PocketBook 624: e-book reviews and features worth knowing

PocketBook 624: e-book reviews and features worth knowing
PocketBook 624: e-book reviews and features worth knowing

"Reader" PocketBook 624 Basic Touch is considered one of the first devices in the world in its class, which was implemented screen technology Film Touch. Its main feature is the use of an ultra-thin film made of durable plastic. The main effect here is to minimize the impact on the key properties of the screen matrix (brightness, contrast, viewing at large viewing angles, etc.). In addition, as many experts note, this film weighs very little, due to which, in fact, the device itself has become lighter.

PocketBook 624 reviews
PocketBook 624 reviews

Are the users who left reviews after receiving the experience of using the PocketBook 624 satisfied? Which features of the device appeal to them the most?


The front side of the body "reader" has a matte surface. It is made of plastic: depending on the modification of the gadget - white (PocketBook 624 White - reviews of this model characterize it as very successful) or gray.

The back of the case is black. Its material is glossy plastic. Despite the lack of obvious design frills, experts and users find the devicestylish, comfortable, designed in the spirit of modern minimalism. Regardless of the color scheme of a particular gadget model - White or PocketBook 624 Grey, the reviews about the design that users leave are very positive.

E-book PocketBook 624 reviews
E-book PocketBook 624 reviews


The device is controlled using four main buttons located just below the display. The gadget is turned on with a key located in the lower end of the case. Four buttons are endowed with a variety of functions: they can be used to "turn" virtual pages, to work with the menu, as well as to move between different windows of the interface.

You can also control the device using the touch screen. Despite the fact that this option is standard for devices of this type, experts and users who left feedback on the fact of studying PocketBook 624 speak of the quality of on-screen control only in a positive way.

As experts say, the display is very sensitive to touch, "multi-touch" works fine. In particular, you can easily change the font size in the book by making the appropriate "pinching" gesture on the screen. PocketBook 624 owners, whose reviews can be found on many specialized portals, generally share the positive assessment of experts regarding the quality of the screen.

PocketBook Touch 624 reviews
PocketBook Touch 624 reviews


The technical characteristics of the display also received positive feedback from the user and expert community. The screen size of the gadget is 6 inches. The resolution is relatively small - 800 x 600 pixels. However, as the owners of the device and experts note, this nuance does not predetermine any practical difficulties in the work. In their opinion, these indicators are optimal for such a gadget as the PocketBook 624 e-reader. Feedback from users and experts characterize the screen resolution as sufficient for comfortable reading of virtual literature.

In addition to the Film Touch coating, which we already mentioned at the very beginning, the screen has a number of other high-tech solutions (for example, the E-Ink Pearl concept, which provides the highest quality of the color gamut and picture detail). Both experts and users speak very positively about the screen of the device. The font in virtual books is rated as smooth, pleasing to the eye, neat.


"Reader" is equipped with a battery with a capacity of 1, 3 thousand mAh, which is an excellent indicator for devices of this type. The battery, according to experts who tested the device, is capable of providing battery life (with an average intensity of use) for about a week. If the gadget is not used very actively, the battery charge can last for a month and a half. Many users who left reviews after studying the capabilities of the PocketBook 624 managed to achieve similar results - both in the mode of intensive use of the device, and when monitoring it, without active use. The experts also note that battery performance is largely dependent on the intensityWi-Fi usage.

Working with books

There are several ways to download virtual literature into the "reader". First, you can connect the device to a PC via a USB cable. "Reader" is defined as an external flash drive. Many users of the PocketBook Touch 624, whose reviews are found on specialized portals, note that the structure of the device's disk directories is built logically, and it is convenient to use it. The reader, they note, is endowed with a useful function in the form of automatic recognition of file types in which virtual books are usually released.

PocketBook 624 Basic Touch reviews
PocketBook 624 Basic Touch reviews

Another option - you can download books via the Internet in specialized catalogs by going online through the Wi-Fi module. Both channels, as noted by users who have studied the functionality that the PocketBook 624 e-book is endowed with (reviews on specialized resources), work reliably.


The main element of the "reader" software interface is the menu on the main page. It displays books that have just been downloaded, as well as those that have been recently opened. It is possible to structure their display in the most convenient way for the user. Book titles, author names, cover (if available) are displayed. There is a convenient search function for the desired works. Among other useful applications pre-installed in the "reader" - an interface for viewing photos, a dictionary, an Internet browser, a planner, a note service, a calculator, several games. PocketBook Users624 Basic Touch, the reviews of which we have studied, call a large number of pre-installed programs an extremely positive feature of the device.

The owners of the reader have the opportunity to work with the popular "cloud" service Dropbox. All you need is to enter your username and password, after which the "reader" will create a disk space designed to synchronize files with the "cloud" via the Internet.

PocketBook 624 gray reviews
PocketBook 624 gray reviews

User reviews

What are the sentiments of users who have experienced the operation of the reader? What is the nature of the reviews left by the owners of PocketBook Touch 624? In general, the mood is positive. A lot of people are impressed by the democratic price of the device (5-6 thousand rubles, depending on the dealer).

The owners praise the device for its excellent screen quality, nice design, convenient control mechanism, a large number of pre-installed applications. Many users speak positively about the communication capabilities of the device, noting, in particular, the usefulness of synchronizing the "reader" with the Dropbox service.

Expert CVs

Just like many gadget owners, experts note the highest quality of the device's display, functionality, equipment with a large number of useful applications. Experts also praise the gadget for good controllability through the "touchscreen", the stability of communication interfaces - wired and Wi-Fi.

PocketBook 624 White reviews
PocketBook 624 White reviews

Also, a particularly positive response fromexperts caused the ability of the "reader" to recognize a very large number of file types. Many experts, as well as users, highly appreciate the quality of the body of the device and the elegant, concise, stylish design of the device.
