Goddess of YouTube, or Who is Katya Klep?

Goddess of YouTube, or Who is Katya Klep?
Goddess of YouTube, or Who is Katya Klep?

Yearly, millions of video bloggers are added to YouTube video hosting, hungry for fame and stable income. Sources of inspiration for the "new arrivals" are the stories of those who managed to win the hearts of numerous viewers, make a name for themselves, earn money, gaining popularity and love of the people.

Katya Klep is one of the venerable YouTube stars whose successful career is worthy of envy and admiration. The young video blogger is called the “Goddess of YouTube”, she is adored by millions of fans, competitors and detractors pour mud on her, her name is on the lips of many teenagers, her biography is filled with many conflicting rumors and unflattering reviews. So who is Katya Klep: a bright, outstanding personality or an infantile clown girl?

YouTube Goddess First Steps

Kate Clapp was born on May 19, 1993 in Moscow. The girl's father is a mechanic, her mother is an interior designer. The future star studied at the Moscow Secondary School No. 1122. Being a schoolgirl, the girlran a print blog, was fond of photography and filming, studied the history and ways to make money on YouTube. Inspired by the success of well-known bloggers, Katya Klep (real name - Ekaterina Trofimova) decided to create her own channel and started developing a future video blog.

who is katya clap
who is katya clap

In 2010, a 16-year-old girl made her dream come true by shooting the first video together with a friend called "Polliter Mouse". The first pancake, of course, came out lumpy - the video turned out to be uninteresting and meaningless. But the purposeful Katya stubbornly moved forward, continuing to post one video after another on YouTube, which gradually began to gain huge momentum in popularity.

Deserved success and fame

It is unlikely that now among teenagers and young people there is a person who does not know who Katya Klep is. Of course, her name is familiar to many, but the biography of the young Runet star is not known to everyone. Comedy sketches, vlogs (video recordings), the girl's video diaries are filled with positive emotions, sparkling jokes, humorous reflections and Katya's funny antics.

Usual at first a video blog with ordinary clownery of two girls, Katya Klap then turned into an author's sketch show. A talented girl not only parodies celebrities and talks about everything that interests young people (reviews of books, films, confidential conversations, advice, shots of her growing up, travels, etc.), but also transforms into various images, raps and plays skits. Videos are released once a week and are estimated by millions of views. The well-known blogger Katya Klep is developing the script, acting, editing and directing videos herself, professionally changing shots, adding rhythm and overlaying sound.

katya clap photo
katya clap photo


Currently Katya has two channels: FoggyDisaster and TheKateClapp. The main channel - FoggyDisaster - was registered on August 20, 2008 and contains comedy sketches, musical parodies of stars, movie and book reviews, interactive games, personal life shots, generously seasoned with humor, enthusiasm and positive, which is endowed with an abundance of extraordinary YouTube star. The channel has over 1 million subscribers and about 70 million views.

The second channel - TheKateClapp - was created on December 6, 2010 and collected over 1 million 600 thousand subscribers and 139 million views as of July 2014. Here Katya uploads videos about her travels, trips to various events, answers questions from fans and fulfills their requests and wishes (more on that below).

A distinctive feature of the girl's videos is her goodwill, optimism, love for people, self-irony and modesty. Despite the resounding success at such a young age, Katya managed to retain her best features. She tries to put a certain meaning into each video: humanity, respect for elders, love for animals, questions of self-realization.

katya clap real name
katya clap real name

And so the answer to the question "Who is Katya Klep?" unequivocal: this is a multifaceted, talented person, eager to make the world a little better through propagandagood mood and true human values. This explains her huge popularity.

Special about the sketch show "Challenge Accepted"

One of the interesting creative directions of the video blogger is the "Challenge Accepted" segment. The essence of the issue is that the girl fulfills the strange and sometimes ridiculous requests of her subscribers: she eats lemons, hot peppers, puts on makeup without a mirror, draws herself with her eyes closed, wraps herself in a carpet, chews a box of chewing gum and so on. Moreover, she performs all these actions with her inherent enthusiasm and positive, not forgetting to end the next videos with the phrase loved by everyone: “Stay as positive and creative, all the best to you!”

How much does Kate Clapp earn?

Katya's profile states that she is a YouTube Professional Partner. It follows from this that the girl not only shoots videos, but also makes good money on them, receiving regular deductions from video hosting. Many fans of the star are interested in how much Katya Klep earns, whose photos are increasingly appearing on the covers of fashion glossy magazines and on the Internet?

blogger katya clap
blogger katya clap

According to some reports, the income of the “Goddess of YouTube” varies from 5 to 40 thousand dollars a month, and this is income from only two YouTube channels, not counting accounts on Twitter and Contact. Katya receives many offers to advertise this or that product, but so far she refuses, explaining this by the fact that she perceives blogging as a hobby rather than a job. Now the girl is studying at the Institute of Contemporary Artat the faculty of directing, dreams of taking a selfie with Putin and becoming an architect.

Thus, each YouTube user has the right to answer the question in his own way, who is Katya Klep: a multifaceted, creative person who aims to make the world brighter, happier and more positive, or is she an infantile comedian who clogs the Internet? In any case, the young star deserves a standing ovation and admiration for having achieved unthinkable heights in her favorite business at the age of 21, became famous throughout Runet and managed to overcome teenage complexes by creating one of the most popular and viewed video blogs.
