How to call MTS Russia operator in Crimea? Everything you need to know about mobile communications in Crimea

How to call MTS Russia operator in Crimea? Everything you need to know about mobile communications in Crimea
How to call MTS Russia operator in Crimea? Everything you need to know about mobile communications in Crimea

Mobile communication operator MTS provides customers with a huge list of services in Russia and abroad. Recently, network customers began to have a question: how to call the MTS Russia operator in Crimea? After all, Crimea used to belong to Ukraine, and today it is attached to Russia. Thus, payment for services was made in hryvnias, and all calls to Russia were charged as in roaming. It is worth considering all possible methods of communication with the operator.

Quick and easy mobile dialer

Who does not know how to call the MTS Russia operator in Crimea, can use the recommendations described below to quickly dial the support service from a mobile phone. To do this, you need to carry out a number of the following procedures:

  1. Dial short number 0890 on your phone and make a call. After that, the voice menu is activated, in which the robot acts as an assistant.
  2. Next, the informant will present a variety of promotions and tariffs. But how to call the operator of MTS Russia in the Crimea, so as not to listen to the machine? To do this, after connecting, press the number"0" and the call will be switched to a connection with a live MTS operator.
How to call the operator MTS Russia in Crimea
How to call the operator MTS Russia in Crimea

Of course, customers can listen to all the information that the machine offers, and then they will be offered to connect with a consultant, but this method is lengthy, and it is better to immediately press the number "0". It should be noted that before the connection occurs, the main topics will be presented to the client, so that an employee can be effectively selected for solving certain tasks.

All conversations are recorded for statistics and analysis, as well as for monitoring employees. Calls to a short number are not charged, so customers do not have to worry about their money.

Call from landline number

Who does not have the opportunity to use a mobile phone for dialing may not be upset, because there is a free number to communicate with a landline phone. How to call the MTS operator (Russia) in Crimea? The number to dial from a landline phone will look like this: 8 800 250 08 90. This call is not charged. Similar to the method described above, the client initially invokes a voice menu with an automatic informer. To transfer the connection to a consultant, you must press the "2" button, and then press "0" and wait for a response.

How to call the MTS Russia operator in Crimea
How to call the MTS Russia operator in Crimea

Number for corporate subscribers

How to call the MTS operator of Russia in the Crimea, it became clear, but corporate users will not be able to get throughthe numbers described. For such subscribers, there is another set. To do this, dial the number 8 800 250 09 90 on the phone. After that, you need to wait for an answer. Still not charged per call.

MTS Russia in Crimea how to call the operator number
MTS Russia in Crimea how to call the operator number

Call while roaming

It will be possible to call the MTS operator (Russia, Crimea) while in roaming by another number. It is used when the subscriber travels outside the country, for example to Ukraine. Often, when traveling around other countries, customers need advice or assistance on the provision of mobile services, in which case you need to call the number: +7 49 576 601 66.

Call the operator MTS Russia Crimea
Call the operator MTS Russia Crimea

Other communication methods

Having figured out how to call the MTS Russia operator in Crimea, you need to know a few more methods of communication with company employees. The list will provide alternative methods, because it is not always possible to get through to employees due to an overloaded line or for other reasons. Therefore, for communication is used:

  1. Feedback form on the website of the MTS operator. Having entered it, the subscriber will need to select a topic for contact from the presented list, then indicate contact details and enter the essence of the question or proposal. After a certain time, the employee will contact the client on his own, according to the data indicated in the questionnaire.
  2. Customers of MTS Russia may not always call the operator in the Crimea, whose number is indicated in the article. We are talking about those issues that you can solve on your own, for example, to find outdetails of calls, your tariff or connected services. To do this, you need to register in your personal account and get a password for authorization. After that, access to independent management and control over your number and all services will be opened. Additionally, subscribers in their personal account will be able to find an online chat, thanks to which they can correspond with a consultant and receive the necessary assistance.
  3. The last method, which is used in extreme cases, is a visit to the MTS branded communications salon. In the salon, subscribers will be able to get any help or advice, but to use this method, you will need a passport so that employees can identify the person.
How to call an operator on MTS Russia in Crimea
How to call an operator on MTS Russia in Crimea

Tariffs in Crimea

If the user does not know how to call the MTS operator (Russia) in Crimea, then initially you need to dial the help desk using the numbers above. It should be noted that in Crimea, after the inclusion of Russian communications, the only tariff plan called "Super MTS Crimea" works. In this regard, subscribers automatically no longer need to choose a tariff from a large list. Everything that different customers need is in just one offer. If we consider the tariff in more detail, we can see that Krasnodar numbers (+7978) work in Crimea. Who does not know how to call the operator on MTS (Russia) in the Crimea, you should use the country-wide number 8 800 250 08 90.

MTS Russia call the operator in the Crimea number
MTS Russia call the operator in the Crimea number

In addition, afterpurchase of a starter pack, each person can get information about the tariff, methods of communication with employees and other data, as they are presented on the back of the package from the starter pack.

The tariff itself includes:

  1. 20 free minutes for on-net calls.
  2. The ability to send and receive messages.
  3. Internet with 3G coverage.
  4. The ability to use additional options for the Internet and not only.

Customers can activate unlimited offers when free minutes are not enough. The cost of an additional service is 1.5 rubles / day, but payment will be charged only after the fact. To quickly order unlimited, you need to send a message by dialing 111, and specify the code 868 in the body of the letter. In addition, you can use the service request 111868 and the call button. After connecting, users receive confirmation in the form of a message, and the connection takes up to 15 minutes, less often up to a day.


The article presents the main points of mobile communications in the Crimea, as well as detailed information on how to call the MTS operator of Russia in the Crimea. It is precisely this information that MTS subscribers who reside on the peninsula need to know today. It should be remembered that it is not always necessary to call employees, because it takes quite a lot of time. Many questions can be solved independently. For this, the MTS website, personal account and even the My MTS mobile application are used. A support service with automaticinformant, which is activated by calling 0890 for mobile phones and 8 800 250 08 90 from landlines.
