM services;
  • conditions governing the procedure for termination, modification, suspension (including temporary) of the contract;
  • claims: procedure for filing and consideration;
  • mutual responsibility of the operator and the subscriber.
telematic communication service operators
telematic communication service operators

TM services are thus one of the most sought after and fastest growing in the global market. Telematic communication services (what it is, we analyzed from different aspects) are regulated in our country by a set of strict rules that introduce certain responsibilities for both the operator and the subscriber.
